Z01.818 – Encounter for other preprocedural examination

The ICD-10-CM code Z01.818 designates a patient with “encounter for other preprocedural examination.” Learn what this code entails, from its clinical information, if it’s billable or not, FAQs, and even related ICD-10 codes by reading this short guide.

By Liliana Braun on Jun 16, 2024.

Fact Checked by RJ Gumban.

Use Code
Z01.818  – Encounter for other preprocedural examination

Z01.818 Diagnosis Code: Encounter for other preprocedural examination

The Z01.818 is an ICD codeincluded in the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM), and it is used to designate “Encounter for other preprocedural examination.”

This ICD-10 code is considered unacceptable as a principal diagnosis, and it is only used to designate a patient who is undergoing a certain circumstance that is somehow affecting their current health status; however, this circumstance is not an illness, nor is it an injury.

Is the Z01.818 billable?

Yes, the Z01.818 ICD-10 code is billable and can be used to designate a patient for reimbursement purposes.

Z01.818 Clinical Information:

The Z01.818 ICD-10 code is part of a group of codes meant to be used as representations of the reasons for preprocedural encounters. These codes are normally the designations listed and reported first during a patient’s medical care journey with a provider.

There are a few similar codes such as this, but they are more specific because they are encounters for specific preprocedural examinations, like cardiovascular, respiratory, and laboratory examinations.

This code, however, isn’t specific, and it has a counterpart called Encounter for preprocedural examination, which is also non-specific.  This code is specifically used for describing a particular circumstance that is impacting the patient’s health, but this circumstance is not an illness or injury they are currently dealing with. While this circumstance is not an illness or injury, it is still influencing a patient’s health.

Z01.818 synonyms include:

  • Encounter for preprocedural examination NOS
  • Encounter for examinations prior to antineoplastic chemotherapy

Other ICD-10 codes commonly used for preprocedural examinations:

  • Z01.81 - Encounter for preprocedural examinations
  • Z01.810 - Encounter for preprocedural cardiovascular examination
  • Z01.811 - Encounter for preprocedural respiratory examination
  • Z01.812 - Encounter for preprocedural laboratory examination
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Commonly asked questions

Is the Z01.818 ICD-10 code billable?

Yes, this ICD-10 code is billable.

When is it best to use this ICD-10 code?

It’s best to use this if your patient is undergoing a circumstance affecting their health, but it isn’t an injury or illness. Do note that this code is unacceptable as a principal diagnosis.

What are the common treatments for Z01.818?

That depends on the problem. This code is non-specific, so the healthcare provider will have to do the legwork to find out what the problem is. Given that this problem is not an illness or injury based on the context of this ICD-10 code, it’s difficult to specify a common treatment because circumstances are different per patient.

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