History Of Migraine ICD-10-CM Codes

Explore the ICD-10-CM codes for a history of migraines in 2023. Understand the coding system for past migraine episodes and gain insights into this condition's documentation.

By Jamie Frew on Jun 16, 2024.

Fact Checked by Nate Lacson.

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History Of Migraine ICD-10-CM Codes

What ICD-10 Codes are Used for a History of Migraine?

Documenting a patient's history of migraines is crucial for proper medical records. Specific ICD-10-CM codes are used to indicate this history. Here are the relevant history of migraine ICD codes:

Z86.601 - Personal history of migraine without aura: Used when a patient has a documented history of migraine headaches without aura.

Z86.602 - Personal history of migraine with aura: Applied when a patient has a documented history of migraine headaches, including visual disturbances or other sensory symptoms preceding the headache.

Z86.603 - Personal history of chronic migraine without aura: Used for individuals with a documented history of chronic migraines (frequent and recurrent migraines) without aura.

Z86.604 - Personal history of chronic migraine with aura: Applied when a patient has a documented history of chronic migraines with aura.

Z86.609 - Personal history of migraine, unspecified: For cases where the specific characteristics of the patient's migraine history are not specified.

Which History of Migraine ICD Codes Are Billable?

The billable status of the mentioned ICD-10 codes for a history of migraine depends on the medical context and insurance policies. These codes are primarily used for documenting the patient's medical history and are typically not for billing purposes. However, if additional medical services are provided during the same visit, separate billable codes related to those services may apply.

Clinical Information

  • A history of migraine refers to a patient's past experiences with migraine headaches, a common neurological condition.
  • Patients may describe their migraine episodes' frequency, duration, and severity.
  • It's vital to assess any triggers or patterns associated with their migraines, such as food triggers, hormonal factors, or stress.
  • Inquire about associated symptoms like aura (visual disturbances) or prodrome (pre-headache signs) that can precede a migraine attack.
  • Gather information about family history, as migraines often have a genetic component.
  • Ask about past treatments or medications used to manage migraines and their effectiveness.
  • Assess the impact of migraines on the patient's daily life, including work, social activities, and overall quality of life.
  • Inquire about any warning signs or "red flags" that may indicate a more serious underlying condition, such as changes in headache characteristics or neurological symptoms.
  • Document the patient's preferences and goals for migraine management, including their willingness to try preventive medications or lifestyle modifications.
  • A comprehensive understanding of a patient's migraine history helps guide diagnosis, treatment planning, and ongoing management.

Synonyms Include

  • Migraine History
  • Previous Migraines
  • Migraine Record
  • Migraine Documentation
  • Migraine Medical History
Medical Billing and Coding Software

Commonly asked questions

Can a history of migraines affect insurance coverage or premiums?

It's possible that a history of migraines could impact insurance coverage or premiums, especially for health or disability insurance. Insurance providers may consider pre-existing conditions when determining coverage and rates.

Is a history of migraines a permanent condition?

A history of migraines does not necessarily imply that a patient will continue to experience migraines in the future. Migraine frequency and severity can vary over time, and some individuals may experience long periods without migraines.

Why is it important to document a history of migraines?

Documenting a history of migraines is essential for providing comprehensive healthcare. It helps healthcare providers understand the patient's medical background, make informed treatment decisions, and track changes in migraine patterns over time.

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