Elevated Creatinine ICD-10-CM Codes

Discover the essential ICD-10-CM Codes for Elevated Creatinine with comprehensive clinical information, billable codes, synonyms, and frequently asked questions.

By Audrey Liz Perez on Jun 16, 2024.

Fact Checked by RJ Gumban.

Use Code
 Elevated Creatinine ICD-10-CM Codes

What ICD-10 Codes Are Used for Elevated Creatinine?

  • R94.4: This code pertains to Abnormal Results of Kidney Function. It refers to conditions where the creatinine level, a significant kidney function indicator, is higher than the normal range, suggesting impaired kidney function.
  • N18.9: Chronic Kidney Disease, Unspecified. This code applies to cases where chronic kidney disease is present (which can cause elevated creatinine levels), but its stage is not specified.
  • N19: Unspecified Kidney Failure. This code refers to situations where kidney failure is evident (possibly causing elevated creatinine), but the type of failure is not indicated.
  • N25.9: Disorder of Kidney and Ureter, Unspecified. This code is used when there are disorders of the kidney and ureter (which may cause creatinine levels to rise), but the specific condition is not indicated.

Which Elevated Creatinine ICD Codes Are Billable?

  • R94.4: Yes, it's billable as it represents a specific medical condition (Abnormal Results of Kidney Function Studies) diagnosed by a healthcare provider.
  • N18.9: Yes, Chronic Kidney Disease, Unspecified is a billable code as it suggests a concrete medical condition.
  • N19: Yes, Unspecified Kidney Failure is billable as it reflects a precise diagnosis.
  • N25.9: Yes, this code is billable as it points to a specific disorder of the kidney and ureter.

Clinical Information

  • Elevated creatinine levels are often an indication of impaired kidney function. This can occur due to various conditions, including chronic kidney disease, kidney failure, or disorders of the kidney and ureter.
  • Creatinine is a waste product produced by muscles and excreted by the kidneys. Elevated levels may indicate that the kidneys aren't functioning correctly or effectively removing creatinine from the body.
  • The primary symptoms of elevated creatinine levels include fatigue, shortness of breath, confusion, and reduced urine output. However, symptoms may only appear once the condition is quite advanced.
  • Elevated creatinine is usually diagnosed through blood tests. In some cases, additional tests may be necessary to determine the underlying cause of the kidney dysfunction.
  • Treatment for elevated creatinine primarily involves managing the underlying condition causing kidney dysfunction. This might include lifestyle changes, medication, or in severe cases, dialysis or kidney transplant.

Synonyms Include:

  • Abnormal Kidney Function Studies
  • High Creatinine Levels
  • Impaired Kidney Function
  • Kidney Dysfunction
  • Raised Creatinine
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Commonly asked questions

What is elevated creatinine?

Elevated creatinine is a condition with more creatinine in the bloodstream than usual, indicating potential kidney dysfunction or disease.

What are the symptoms of elevated creatinine?

Symptoms include fatigue, shortness of breath, confusion, and reduced urine output. However, signs may only be evident once the condition is advanced.

How is elevated creatinine treated?

Treatment primarily involves addressing the underlying condition causing kidney dysfunction. Lifestyle changes, medication, dialysis, or a kidney transplant may be required depending on the severity of the disease.

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