M25.532 – Pain in left wrist

Uncover the clinical details of M25.532 – Pain in Left Wrist | ICD-10-CM, its billability, synonyms, related codes, and FAQs in our comprehensive guide.

By Katherine Ellison on Jun 16, 2024.

Fact Checked by RJ Gumban.

Use Code
M25.532  – Pain in left wrist

M25.532 Diagnosis Code: Pain in Left Wrist

  • M25.532 is a diagnosis code under the ICD-10-CM (International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision, Clinical Modification).
  • It is used to specify a diagnosis of pain in the left wrist.
  • This code is commonly used in medical billing and coding to indicate conditions related to the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue.
  • The code M25.532 applies to adult and pediatric patients.
  • It does not distinguish the cause of the pain, which could be due to various conditions such as arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, sprain, or fracture.

Is M25.532 Billable?

Yes, the M25.532 code is billable. This means it can be used for healthcare claims, insurance reimbursement, and medical recordkeeping.

Clinical Information

  • Various conditions, including injuries, chronic diseases, and overuse, can cause wrist pain.
  • It can present with other symptoms like swelling, redness, warmth, numbness, or reduced range of motion.
  • Diagnosis may involve physical examination, medical history review, and imaging tests like X-ray, MRI, or ultrasound.
  • Treatment options depend on the underlying cause and may range from rest, medication, and physical therapy, to surgical intervention.

Synonyms Include

  • Left wrist pain
  • Pain in left wrist, unspecified
  • Left carpal pain
  • Pain of left wrist joint
  • Unspecified left wrist joint pain

Other ICD-10 Codes Commonly Used for Wrist Pain

  • M25.531 - Pain in right wrist
  • M79.643 - Pain in unspecified hand
  • M79.641 - Pain in right hand
  • M79.642 - Pain in left hand
  • M25.50 - Pain in unspecified joint
  • M25.519 - Pain in unspecified shoulder
  • M25.521 - Pain in right elbow
  • M25.529 - Pain in unspecified elbow
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Commonly asked questions

What can cause pain in the left wrist?

Various conditions, including injury, arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, or a sprain, can cause left wrist pain.

What does the ICD-10-CM code M25.532 indicate?

The M25.532 code is used in medical diagnosis to indicate pain in the left wrist.

How is left wrist pain treated?

Treatment depends on the underlying cause and may involve rest, medication, physical therapy, or in more severe cases, surgical intervention.

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