M79.602 – Pain in left arm

Explore the ICD-10 diagnosis code M79.602, its meaning, implications, and related conditions. Understand what pain in the left arm can signify.

By Priya Singh on Jun 16, 2024.

Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

Use Code
M79.602  – Pain in left arm

M79.602 Diagnosis Code: Pain in left arm

  • M79.602, as a part of the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM), is designed to classify a broad spectrum of diseases and other health-related issues.
  • This code is mainly used when patients report non-specific pain in left arm. Non-specific refers to the fact that the pain is not associated with a precise condition or injury at the moment of reporting.
  • The type of pain experienced can vary significantly and includes sensations described as stabbing, throbbing, numbing, constant, intermittent, or even a sensation of "pins and needles."
  • The pain may also be associated with other symptoms such as weakness, stiffness, swelling, or decreased range of motion in the left arm. These accompanying symptoms, however, are typically coded separately.
  • M79.602 is a valuable code for initial medical consultations, emergency room visits, or other scenarios where a patient's pain location needs to be documented before a detailed diagnosis can be made.
  • While this code signifies the location of the pain, it does not provide information on its severity, frequency, or duration. Such details would typically be noted in the patient's medical records and the M79.602 code.
  • It's also essential to remember that while the M79.602 code denotes pain in the left arm, it's a starting point. The healthcare provider's role is to investigate further to find the root cause of the pain, which can range from a simple muscle strain to more severe conditions like heart disease. Once the specific cause is identified, a more precise code can be applied.

Is M79.602 Billable?

Yes, M79.602 is a billable code. It can be used to indicate a diagnosis for reimbursement purposes.

Clinical Information

  • Pain in the left arm may be a symptom of various underlying conditions.
  • This can range from musculoskeletal issues like fractures, strains, or sprains to nerve-related conditions like neuropathy or radiculopathy.
  • Cardiovascular problems, such as angina or heart attack, can cause left arm pain.
  • Left arm pain can sometimes be referred from other body parts, like the cervical spine or the heart.
  • Psychogenic pain related to stress or anxiety may also be categorized under this code.

Synonyms Include:

  • Left arm ache
  • Pain in left upper limb
  • Left upper limb pain
  • Discomfort in left arm
  • Left arm discomfort

Other ICD-10 Codes Commonly Used for Arm Pain

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Commonly asked questions

When to use a diagnosis code M79.602?

You should use M79.602 when a patient presents with non-specific pain in the left arm, with the cause of the pain not yet determined.

What are the common treatments for M79.602 Diagnosis Code?

Treatment depends on the underlying cause of the pain. It may range from pain management techniques and physical therapy for musculoskeletal issues to medication or surgery for more severe conditions.

What does diagnosis code M79.602 mean?

M79.602 is an ICD-10-CM code documenting patients experiencing non-specific pain in their left arm. It does not determine the cause of the pain, which would require further diagnosis.

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