Alignment Chart

Uncover your moral and ethical alignment using the Alignment Chart Test. Explore your core values and character traits today.

By Joshua Napilay on Jul 02, 2024.


Fact Checked by RJ Gumban.

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What is an Alignment Chart Test?

Alignment chart tests are questionnaires designed to evaluate an individual's moral and ethical values. These assessments are frequently employed in role-playing games such as Dungeons & Dragons, where they aid players in crafting and evolving their characters. Nevertheless, these tests can also prove invaluable for introspection and personal development.

The alignment chart is a two-dimensional framework delineating two distinct axes: the conflict between good and evil and the balance between lawful and chaotic tendencies. Within this paradigm, good characters epitomize altruism and a concern for the welfare of others, while evil characters exhibit selfish and destructive traits. Lawful individuals prioritize order and tradition, contrasting with chaotic personalities who prize personal freedom and individualism.

This chart comprises nine unique alignments based on the interplay of these axes. Lawful good characters exemplify virtuous paragons who uphold the law and safeguard innocence. Neutral good personas, though fundamentally good, exhibit a greater willingness to adapt or even bend rules when necessary. Chaotic good characters, while also good-hearted, display rebellious and independent streaks and may transgress laws to achieve their moral objectives.

Lawful, neutral individuals value order and tradition, even if it harms others. True neutral characters are impartial and make decisions based on personal interests.

Chaotic neutral figures are unpredictable and unruly. Lawful evil personas manipulate the law to further their hateful agendas. Neutral evil characters embrace wickedness and engage in criminal activities to achieve their goals. Chaotic evil individuals derive pleasure from inflicting pain and suffering.

Alignment chart tests are a fun way to gain insights into one's values and beliefs. However, it's important to remember that they simplify human morality, and people are inherently complex.

To understand Alignment Chart Tests better, watch this explainer video:

Printable Alignment Chart

Download this Alignment Chart to evaluate an individual's moral and ethical values.

How Does it Work?

Step 1: Access the Test

Access the Alignment Chart. It is available both on this page and through Carepatron's resources library.

Step 2: Understand the Axes

Familiarize yourself with the two primary axes: good vs. evil and lawful vs. chaotic. Understand the traits associated with each alignment category.

Step 3: Begin the Test

Start the test by answering questions, scenarios, or prompts. These questions are designed to gauge your values and beliefs.

Step 4: Consider Your Choices

Reflect on each question carefully and select the response that aligns most closely with your beliefs, values, and attitudes.

Step 5: Answer Honestly

Be truthful in your responses. Alignment Chart Tests rely on your genuine opinions to accurately determine your alignment.

Step 6: Complete the Test

Continue answering questions until you have completed the entire test. The number of questions may vary depending on the specific test you are taking.

Step 7: Score and Interpretation

The test will typically include a scoring mechanism that calculates your alignment based on your responses. It may present your alignment as a combination of two alignments, such as "Lawful Good" or "Neutral Evil."

Step 8: Review the Result

Once you receive your alignment result, read the description associated with it. This will provide insights into your moral and ethical tendencies.

Step 9: Personal Reflection

Consider what your alignment says about your values and character. Reflect on how this newfound insight can be applied to personal growth or character development in role-playing games.

Step 10: Printable Alignment Chart

Some tests may offer a printable alignment chart that you can use to visualize your alignment or share it with others.

Step 11: Application

Apply your alignment understanding to role-playing games, storytelling, or personal decision-making, considering how your character or choices align with your identified moral and ethical values.

Alignment Chart Test Example (sample)

A sample Alignment Chart Test can be a set of thought-provoking scenarios and questions to assess an individual's moral and ethical inclinations. These tests typically come in various formats, including downloadable Alignment Chart Test PDFs or online quizzes.

In such a sample, participants are presented with hypothetical situations and asked to choose from responses that align with moral and ethical principles. For instance, answers may be categorized into options representing altruism, self-interest, adherence to rules, or a preference for personal freedom.

After answering the questions, the test analyzes the cumulative responses and assigns an alignment based on where the participant's choices fall on the good-evil and lawful-chaotic axes. This alignment can provide insight into one's moral character and ethical values, helping individuals understand their tendencies and how they might approach dilemmas in real-life situations or within the context of role-playing games like Dungeons & Dragons.

Download this Alignment Chart Example:

Alignment Chart Test Example (sample)

When Would you use this Test?

The Alignment Chart Test is used when understanding one's moral and ethical orientation is relevant and valuable. Here are critical instances when it is appropriate to use this resource:

  • Character Creation in Role-Playing Games: Gamers use the Alignment Chart Test to create characters for role-playing games like Dungeons & Dragons. It helps players define their character's moral code and behavior, ensuring alignment with the game's narrative and world.
  • Personal Growth and Self-Reflection: Individuals use the test to self-reflect and explore their moral values and decision-making processes. It is appropriate when seeking more profound insights into one's character and personal development.
  • Therapy and Counseling Sessions: Therapists and counselors utilize Alignment Chart Tests in therapy sessions as a tool for clients to delve into their ethical beliefs. It is employed when clients want to understand better their value systems and how they affect their choices.
  • Team Building and Leadership Development: Facilitators of team-building workshops or leadership training sessions opt for this resource to promote self-awareness and mutual understanding among participants. It's relevant when fostering better communication and collaboration within groups.
  • Character Development in Fiction Writing: Authors and screenwriters turn to the test when crafting fictional characters with distinct moral compasses. It is used when creating well-rounded and morally complex characters for stories.
  • Ethics Education and Discussions: Educators and trainers use Alignment Chart Tests in educational settings or workplace ethics training to initiate discussions about ethical dilemmas and various approaches to moral decision-making. It's appropriate for stimulating conversations on ethical matters.
  • Conflict Resolution and Mediation: Mediators employ this resource to understand the moral motivations driving disputes in conflict resolution contexts. It's relevant to navigate conflicts by recognizing underlying values and perspectives.

