Hemorrhagic Shock ICD-10-CM Codes

Learn about Hemorrhagic Shock ICD-10-CM codes for 2023. Our comprehensive guide provides the necessary details for accurate medical coding.

By Priya Singh on Jun 16, 2024.

Fact Checked by RJ Gumban.

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Hemorrhagic Shock ICD-10-CM Codes

What ICD-10 Codes Are Used for Hemorrhagic Shock?

Hemorrhagic shock is a severe and life-threatening condition when the body begins to shut down due to large amounts of blood loss. Here are the standard Hemorrhagic Shock ICD codes:

  • R57.1: Hypovolemic shock. This code represents hypovolemic shock, which often results from significant blood loss, as seen in hemorrhagic shock.
  • R57.8: Other shock. If more specific codes aren't available, this code may be used for various shock conditions, including hemorrhagic shock.
  • R58: Hemorrhage, not elsewhere classified. This code represents hemorrhage that hasn't been classified elsewhere but can be associated with hemorrhagic shock.
  • T79.4XXA: Traumatic shock. This code denotes a state of shock following trauma, which may include hemorrhagic shock.

Which Hemorrhagic Shock ICD Codes Are Billable?

Here's an overview of whether the ICD codes mentioned above are billable:

  • R57.1: Yes, this code is billable, as it represents hypovolemic shock, a condition often resulting from significant blood loss.
  • R57.8: Yes, this code is billable. It's used for various shock conditions, including hemorrhagic shock, when more specific codes aren't available.
  • R58: Yes, this code is billable. It represents a hemorrhage not classified elsewhere but can be associated with hemorrhagic shock.
  • T79.4XXA: Yes, this code is billable. It's used to denote a state of shock following trauma, including hemorrhagic shock.

Clinical Information

Hemorrhagic shock is a critical condition that requires immediate medical attention. Here's some clinical information:

  • It results from significant blood loss, leading to a drop in oxygen reaching the organs.
  • Rapid heart rate, weak pulse, low blood pressure, and changes in mental status are common symptoms.
  • Immediate treatment typically involves efforts to stop the bleeding and replace lost blood.

Synonyms Include:

  • Bleeding Shock
  • Shock due to Hemorrhage
  • Hemorrhagic Circulatory Collapse
  • Blood Loss Shock
  • Shock from Blood Loss
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Commonly asked questions

What are the signs of Hemorrhagic Shock?

Signs include rapid heart rate, weak pulse, low blood pressure, changes in mental status, and cold and clammy skin.

How is Hemorrhagic Shock treated?

It typically involves efforts to stop the bleeding, replace lost blood, and, in some cases, surgery.

Can Hemorrhagic Shock be life-threatening?

It's a severe condition that can lead to organ failure and death if not treated immediately.

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