M79.606 – Pain in leg, unspecified
Learn all you need to know about the ICD-10-CM code M79.661, used to diagnose pain in an unspecified leg. This mini-guide will include its clinical information, if it’s billable or not, what its synonyms are, what ICD codes are related to it, and a few FAQs.

M79.606 – Pain in leg, unspecified
The M79.606 is an ICD code included in the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision, Clinical Modification (or the ICD-10-CM for short), and it is used to designate “Pain in leg, unspecified.”
The ICD code’s designation is straightforward. It means the patient is dealing with leg pain, but it’s not specified which leg and part of a certain leg it’s coming from.
This code is used to make a general diagnosis for the patient. It’s a way to tell healthcare professionals that it is just known that the patient is experiencing leg pain. If this is used on a patient, that means that the specific leg has not been identified yet during the current point they are at with their consultations/treatment.
Is the M79.606 billable?
Yes, the M79.606 ICD code is billable and can be used to designate a diagnosis for reimbursement purposes.
M79.606 clinical information
Pain in a person’s leg indicates that the legs are strained, or a certain problem is causing it pain.
Pain in the leg can be caused by simply overusing the leg, getting injured, whether by tripping or getting into a terrible accident (which we hope is never the case for your patients) or because of a disease (like osteoarthritis, which is a condition where the cartilages of the bones breakdown and the bones begin to have deformities).
Treatment for leg pain will depend on whether it is acute or chronic, mild or severe. It will also depend on what specific problem is causing the pain, which can be determined by comprehensive testing. Normally, medicines, exercise, and physical therapy can do the trick. In worse cases, surgery.
A more specific diagnosis can be made once the patient undergoes a comprehensive examination. The treatment that will be provided will depend on the findings.
M79.606 synonyms include
- Aching leg syndrome
- Pain in lower limb
- Painful legs and moving toes
- Tenderness in lower limb
Other ICD-10 codes used for leg pain
- M79.604 - Pain in right leg
- M79.605 - Pain in left leg
- M79.65 - Pain in thigh
- M79.651 - Pain in right thigh
- M79.652 - Pain in left thigh
- M79.659 - Pain in unspecified thigh
- M79.66 - Pain in lower leg
- M79.661 - Pain in right lower leg
- M79.662 - Pain in left lower leg
- M79.669 - Pain in unspecified lower leg
Commonly asked questions
Yes, this ICD-10 code is billable.
When you have a patient with pain in their leg, but you have yet to identify which leg and what specific part of the leg the pain is coming from.
Leg pain is often treated with pain relievers, muscle relaxants, and physical therapy. The specific treatment will depend on confirming the specific leg in pain, which part of the leg the pain is coming from, and what the test findings are.