Z12.11 – Encounter for screening for malignant neoplasm of colon

The ICD-10-CM code Z12.11 designates a patient with “Encounter for screening for malignant neoplasm of colon.” Learn what this code entails, from its clinical information, if it’s billable or not, FAQs, and even related ICD-10 codes by reading this short guide.

By Patricia Buenaventura on Jun 16, 2024.

Fact Checked by RJ Gumban.

Use Code
Z12.11  – Encounter for screening for malignant neoplasm of colon

Z12.11 Diagnosis Code: Encounter for screening for malignant neoplasm of colon

The Z12.11 is an ICD code included in the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM), and it is used to designate “Encounter for screening for malignant neoplasm of colon.”

This code is considered to be unacceptable as a principal diagnosis. This is because the circumstance that a patient is undergoing is affecting their health. However, it is not because of a current illness or injury. In the context of this ICD-10 code, the cause could be due to a malignant neoplasm of the colon. Emphasis on “could be” because no one is sure yet. That’s what the screening is for.

Is the Z12.11 billable?

Yes, the Z12.11 ICD-10 code is billable and can be used to designate a patient for reimbursement purposes.

Z12.11 clinical information:

Malignant neoplasm means a tumor is cancerous. In the context of this ICD-10 code, malignant neoplasm refers to a cancerous tumor in a patient’s colon.

The Z12.11 ICD-10 code is used for patients who undergo screening for this type of cancerous tumor. This examination is probably a colonoscopy, which involves a healthcare professional examining a patient's rectum and colon using a colonoscope to detect polyps and irregularities. A colonoscope is an instrument resembling a tube that has a light and lens for visualizing the colon.

Typically, professionals and healthcare providers performing colonoscopies can often suspect the presence of a malignant neoplasm in the colon. However, to confirm the diagnosis, they also perform separate procedures known as biopsies to determine whether the neoplasm is benign or malignant.

To reiterate, this ICD-10 code is unacceptable as a principal diagnosis considering that it is just a screening examination. Patient’s getting screened for such a problem may not even have signs and symptoms of a malignant neoplasm of the colon, and whatever is affecting their health may be something else entirely.

Z12.11 synonyms include:

  • Encounter for screening colonoscopy NOS

Other ICD-10 codes commonly used for screening malignant neoplasms:

  • Z12 - Encounter for screening for malignant neoplasms
  • Z12.0 - Encounter for screening for malignant neoplasm of stomach
  • Z12.1 - Encounter for screening for malignant neoplasm of intestinal tract
  • Z12.10 - Encounter for screening for malignant neoplasm of intestinal tract, unspecified
  • Z12.12 - Encounter for screening for malignant neoplasm of rectum
  • Z12.13 - Encounter for screening for malignant neoplasm of small intestine
  • Z12.2 - Encounter for screening for malignant neoplasm of respiratory organs
  • Z12.31 - Encounter for screening mammogram for malignant neoplasm of breast
  • Z12.4 - Encounter for screening for malignant neoplasm of cervix
  • Z12.5 - Encounter for screening for malignant neoplasm of prostate
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Commonly asked questions

Is the Z12.11 ICD-10 code billable?

Yes, this ICD-10 code is billable.

When is it best to use this ICD-10 code?

 It’s best to use this if your patient is undergoing a circumstance affecting their health, but it isn’t a current injury or illness. Do note that this code is unacceptable as a principal diagnosis given that it is for screening a patient. The patient may not even necessarily have signs and symptoms for the potential problem that this ICD-10 points and can be taking a screening test as part of a routine check-up.

What are the common treatments for Z12.11?

That depends on stage of the malignant neoplasm, but common ways to treat it are surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, immunotherapy, and palliative care.

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