CBT Worksheet for Anxiety

Use our free printable CBT anxiety worksheets PDF to effectively manage your anxiety and learn how to challenge your negative thoughts.

By Wynona Jugueta on Jul 17, 2024.


Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

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CBT Worksheet for Anxiety PDF Example
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What Is A CBT Worksheet For Anxiety?

CBT worksheets for anxiety are tools used in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) to help individuals identify and challenge negative thoughts and behaviors that contribute to their anxiety. These worksheets are intended to assist people in recognizing and changing negative thought patterns, as well as developing healthier coping strategies.

CBT worksheets for anxiety are commonly used in conjunction with therapy sessions to assist patients in practicing new skills outside of the session. These worksheets can also be used as a stand-alone resource for those who are unable to attend therapy sessions or as an adjunct to other types of treatment.

Using CBT worksheets for anxiety can help you manage your symptoms and improve your overall mental health. Individuals can use the worksheet to gain a better understanding of their thoughts and emotions, create a plan of action to manage anxiety, and track their progress over time. These worksheets can also be used to identify triggers and assist individuals in developing coping strategies to deal with stressful situations.

These worksheets are truly a valuable resource for anyone looking to improve their mental health and reduce the impact of anxiety in their daily lives.

How To Use This CBT worksheet For Anxiety

Step 1: Identify the triggering situation that causes anxiety.

The first step in using this worksheet is identifying the situation or event that causes your anxiety. It could be a specific social event, an upcoming test, or even a general fear that you have on a regular basis. Make a short description of the situation.

Step 2: Rate your anxiety level on a scale of 1-10.

Next, rate your level of anxiety on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest. As you work through the worksheet, this will help you understand the intensity of your anxiety and track your progress.

Step 3: Identify negative thoughts that contribute to your anxiety.

Think about the negative thoughts that arise when you encounter the triggering situation. These thoughts frequently contribute to your anxious feelings. Write them down as precisely as possible.

Step 4: Write down the emotions you feel in response to your thoughts.

Identify the emotions you experience in response to your negative thoughts. You might feel scared, nervous, or overwhelmed, for example. Make a detailed record of your emotions.

Step 5: List the specific behaviors you exhibit in response to your anxious thoughts and emotions.

Identify the specific behaviors that occur in response to your anxious thoughts and emotions. This could include completely avoiding the situation, engaging in compulsive behaviors, or experiencing physical symptoms like sweating or shaking. Make a detailed note of these behaviors.

Step 6: Challenge negative beliefs.

Now, challenge your negative beliefs by thinking of more realistic alternatives. These thoughts should call into question any negative beliefs you have about yourself or the situation. Make a detailed list of them.

Step 7: List the emotions you would like to experience in response to the situation.

Identify the emotions you want to feel in response to the situation. These may include feelings of calm, confidence, or relaxation. Make a detailed list of them.

Step 8: Identify healthy and constructive behaviors to exhibit in response to your alternative thoughts and emotions.

Make a list of the healthy and constructive behaviors you want to exhibit in response to your opposing thoughts and emotions. These actions should assist you in dealing with the situation in a healthy and constructive manner. Make a detailed note of these behaviors.

Step 9: Develop a plan of action to manage your anxiety and achieve your goals.

Finally, create a strategy for dealing with your anxiety in this situation. Make a list of the specific steps you'll take to deal with your anxiety and achieve your goals. This plan should include the alternative thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that you identified in the worksheet. Maintain your plan and refer to it as needed.

Who Can Use these Printable CBT Worksheets For Anxiety (PDF)?

Individuals seeking to manage their anxiety symptoms on their own can use CBT worksheets for anxiety.

These worksheets are also commonly used by mental health professionals such as therapists, counselors, and psychologists. They can use these worksheets in their therapy sessions with clients or assign them as homework to help their clients continue their progress outside of therapy.

More healthcare professionals such as psychiatrists and primary care physicians may also use CBT worksheets for anxiety as part of their patient's treatment plans. These worksheets can be a useful resource for patients who want to manage their anxiety symptoms and gain a better understanding of how their thoughts and behaviors affect their mental health.

CBT worksheets for anxiety can also help parents, teachers, and school counselors educate their children and students on how to manage their anxiety symptoms. The worksheets can be customized for various age groups and used in a variety of settings, including classrooms and counseling offices.

Overall, anxiety CBT worksheets are a valuable resource for anyone seeking to understand their anxiety symptoms and improve their mental health. They are versatile and effective tools in the field of mental health because they can be used in a variety of settings and by a variety of professionals.

Why Is This Form Useful For Therapists?

Therapists can incorporate CBT worksheets for anxiety into their clients' treatment plans. CBT is a well-known and effective method of treating anxiety disorders. These worksheets can assist therapists in the following areas:

  • Teach clients the relationship between their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
  • Determine whether you have negative or irrational thoughts that are contributing to your anxiety symptoms.
  • Create alternate, more realistic thoughts that can aid in the reduction of anxiety symptoms.
  • Use relaxation and mindfulness techniques to help you relax.
  • Encourage clients to participate in activities that they enjoy and that will help them to forget about their anxious thoughts and feelings.
  • Track progress and identify areas that may require additional therapy.
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Benefits of CBT Worksheets For Anxiety Template

Using CBT worksheets for anxiety can have a range of benefits, including:

Increased self-awareness

Individuals can gain a better understanding of their anxiety and how it affects them by identifying and reflecting on their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.


By providing individuals with practical tools and strategies for managing their symptoms, the worksheets can help them feel more in control of their anxiety.


Worksheets can assist individuals in tracking their progress over time and identifying areas that may require additional attention or work.


CBT worksheets are adaptable to different situations and individuals, making them a versatile tool for anxiety management.


Individuals who are uncomfortable sharing their anxiety with others may find CBT worksheets to be a private and confidential way to work on their anxiety.

Improved coping skills

CBT worksheets can assist individuals in developing healthier coping mechanisms for managing anxiety, rather than relying on negative coping strategies that may exacerbate symptoms.

Reduced symptoms

By using CBT worksheets on a regular basis, individuals can gradually reduce the severity and frequency of their anxiety symptoms.


CBT worksheets are a less expensive alternative to traditional therapy because they can be accessed and completed at home, eliminating the need for costly sessions with a therapist.

Increased motivation

The worksheets can help individuals feel more motivated to take action towards managing their anxiety, as they provide a clear plan of action and achievable goals.

Improved communication

When used in conjunction with a therapist, CBT worksheets can help to improve communication between the individual and the therapist, as they provide a common language and framework for discussing anxiety symptoms and treatment strategies.

What is a CBT Worksheets For Anxiety?
What is a CBT Worksheets For Anxiety?

Commonly asked questions

What is a CBT Worksheets For Anxiety?

CBT worksheets for anxiety are resources that are designed to help individuals manage their anxiety symptoms using cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) techniques. These worksheets usually include prompts or questions to help individuals identify their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors related to their anxiety and develop alternative, more realistic ways of thinking and behaving.

When to use CBT Worksheets For Anxiety?

People can use these worksheets whenever they are experiencing anxiety symptoms, such as excessive worry, fear, or nervousness. They can be used in a variety of settings, such as therapy sessions, classrooms, or at home.

How do I write CBT Worksheets For Anxiety?

CBT worksheets for anxiety are usually created by mental health professionals or adapted from existing resources. They include prompts or questions to help people identify their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors related to their anxiety and develop alternative ways of thinking and behaving.

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