What do the Results Mean?

The Alignment Chart Test categorizes individuals into one of nine alignments based on their moral and ethical alignment. It uses a two-dimensional grid to represent good vs. evil and lawful vs. chaotic tendencies. Here are the expected results and their meanings:

  • Lawful Good: These individuals are virtuous and prioritize upholding the law and safeguarding the well-being of others. A strong sense of duty and justice drives them.
  • Neutral Good: Neutral Good individuals are altruistic but more adaptable and willing to bend the rules if they serve the greater good. They emphasize kindness and helping others.
  • Chaotic Good: These individuals prioritize freedom and justice, even if it means breaking societal norms or laws.
  • Lawful Neutral: Order and tradition are a priority for this alignment. They follow established rules without a moral agenda and value structure and organization.
  • True Neutral: True Neutral individuals are indifferent to concepts of good and evil, order, and chaos. They make decisions based on personal interests, often taking a pragmatic approach that doesn't lean toward extremes.
  • Chaotic Neutral: Chaotic Neutral individuals are unpredictable and driven by personal desires. They may act self-serving or anarchic, with no firm commitment to good or evil. Momentary whims guide their actions.
  • Lawful Evil: Individuals employ the law to further their malevolent goals. They may exploit their authority within structured systems, such as becoming tyrants or manipulative figures.
  • Neutral Evil: Neutral Evil characters are motivated by self-interest and personal gain. Unconstrained by law or tradition, they engage in morally reprehensible actions to achieve their objectives.
  • Chaotic Evil: The most vicious alignment, Chaotic Evil individuals take pleasure in causing harm and suffering. They exhibit sadistic and destructive tendencies, disregarding law, order, or the well-being of others.

Alignment Chart Test results simplify human morality and offer insights into an individual's moral inclinations and ethical values.

Research & Evidence

The Alignment Chart Test, as a concept, has its roots in the world of tabletop role-playing games (RPGs), particularly in the popular game Dungeons & Dragons (D&D). It was first introduced as a game mechanic in the original D&D rule books published in the early 1970s by Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. The alignment system was designed to help players define their characters' moral and ethical inclinations, influencing how they interacted with the game world and other surfaces.

The concept of character alignment drew inspiration from various sources, including literature, mythology, and psychology. Gygax and Arneson were influenced by the works of authors like Michael Moorcock, who used alignment as a central theme in his fantasy novels. Additionally, they incorporated elements of moral philosophy and psychology, such as the ideas of Carl Jung, to create a framework for character development in the game.

Over the years, alignment in D&D and similar RPGs has evolved and been refined through various game editions. It has become a fundamental aspect of character creation and storytelling in the RPG genre.

While the Alignment Chart Test may not have a long history as a standalone psychological tool, its use as a game mechanic and a means of character development in RPGs has been well-documented in the gaming community. Many RPG sourcebooks and guides explain alignment and its implications for gameplay and storytelling.

Regarding formal research and evidence, the Alignment Chart Test is primarily a tool for self-reflection, character creation, and storytelling within the context of RPGs. As such, it falls more within the realm of recreational and creative use rather than being a subject of rigorous academic research. The evidence supporting its use is mainly anecdotal, based on the experiences and preferences of RPG players and game designers who have found value in using alignment systems for character development and role-playing.

Why use Carepatron as your Alignment Chart app?

Carepatron is your top choice for an Alignment Chart Test app and software for several compelling reasons, all tailored to enhance your experience:

  • Alignment Chart Expertise: Carepatron specializes in the Alignment Chart Test, making it the go-to platform for this assessment. The app is designed with a deep understanding of the nuances of alignment systems and offers a comprehensive test that accurately captures your moral and ethical values.
  • Precision and Accuracy: This software has been meticulously crafted to provide precise results. The platform's algorithm ensures that your alignment categorization accurately reflects your beliefs and values, making it a valuable tool for self-reflection and character creation.
  • Data Protection: The platform takes data privacy and security seriously. Your test results and personal information are safeguarded, providing peace of mind while you engage in this introspective journey.
  • User-Centric Design: The app's user-centric interface ensures a smooth and enjoyable experience. It's designed to be accessible, accommodating users with varying levels of tech proficiency.
  • Continuous Improvement: Carepatron is committed to refining its Alignment Chart Test app and software. Regular updates incorporate the latest insights in alignment theory and ethical discussions, keeping the platform relevant and insightful.
  • Supportive Community: The platform fosters a community of individuals passionate about moral and ethical exploration. You can connect with like-minded users, share your alignment results, and engage in meaningful discussions about values and principles.
  • Educational Resources: For those new to alignment charts, Carepatron offers educational resources and guides to help you interpret your results effectively, ensuring that you derive maximum value from the experience.
Practice Management Software


Who typically requests an Alignment Chart Test?
Who typically requests an Alignment Chart Test?

Commonly asked questions

Who typically requests an Alignment Chart Test?

Gamers, individuals on a self-discovery journey, therapists, and writers often request Alignment Chart Tests.

When are Alignment Chart Tests used?

Alignment Chart Tests are used for character creation in role-playing games, self-reflection, therapy, ethics discussions, and character development in writing.

How are Alignment Chart Tests used?

Users answer questions to determine their moral and ethical alignment, which can inform character development, self-awareness, and ethical discussions.

How long does an Alignment Chart Test take?

The duration varies but typically takes 10-20 minutes to complete, depending on the depth of questions and the platform used.

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