Checking the Facts With Your Senses PTSD Worksheet

Learn how to use the Checking the Facts With Your Senses PTSD Worksheet effectively, when to use it, and its benefits. Plus, get a free PDF download!

By Olivia Sayson on Jul 02, 2024.


Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

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What is Trauma and PTSD?

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that can develop after an individual experiences a traumatic event. Trauma encompasses a wide range of experiences, such as exposure to emotionally or physically harmful events, life-threatening situations, or circumstances that impact an individual's mental, physical, social, and spiritual well-being.

These traumatic events can take various forms, including natural disasters, serious accidents, acts of terrorism, combat in war zones, instances of sexual assault or rape, historical traumas, intimate partner violence, and bullying.

While PTSD was historically associated with combat veterans, it can affect anyone, regardless of ethnicity, nationality, culture, or age. Approximately 3.5 percent of adults in the United States experience PTSD each year.

PTSD is characterized by intense and distressing thoughts and emotions related to the traumatic experience. One common symptom associated with PTSD is derealization, where individuals may feel disconnected from reality, which can further exacerbate their emotional distress. For more comprehensive information on PTSD, you can refer to this valuable resource.

Printable Checking the Facts With Your Senses PTSD Worksheet

Download this Checking the Facts With Your Senses PTSD Worksheet to help clients manage their PTSD symptoms.

How to use the Checking the Facts With Your Senses PTSD Worksheet:

Checking the Facts With Your Senses PTSD Worksheet can help individuals cope with PTSD symptoms. Here's a detailed breakdown of the steps involved:

Step 1: Get Ready

Start by having the worksheet and a pen or pencil handy. Find a quiet place where you won't be disturbed.

Step 2: Self-Check

Begin by filling in the worksheet's first section with the date, time, location, and your current emotions. If something triggered your feelings, write that down, too.

Step 3: Use Your Senses

Engage your senses to help you stay in the present. Look around and describe three things you see. Listen for and write down three sounds. Pay attention to what you're touching, and note if you have something to taste or any smells around you.

Step 4: Ground Yourself

Choose three grounding statements from the list or make up your own. These statements remind you that you're safe and in the present moment.

Step 5: Reflect and Cope

Take a moment to think about how you feel now compared to when you started the worksheet. If you're still struggling, write down additional ways to cope. Also, list people you can reach out to for support, like friends, family, or a therapist.

Checking the Facts With Your Senses PTSD Worksheet Example

As a practitioner, you'll follow expert exercises to help clients identify triggers, engage their senses, analyze sensations, challenge distorted thoughts, and track progress. Checking the Facts With Your Senses PTSD Worksheet PDF empowers clients to confront PTSD symptoms effectively. It includes a practical example for clarity. 

Download this Checking the Facts With Your Senses PTSD Worksheet Example:

Checking the Facts With Your Senses PTSD Worksheet Example

When to use the Checking the Facts With Your Senses PTSD Worksheet:

The Checking the Facts With Your Senses PTSD Worksheet is applicable in various scenarios. It becomes particularly invaluable when individuals are immersed in overwhelming and distressing emotions connected to traumatic memories, offering a structured path to regain clarity and relief. 

This tool is a stabilizing anchor for those experiencing derealization or detachment from reality, grounding them in the present moment. Additionally, when individuals seek to enhance their control over emotional responses, especially when confronted with PTSD-related triggers, this worksheet provides a supportive framework for their journey. 

Beyond individual use, mental health professionals, including therapists and counselors, can incorporate this worksheet into therapy sessions to assist their clients in managing and mitigating the symptoms of PTSD effectively.

Benefits of Using the Checking the Facts With Your Senses PTSD Worksheet:

With our free Checking the Facts With Your Senses PTSD Worksheet, you can have a multitude of advantages:

Enhanced Self-Awareness

This comprehensive worksheet actively encourages individuals to heighten their self-awareness by developing a heightened sensitivity to their sensory experiences and corresponding emotional responses.

Strengthened Coping Skills

Equipped with practical tools, individuals can effectively navigate and manage distressing emotions and thoughts, ultimately fortifying their coping skills.

Improved Emotional Regulation

Through the active process of challenging cognitive distortions provided by this worksheet, users can make significant strides in enhancing their emotional regulation, affording them greater control over their responses to triggering stimuli.


Engaging with this worksheet empowers individuals to assume an active role in their healing journey, fostering a profound sense of empowerment and ownership over their mental well-being.

Ongoing Progress Monitoring

The worksheet's built-in mechanism for regular visitations enables users to diligently monitor and measure their progress over time, offering tangible and encouraging evidence of their remarkable journey toward healing.

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How long does it normally take to accomplish the Checking the Facts With Your Senses PTSD Worksheet?
How long does it normally take to accomplish the Checking the Facts With Your Senses PTSD Worksheet?

Commonly asked questions

How long does it normally take to accomplish the Checking the Facts With Your Senses PTSD Worksheet?

Completion time varies from person to person. Some individuals may finish it in a single session, while others may opt for multiple sessions to address their needs thoroughly.

How can the Checking the Facts With Your Senses PTSD Worksheet help?

This worksheet offers valuable support by grounding individuals in the present moment, challenging distorted thought patterns, and aiding in managing overwhelming emotions associated with PTSD.

When is this Checking the Facts With Your Senses PTSD Worksheet best used?

It is best used when individuals are experiencing heightened emotions or feeling disconnected from reality due to PTSD.

Who can use the Checking the Facts With Your Senses PTSD Worksheet?

The versatility of this worksheet extends its benefits to anyone grappling with PTSD, whether under the guidance of a mental health professional or independently. It serves as a valuable tool for both self-help and therapeutic purposes.

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