Piriformis Syndrome ICD-10-CM Codes

Discover the key ICD-10 codes used for diagnosing & treating Piriformis Syndrome. Learn about these vital tools in medical billing & coding.

By Audrey Liz Perez on Jun 16, 2024.

Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

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Piriformis Syndrome ICD-10-CM Codes

What ICD-10 Codes are Used for Piriformis Syndrome?

The medical industry relies heavily on ICD-10 codes for precise diagnosis and categorization of different conditions. Piriformis Syndrome, a neuromuscular disorder, is no exception. These standardized codes provide a universal language for healthcare providers to share accurate information and streamline billing. For Piriformis Syndrome, several ICD-10 codes are commonly used:

  1. G57.00: Piriformis Syndrome, Unspecified Side: Used when diagnosing Piriformis Syndrome, but the specific side (left or right) affected hasn't been specified. Piriformis Syndrome involves neuromuscular conditions such as spasms in the piriformis muscle in the buttocks, which can lead to buttock and leg pain. In some instances, the exact location of the discomfort or the side affected might not be immediately clear, necessitating the use of this code.
  2. G57.01: Piriformis Syndrome, Right Side: Used when Piriformis Syndrome is diagnosed and it is determined that the patient's right side is affected. The condition may be evident due to symptoms such as pain, numbness, or tingling in the right buttock and leg, which are typical manifestations of Piriformis Syndrome.
  3. G57.02: Piriformis Syndrome, Left Side: If a patient's diagnosis confirms that the left side is affected by Piriformis Syndrome, this code is used. Like the right-sided condition, the patient may experience pain, numbness, or tingling in the left buttock and leg.
  4. M62.838: Other Specified Disorders of Muscle: Used when Piriformis Syndrome isn't explicitly identified but has an associated muscular disorder. This code encompasses various muscular conditions and is useful when the specific disorder does not have a dedicated ICD-10 code.
  5. M79.1: Myalgia: Used when Piriformis Syndrome presents predominantly with muscular discomfort and the specific syndrome isn't directly specified in the diagnosis.

These codes' usage depends on the patient's specific condition and the healthcare provider's judgment. For visual clarification, check out our explainer video.

For a deeper dive into their use in medical coding, explore our comprehensive Piriformis Syndrome ICD Codes.

Which Piriformis Syndrome ICD codes are Billable?

  1. G57.00: Piriformis Syndrome, unspecified side: Yes
  2. G57.01: Piriformis Syndrome, right side: Yes
  3. G57.02: Piriformis Syndrome, Left Side: Yes
  4. M62.838: Other specified disorders of muscle: Yes
  5. M79.1: Myalgia: Yes

Each of the above ICD-10 codes related to Piriformis Syndrome is billable and can be used for insurance reimbursement.

Clinical Information

  • Global Standardization: The ICD-10 codes serve as a standard for classifying and recording all diagnoses, symptoms, and procedures. They enable healthcare providers worldwide to converse in a universally recognized medical language, thereby increasing the accuracy of communication and collaboration.
  • Essential for Healthcare Billing: These intricate alphanumeric codes form the cornerstone of the healthcare billing system. They encapsulate detailed information about a patient's diagnosis and treatment, indispensable for obtaining accurate reimbursement from insurance companies.
  • Precise Diagnosis and Recording: Every ICD-10 code delivers a precise definition of a disease or injury. In the case of Piriformis Syndrome, these codes describe the condition and provide details about its occurrence, such as the affected side (left or right), the severity of symptoms, and whether it's an initial or subsequent patient encounter.
  • Significance of "Initial Encounter" Codes: The term "initial encounter" within an ICD-10 code indicates that the patient is undergoing active treatment for their condition. This descriptor is particularly important in tracking a patient's treatment journey, starting from the first phase of medical intervention.
  • Role in Epidemiological Research: ICD-10 codes are invaluable for epidemiological research beyond clinical and billing applications. They offer a standardized method of categorizing diseases, which facilitates tracking disease prevalence and outcomes on a global scale.

Synonyms Include:

  • Piriformis neuromuscular disorder
  • Piriformis muscle syndrome
  • Sciatic nerve compression disorder
  • Piriformis-induced sciatica
  • Neuromuscular disorder due to piriformis muscle
Electronic Health Records Software

Commonly asked questions

When should I use a Piriformis Syndrome ICD code?

Use these codes to diagnose a Piriformis Syndrome patient to ensure accurate documentation and billing.

Are Piriformis Syndrome diagnoses billable?

Yes, Piriformis Syndrome-related diagnoses are billable per ICD-10 coding guidelines.

What are common treatments for Piriformis Syndrome diagnosis codes?

Common treatments include physiotherapy, medications for pain and inflammation, and, in some cases, surgery.

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