M17.0 – Bilateral primary osteoarthritis of knee
Find out more about ICD Code M17.0 - Bilateral primary osteoarthritis of knee. Our brief guide discusses clinical information, synonyms, and relevant codes.

M17.0 Diagnosis Code: Bilateral primary osteoarthritis of Knee
Clinical Description
- M17.0 is the specific ICD-10-CM code for primary osteoarthritis that affects both knees.
- Osteoarthritis, the condition referred to in this code, is a degenerative joint disease. The breakdown and eventual loss of joint cartilage characterize it.
- Cartilage is a protein substance that serves as a 'cushion' between the bones of the joints.
- In 'primary' osteoarthritis, the degenerative 'wear-and-tear' process occurs typically after middle age, without any known clear precipitating cause.
- Bilateral denotes that both knees are affected by this condition.
- This condition is often associated with aging, but genetic factors, obesity, and prior joint injuries may also play a role.
- Key symptoms of osteoarthritis include pain in the knee(s) that worsens with activity, stiffness in the joint(s), and loss of flexibility.
- The patient may also experience a grating or crackling sound when moving the knee(s); in severe cases, the knee may become swollen.
- Diagnosis is typically confirmed through patient symptoms, physical examination findings, and imaging studies such as X-rays or MRIs.
- Treatment is generally focused on managing pain and improving function. It can include medications, physical therapy, lifestyle modifications (such as weight loss and exercise), and surgery may be considered in severe cases.
Is M17.0 Billable?
M17.0 is a billable code.
Billable codes are sufficient justification for admission to an acute care hospital when used as a principal diagnosis.
Clinical Information
- The condition is associated with age but can also be due to joint injury or obesity.
- The main symptom is pain that worsens with activity and improves with rest.
- There may also be stiffness, particularly in the morning or after periods of inactivity.
- Patients may experience a grating sensation during movement.
- Loss of flexibility and decreased mobility may occur as the disease progresses.
Synonyms Include:
- Bilateral degenerative joint disease of knee
- Bilateral osteoarthritis of knee
- Bilateral primary degenerative arthritis of knee
- Bilateral primary osteoarthrosis of knee
- Bilateral primary osteoarthritis of knee
Other ICD-10 Codes Commonly Used for Bilateral primary Osteoarthritis
- M17.1 - Unilateral primary osteoarthritis of knee
- M17.2 - Bilateral post-traumatic osteoarthritis of knee
- M17.3 - Unilateral post-traumatic osteoarthritis of knee
- M17.4 - Other bilateral secondary osteoarthritis of knee
- M17.5 - Other unilateral secondary osteoarthritis of knee
- M17.9 - Osteoarthritis of knee, unspecified
- M18.0 - Primary osteoarthritis of first carpometacarpal joint, bilateral
- M18.1 - Primary osteoarthritis of first carpometacarpal joint, unilateral
- M18.2 - Post-traumatic osteoarthritis of first carpometacarpal joint, bilateral
- M18.3 - Post-traumatic osteoarthritis of first carpometacarpal joint, unilateral
Commonly asked questions
When to use a diagnosis code M17.0?
You should use this code when a patient is diagnosed with osteoarthritis that affects both knees and is not due to another disease.
What are the common treatments for M17.0 Diagnosis Code?
Treatments may include physical therapy, weight loss, pain medications, joint injections, and in severe cases, joint replacement surgery.
What does diagnosis code M17.0 mean?
M17.0 is the specific ICD-10-CM code used for primary osteoarthritis that affects both knees.
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