M43.06 – Spondylosis, lumbar region
Discover the clinical description, information, billing, and more about the ICD-10-CM code M43.06, which denotes spondylosis in the lumbar region.

M43.06 Diagnosis Code: Spondylosis, Lumbar Region
- M43.06 is a billable ICD-10-CM code for healthcare diagnosis reimbursement of spondylosis, lumbar region.
- The ICD-10-CM code M43.06 is used to diagnose spondylosis, lumbar region in America. The code for the corresponding diagnosis may differ internationally.
- The code is valid until the end of fiscal year 2023.
- Its umbrella category is “Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue.” More specifically, it falls under “Other deforming dorsopathies.”
Is M43.06 Billable?
Yes. M43.06 is billable for insurance reimbursement purposes.
Clinical Information
- Spondylosis is a change in one’s bones and spine discs called osteoarthritis and degenerative disc disease.
- These changes are usually age-related. As the patient and their body ages, the discs between the spine’s bones stiffen and break down. Meanwhile, the bones themselves grow bone spurs and wear down.
- If the changes are located in the lower back, the condition is called lumbar spondylosis.
- Those at high risk of developing lumbar spondylosis have a family history of lumbar spondylosis, have undergone low back injuries or surgeries, and are often experiencing strain for an extended period. However, it is possible that anyone can develop lumbar spondylosis since it can present in anyone as early as 20 years of age.
- Often, there aren’t any symptoms, but if there are, some are stiffness and back pain. If it worsens, wherein the spurs are hitting or pushing the spinal cord or a nerve root, other symptoms the patient will experience are a shooting pain in the buttocks and leg, weakness, numbness, and tingling.
- Diagnosis of lumbar spondylosis involves a physical examination, a list of the symptoms, and physical tests such as x-rays, MRI, and CT scans.
- Practitioners may treat lumbar spondylosis with over-the-counter medications and hot or cold therapy. Should the patient still feel the symptoms, shots, and surgery are the other treatment options.
Synonyms Include:
- Acquired lumbar spondylosis
- Acquired spondylosis of lumbar spine
- Lumbar spondylosis
- Closed fracture lumbar vertebra, spondylosis
- Open fracture lumbar vertebra, spondylosis
Other ICD-10 Codes Commonly Used for Spondylosis
- M43.00: spondylosis, site unspecified
- M43.01: spondylosis, occipito-atlanto-axial region
- M43.02: spondylosis, cervical region
- M43.03: spondylosis, cervicothoracic region
- M43.04: spondylosis, thoracic region
- M43.05: spondylosis, thoracolumbar region
- M43.07: spondylosis, lumbosacular region
- M43.08: spondylosis, sacral and sacrococcygeal region
- M43.09: spondylosis, multiple sites in the spine
Commonly asked questions
When to use a diagnosis code M43.06?
You use M43.06 only when the codes under “spondylosis” aren’t apt.
Is the M43.06 diagnosis billable?
Yes, M43.06 is a billable diagnosis code that can be used for reimbursements.
What does diagnosis code M43.06 mean?
The diagnosis code M43.06 refers to Spondylosis, lumbar region.
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