G43.909 – Migraine, unspecified, not intractable, without status migrainosus
ICD-10-CM code G43.909 denotes unspecified, non-intractable without status migrainosus. Learn about its clinical aspects, billing, FAQs, and related codes here.

G43.909 Diagnosis Code: Migraine, unspecified, not intractable, without status migrainosus
The G43.909 is an ICD code included in the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM, for short), and it is used to designate “Migraine, unspecified, not intractable, without status migrainosus.”
This diagnosis code is for patients who have migraines. In the case of this ICD-10 code, it is only known that the patient has a migraine. It is unspecified as to what type of migraine they have, but what is known besides having a migraine is that it is not intractable, meaning it is not difficult to deal with or manage. It also doesn’t have status migrainosus, which means it is a migraine that isn’t long-lasting and responds to whatever treatment is being given.
Is the G43.909 billable?
Yes, the G43.909 ICD-10 code is billable and can be used to designate a patient for reimbursement purposes.
G43.909 clinical information
A migraine is a type of headache that’s recurring and is characterized by a throbbing or pulsing kind of pain, and more often than not, this pain can be found on one side of a person’s head. If you have a migraine, you will sometimes feel nauseous and weak. Sometimes the pain you will feel is moderate, but there are times when migraines are so intense that you cannot do anything but want to close your eyes because you’re more sensitive to light and sound.
The causes of migraines will depend on the person, but common reasons include stress, intensely bright lights, flashing or strobing lights, lack of sleep or oversleeping, skipping meals, caffeine, and even strong smells!
Sadly, there are no cures for migraines, though, the good thing is that they can be managed and curbed with medication like pain relievers, and simple things can alleviate the pain, such as resting with your eyes closed, drinking water, eating, and putting an ice pack or cold cloth on your forehead.
G43.909 synonyms include
- Acute headache
- Acute migraine
- Migraine
- Sick headache
Other ICD-10 codes commonly used for migraines
- G43.00 - Migraine without aura, not intractable
- G43.001 - Migraine without aura, not intractable, with status migrainosus
- G43.009 - Migraine without aura, not intractable, without status migrainosus
- G43.01 - Migraine without aura, intractable
- G43.011 - Migraine without aura, intractable, with status migrainosus
- G43.019 - Migraine without aura, intractable, without status migrainosus
- G43.10 - Migraine with aura, not intractable
- G43.40 - Hemiplegic migraine, not intractable
- G43.50 - Persistent migraine aura without cerebral infarction, not intractable
- G43.60 - Persistent migraine aura with cerebral infarction, not intractable
Commonly asked questions
Yes, this ICD-10 code is billable.
You use it when your patient is confirmed to have a migraine, but the specific type of migraine is not yet known. The only known information is that there is a migraine, the migraine is not intractable, and it is not long-lasting.
That depends on what the specific migraine is, but common treatments include pain relieving medicine, sleeping, resting with eyes closed, eating, drinking fluids, and using ice packs or cold compress.