M47.22 – Other spondylosis with radiculopathy, cervical region

The ICD-10-CM code M47.22 is for diagnosing a patient with other spondylosis with radiculopathy in the cervical region of their spine. Learn what this code entails, from its clinical information, if it’s billable or not, FAQs, and even related ICD-10 codes by reading this short guide.

By Ericka Pingol on Jun 16, 2024.

Fact Checked by RJ Gumban.

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M47.22 – Other spondylosis with radiculopathy, cervical region

M47.22 – Other spondylosis with radiculopathy, cervical region

The M54.32 is an ICD code that’s included in the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM, for short), and it is used to designate “Other spondylosis with radiculopathy, cervical region.”

Spondylosis is a spinal condition that most people will develop as they get older. It usually emerges in a person’s 60s. It is born from the result of wear and tear over the years.

If a person has spondylosis, their spine will undergo degenerative changes. These changes include the spine’s discs drying up and cracking, the spinal ligaments becoming thicker than usual, the cartilage becoming worn out, and bone spurs emerging.

Spondylosis also gives rise to other issues, especially radiculopathy, a condition that most people call a “pinched nerve.” Radiculopathy is the result of the compression or irritation of nerve roots. In the case of this ICD-10 code, radiculopathy is the irritation or compression of cervical spine nerves, which results in pain in the neck and shoulders and the feeling of weakness in the arms.

Is the M47.22 billable?

Yes, the M47.22 ICD code is billable and can be used to designate a diagnosis for reimbursement purposes.

M47.22 clinical information

Since we already defined what spondylosis and radiculopathy are in the cervical spine region, it’s best we mention the symptoms for both so you know if your patient is likely to have both of these.

For spondylosis in the cervical region, the symptoms are:

  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Neck pain, especially when moved
  • Neck stiffness
  • Crackling sounds in the neck when moved

For radiculopathy in the cervical region, the symptoms are:

  • Also neck pain
  • Pain in the shoulders
  • Pain in the arms
  • Weakness in the arms
  • Numbness in the upper extremities

If your patients have any of these symptoms, they will likely have these conditions. The next step is to conduct a comprehensive examination that involves physical examination techniques for the cervical spine region, neck, shoulders, and arms. Imaging tests should be included, too.

Once an official diagnosis has been made, these problems can be treated. For Spondylosis, common treatments involve rest, taking medication, and attending physical therapy. For Radiculopathy, medication, including muscle relaxants, is normally prescribed. Exercise and physical therapy is also recommended. If these problems are adverse, surgery might be the best choice.

M47.22 synonyms include

  • Spondylosis with radiculopathy
  • Cervical nerve root compression
  • Radiculopathy due to cervical spondylosis
  • Radiculopathy due to multiple-level cervical spondylosis
  • Radiculopathy due to single-level cervical spondylosis
  • Radiculopathy due to two-level cervical spondylosis

Other ICD-10 codes used for spondylosis

  • M47.2 - Other spondylosis with radiculopathy
  • M47.20 - Other spondylosis with radiculopathy, site unspecified
  • M47.21 - Other spondylosis with radiculopathy, occipito-atlanto-axial region
  • M47.23 - Other spondylosis with radiculopathy, cervicothoracic region
  • M47.24 - Other spondylosis with radiculopathy, thoracic region
  • M47.25 - Other spondylosis with radiculopathy, thoracolumbar region
  • M47.26 - Other spondylosis with radiculopathy, lumbar region
  • M47.27 - Other spondylosis with radiculopathy, lumbosacral region
  • M47.28 - Other spondylosis with radiculopathy, sacral and sacrococcygeal region
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Commonly asked questions

Is the M47.22 ICD-10 code billable?

Yes, this ICD-10 code is billable.

When is this M47.22 ICD-10 applicable?

If all tests confirm that the patient has spondylosis and radiculopathy in the cervical spine region.

What are the basic treatments for M47.22?

Rest, medication (pain relievers, anti-inflammation, muscle relaxants), regular exercise, and physical therapy.

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