Anxiety Tracker

Use an anxiety tracker to track one’s mood fluctuations, identify patterns, and determine whether one’s strategy or medication helps one manage their condition. 

By Patricia Buenaventura on Jul 02, 2024.


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What is an Anxiety Tracker?

An anxiety chart or tracker is a document that clients and practitioners can use to track one’s mood fluctuations and check if there are any patterns to the changes. Generally, anxiety trackers can look different depending on the practitioner who provides them or the patient who creates them from scratch. In fact, anxiety trackers nowadays come in the form of accessible apps that one can download.

If you’re a therapist caring for a patient who will benefit from having an anxiety tracker and don’t want to start from scratch or download a separate application, we have the template just for you.

Our template contains a chart wherein the patient will write down the answers to the following:

  • Date, day, and time
  • The situation that made them anxious
  • What they were thinking or feeling during that situation
  • Any coping mechanisms they tried, if any
  • How they felt after using said coping mechanisms

However, if the questions are lacking or you plan on asking them to track over a longer period, you can customize it further by adding or removing rows and columns until it satisfies your needs.

Think you want a copy to use? Please proceed to the next section for more information on downloading and using our anxiety tracker template.

If you want to find out more about treating patients wit h anxiety, have a look at our video on an Anxiety and Depression Assessment:

Printable Anxiety Tracker

Download this Anxiety Tracker to help patients monitor and manage feelings of anxiety.

How does it work?

Step One. Access the Template

To access and download a copy of our printable anxiety trackers, you can either:

Step Two. Explain the Tracker to the Client

Since our template mainly consists of empty boxes where patients can write the answers to the questions, we recommend that you explain to your client when and how to fill out the boxes in a way that’ll help you and them. 

Step Three. Fill-out the Tracker 

Give your client a copy of the tracker to your client so they can write down their answers. If they are in-patients who can’t write down their answers, you can ask the practitioners caring for them to write down what the client says verbally.

Step Four. Process the Answers with the Client

Once the worksheet is complete, you must review and process their answers with the client during your next session. We will leave it up to you how you will process the answers on the template with your client. 

Step Five. Securely Store

After the session, remember to store the worksheet and notes you wrote in a secure physical location or a HIPAA-compliant EHR like Carepatron.

Anxiety Trackers Example (sample)

Here’s an example of a filled-out Anxiety Trackers PDF template. This will give you an idea of how this assessment may look when completed. 

You can use an offline copy as a reference in the future by clicking the sample below or the “Download Example PDF” button above.

Download this Anxiety Tracker Example:

Anxiety Trackers Example (sample)

When would you use this Template?

Your client, who the anxiety tracker template is designed for, can use it whenever they feel anxious. It’s ideal if they use it after an anxiety attack so they can focus on managing their thoughts and feelings while they have the attack and write and elaborate upon what happened during the attack. 

On the other hand, you, the therapist caring for the client, will benefit more from a filled-out anxiety tracker template. However, if you’re deciding which patients to give an empty copy to, here’s a list of situations where it may be beneficial to see the changes in a patient’s mood:

  • When they’re experiencing or exhibiting panic disorder symptoms
  • When they’re taking medications for their anxiety
  • When they haven’t identified their triggers
  • When you and the client are coming up with coping techniques 
  • When they’re figuring out which aspects of their life are affected by their change in mood
  • When they’re undergoing a massive change or major life event
  • When they feel like writing down their thoughts and feelings will help give them a sense of peace or control


Establish Baselines for Comparison Later On

If our template is given to a patient who hasn’t been diagnosed or provided with a treatment plan, the first tracker they will fill out can be used as a baseline by the therapist in charge. 

Tracking Progress

In connection to the benefit above, the following trackers that the patient will fill out or trackers that patients in the middle of a treatment plan can be used as evidence of whether or not a specific therapy or medication is working. 


For certain clients, seeing the positive changes or progress they’re making while receiving treatment or the effectiveness of their chosen coping mechanisms can make them feel empowered to continue their treatment plan. 

Fully Digital and Accessible

Since our free anxiety tracker template is entirely digital, you can download, access, and share it with your client on any gadget and vice versa. Aside from that, your client can fill them out on a local PDF editor or Carepatron. After your session, you don’t have to worry about storage if you plan to keep it as a digital file because you can save it on Carepatron, a HIPAA-compliant EHR where you can store documents.

Therapy software positive feedback

Research & Evidence

Therapists are well aware of the benefits of having their clients track the changes in their mood because of experience. And having a document so the client doesn’t forget anything important is just as helpful. However, as time passes, clients and therapists have gone from plain, empty pieces of paper to well-designed templates and apps with trackers, like an anxiety tracker, that can help them record and track their emotions efficiently. 

A study of mobile apps for mood tracking by Caldeira, Checn, Chan, et al. proves the usefulness of a ready-to-use digital tracker. The researchers found that “users utilize mood tracking to learn about their mood patterns, improve their mood, and self-manage their mental illnesses.” In addition to that, they say that the users “not only tracked the data for themselves but also used the data to communicate with their healthcare providers . . .”

As seen in the study above, both clients and therapists will find using trackers to be no doubt useful. And though the study only proves a mobile app tracker’s effectiveness, it’s safe to say that digital trackers, no matter what form, will be useful for both therapist and client only if the client is diligent enough to write down any changes or progress before, during, and after treatment.

Why use Carepatron as your Anxiety Tracker app?

Now that you’ve finished this guide, you may only know Carepatron as the app where you obtain, edit, and store a copy of the Anxiety Tracker app template. However, it’s so much more than that. It’s an EMR/EHR software where you can fill out your Anxiety Tracker and find the means and tools to help you improve your productivity and efficiency. 

Download Carepatron’s desktop or mobile application, and you’ll see that you can do the following:

  • Customize, download, and print over 700 PDF templates of medical documents like guides, assessments, tests, and surveys
  • Create, scan, and upload personal documents and custom templates you can’t find in our library
  • Store your digital notes and client’s medical records in our secure, HIPAA-compliant system
  • Schedule and sync appointments with the integrated calendar functionality
  • Conduct teleconsultation sessions with integrated video call solutions
  • Set up an automated payment system for your client and more!

Don’t miss out on the chance to streamline processes and automate administrative tasks by signing up on Carepatron today!

Therapy software benefit


Caldeira, C., Chen, Y., Chan, L., Pham, V., Chen, Y., & Zheng, K. (2018). Mobile apps for mood tracking: an analysis of features and user reviews. AMIA ... Annual Symposium proceedings. AMIA Symposium, 2017, 495–504.

Who uses Anxiety Tracker?
Who uses Anxiety Tracker?

Commonly asked questions

Who uses Anxiety Tracker?

Clients who want or are recommended to track mood changes will most likely benefit from a blank anxiety tracker. Meanwhile, therapists will most likely find a filled-out anxiety tracker template helpful.

When do you use Anxiety Tracker?

Ideally, a client who experiences anxiety attacks uses the template after the attack. On the other hand, therapists can use their client’s filled-out anxiety tracker during their sessions with the client. 

Refer to the “When would you use this Template?” section above for more specific examples.

How is the Anxiety Tracker used?

Clients can use it as a diary, while therapists can use it as a guide or reference when helping their patient, diagnosing, formulating a treatment plan, or checking the effectiveness of an existing therapy treatment or medication.

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