R41.82 – Altered Mental Status, Unspecified

Discover more about the ICD code R41.82 for Altered Mental Status, Unspecified and learn how to use this code.

By Bernard Ramirez on Jun 16, 2024.

Fact Checked by RJ Gumban.

Use Code
R41.82 – Altered Mental Status, Unspecified

R41.82 Diagnosis Code: Altered Mental Status, Unspecified

ICD code R41.82 is a diagnosis code for Altered Mental Status, Unspecified. It is part of the International Classification of Diseases 10th edition. It is used to classify cases where an individual's mental status change is not attributed to a specific cause or condition.

Altered mental status is characterized by disturbances in thought processes, consciousness, or behavior resulting from delirium, dementia, encephalopathy, intoxication, or withdrawal from alcohol or drugs. Medical conditions like a stroke or brain injury can also cause it. 

When coding this diagnosis, healthcare providers should consider the patient’s symptoms and other factors affecting their mental state. This includes age, gender, underlying mental health issues, and substance use.

In general, mental status codes should accurately reflect the current state of a patient’s mental health. This includes any changes in reasoning, memory, problem-solving, or other cognitive abilities. Healthcare providers will also document if any signs of depression or delusions could be affecting their mental status.

Is R41.82 Billable?

Yes, this code is a billable ICD-10 code.

Clinical Information

R41.82 code refers to changes in cognitive function status. It may include changes in memory, reasoning, problem-solving skills, or other cognitive abilities. There are many potential causes of altered mental status, including:

  • Infections such as meningitis or encephalitis
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Stroke
  • Seizures
  • Drug or alcohol use
  • Metabolic imbalances, such as low blood sugar or electrolyte disturbances
  • Dementia or other cognitive disorders
  • Psychiatric conditions, such as depression or anxiety

Diagnosing altered mental status involves a thorough physical and neurological examination, reviewing the patient's medical history, and any medications they may be taking. Diagnostic tests, such as blood tests, imaging studies (such as CT or MRI scans), or electroencephalography (EEG), may also be ordered to help identify the underlying cause of the altered mental status.

Synonyms Include

  • R40.24, Unspecified Coma
  • R41.0, Delirium Due To Known Physiological Condition
  • R41.1, Other Symptoms And Signs Involving Cognitive Functions And Awareness
  • R41.4, Other Symptoms And Signs Involving Appearance And Behavior
  • R41.81, Age-Related Cognitive Decline

Other ICD-10 Codes Commonly Used for Mental Status

Here are some other ICD-10 codes commonly used to classify mental status disorders:

  • F01.50: Vascular Dementia Without Behavioral Disturbance
  • F03.90: Unspecified Dementia Without Behavioral Disturbance
  • F06.0: Psychotic Disorder With Hallucinations Due To A General Medical Condition
  • F06.2: Organic Delusional Disorder
  • F09: Unspecified Mental Disorder Due To A Known Physiological Condition

ICD-10 Coding app –  How can Carepatron help?

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