Encephalomalacia ICD-10-CM Codes | 2023
Read this short guide to learn about Encephalomalacia ICD codes you can use!

What Encephalomalacia ICD-10 codes can I use?
If you’re looking for Encephalomalacia ICD codes, you might have trouble finding one because there are no ICD-10 codes that mention Encephalomalacia in their names. That doesn’t mean there aren’t any.
Since Encephalomalacia is a brain-related issue, the only ICD-10 code that suits it is G93.89 - Other specified disorders of brain. Other brain-related disorders have specific ICD-10 codes, but Encephalomalacia doesn’t have any. This ICD-10 code can be used if your patient's brain disorder has no specific ICD-10 code. Encephalomalacia counts.
Is this Encephalomalacia ICD-10 code billable?
Yes. This lone ICD-10 code for Encephalomalacia is valid and billable.
Clinical information about Encephalomalacia:
Encephalomalacia is a brain condition that emerges from damage or injury caused by brain-related problems like cerebral infarction (commonly referred to as stroke), traumatic brain injury, brain infections, and cerebral ischemia (reduced blood supply to the brain).
The gradual softening and degeneration of brain tissue characterizes this brain condition. This can give rise to some brain-related issues depending on the location of the Encephalomalacia.
A person with Encephalomalacia will likely have the following symptoms:
- They might have blurred vision or total blindness
- They become extremely sleepy
- They will have severe headaches and may suffer from vertigo
- Sudden mood swings
- Memory loss
- Impaired cognitive functioning
- Loss of coordination and balance
Synonyms include:
- Encephalomalacia
- Cerebral softening
- Cerebral softening due to inflammation
- Cerebral softening due to bleeding
- Cerebral softening due to
- Brain tissue degeneration
- Brain tissue degeneration due to ischemia
- Encephalomalacia ICD 10
- ICD 10 code for encephalomalacia
- ICD 10 encephalomalacia
- Encephalomalacia ICD 10 code
- Cystic encephalomalacia ICD 10

Commonly asked questions
They will conduct imaging tests like CT scans and MRI to detect and diagnose Encephalomalacia.
Quite serious. Depending on where the Encephalomalacia is located, it can be fatal, all the more if the underlying cause is potentially fatal. A person might even lapse into a coma because of this condition.
This will depend on the underlying cause. If an infection causes it, antibiotics will be administered. If cerebral ischemia causes it, healthcare professionals will work on fixing/improving the blood flow in the brain.
The damage that Encephalomalacia causes can’t be reversed, so treatment is all about managing the damage and preventing it from worsening.