M54.6 – Pain In Thoracic Spine

Learn about the ICD-10-CM code M54.6 for pain in the thoracic spine, including clinical information, synonyms, related codes, and frequently asked questions.

By Ericka Pingol on Jun 16, 2024.

Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

Use Code
M54.6 – Pain In Thoracic Spine

M54.6 Diagnosis Code: Pain In Thoracic Spine

  • M54.6 refers to a diagnosis of pain in the thoracic spine, which is the middle portion of the spinal column.
  • Various factors, including muscle strain, joint dysfunction, disc herniation, or spinal compression fractures, can cause thoracic spine pain.
  • The diagnosis may involve a physical examination, medical history, and imaging studies such as X-rays, MRI, or CT scans.
  • Treatment options depend on the underlying cause and may include pain management, physical therapy, or surgical intervention.
  • Early intervention and appropriate treatment can help prevent chronic pain and improve overall spinal health.

Is M54.6 Billable?

Yes, M54.6 is a billable ICD-10-CM code for pain in the thoracic spine. This code can be used for reimbursement purposes by healthcare providers. Moreover, the specificity of the code allows for accurate documentation and tracking of thoracic spine pain cases.

Clinical Information

  • Thoracic spine pain is less common than pain in the cervical or lumbar regions.
  • Risk factors include poor posture, occupational hazards, a sedentary lifestyle, and trauma or injury.
  • Noninvasive treatments such as exercise, heat/cold therapy, and over-the-counter pain relievers are often effective.
  • In some cases, referral to a specialist, such as a physiotherapist or chiropractor, may be necessary.
  • Maintaining good spinal posture and regular physical activity can help prevent thoracic spine pain.

Synonyms Include

  • Thoracic back pain
  • Mid-back pain
  • Pain in the middle spine
  • Upper back discomfort
  • Dorsalgia, thoracic region

Other ICD-10 Codes Commonly Used for Spine Pain

Physical Therapy Software

Commonly asked questions

Is thoracic spine pain always related to a spinal problem?

No, thoracic spine pain can sometimes be caused by issues with the ribs, lungs, or other organs in the chest cavity.

Can poor posture cause thoracic spine pain?

Yes, poor posture can contribute to thoracic spine pain by causing muscle imbalances, joint dysfunction, or disc problems.

Are there any self-care measures to alleviate thoracic spine pain?

Stretching, heat/cold therapy, over-the-counter pain relievers, and maintaining proper posture can help alleviate thoracic spine pain.

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