History of Stroke ICD-10-CM Codes

Read this short guide and learn about history of stroke ICD codes you can use. Explore billing and clinical information.

By Katherine Ellison on Jun 16, 2024.

Fact Checked by RJ Gumban.

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History of Stroke ICD-10-CM Codes

What ICD-10 Codes are Used for History Of Stroke 

Here are two history of stroke ICD codes you can use:

  • Z86.73 - Personal history of transient ischemic attack (TIA), and cerebral infarction without residual deficits

This ICD-10 code is meant to be used on a person confirmed to have had a personal history of having a transient ischemic attack, which is a stroke that lasts for only a few minutes. Cerebral infarction is another term for ischemic stroke. This results from the disruption of blood flow to the brain due to issues with the blood vessels that supply the brain with it. Despite all these, the patient is not dealing with residual deficits.

  • Z82.3 - Family history of stroke

This ICD-10 code is meant to be used on a person confirmed to have a family history of stroke. This doesn’t necessarily mean that the person has stroke, but they’re likely at risk of having one down the line or soon given they have family who have had it.

Note that these ICD-10 codes are not meant to be used as principal diagnoses because these aren’t diagnoses in the first place. These are meant to explain a person’s current condition or explain why they are at risk of getting a stroke.

Are these history of stroke ICD codes billable?

Yes. Both of the codes we listed above are valid and billable.

Clinical information

  • A stroke occurs when blood flow to an area of the brain is cut off. Deprived of oxygen, the brain cells start to die, which can lead to different symptoms.
  • The major types of stroke include ischemic stroke (due to blockages or clots), hemorrhagic stroke (caused by bleeding in the brain), and transient ischemic attack (a 'mini-stroke' that is usually temporary).
  • Common symptoms include sudden numbness or weakness, especially on one side of the body, sudden confusion or trouble speaking sudden vision problems, sudden trouble walking, dizziness or loss of balance, and sudden severe headache.
  • Stroke risk factors encompass age (risk increases with age), family history, race (African-Americans are at higher risk), and gender (more common in men, but more women die from strokes).
  • Treatment depends on the type of stroke. Ischemic strokes may be treated with blood thinners, while hemorrhagic strokes may require surgery to repair blood vessel issues.
  • Lifestyle changes like regular exercise, maintaining a healthy body weight, limiting alcohol, and smoking cessation can lower the risk of stroke. Regular health checkups to control blood pressure, cholesterol, and other potential risk factors are also essential.

Synonyms include:

  • History of cardioembolic stroke
  • History of cerebellar stroke
  • Stroke in last year
  • History of embolic stroke without deficits
  • History of embolic stroke without residual deficits
  • History of ischemic stroke without residual deficits
  • History of thrombotic stroke without residual deficits
  • Family history of stroke
  • Family history of stroke due to aneurysm
  • Family history of cerebral infarction
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Commonly asked questions

Are these the only two history of stroke ICD codes?

Currently, there are only two ICD-codes used for history of stroke.

How is stroke detected?

You may refer to the symptoms listed above. Keep an eye if the person’s face, whether one side of it or both, begins to droop. Healthcare professionals will conduct neurological exams and imaging tests to confirm it.

How is stroke treated?

That depends on the type of stroke the person has. If it’s ischemic, healthcare professionals will administer thrombolytics and perhaps catheterization to restore circulation in the brain as soon as possible to prevent the stroke from further damaging the brain.

If the stroke is hemorrhagic, professionals will focus on lowering the blood pressure and stopping the bleeding. They might even try to clot the bleeding. If they deem it necessary, they might have to perform surgery.

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