F32.9 – Major Depressive Disorder, Single Episode, Unspecified
Explore the F32.9 ICD-10 code for Major Depressive Disorder, Single Episode, Unspecified, along with clinical info, synonyms, related codes, and the benefits of Carepatron.

F32.9 Diagnosis Code: Major Depressive Disorder, Single Episode, Unspecified
- F32.9 is the ICD-10 code for Major Depressive Disorder (MDD), Single Episode, Unspecified.
- MDD is a mental health disorder characterized by persistent sadness, hopelessness, and loss of interest in activities.
- Single Episode implies that the individual has experienced only one depressive episode.
- Unspecified indicates that the severity of the episode is not specified in the documentation.
- Early diagnosis and intervention are crucial to improving outcomes and preventing relapse.
Is F32.9 Billable?
Yes, F32.9 is a billable ICD-10 code. Healthcare professionals can use this code for insurance claims and reimbursement purposes. However, accurate coding is essential for proper documentation and treatment planning.
Clinical Information
- Major Depressive Disorder can significantly impact an individual's daily functioning, relationships, and overall well-being.
- Risk factors include genetics, environmental factors, hormonal imbalances, and traumatic life events.
- Symptoms may include depressed mood, fatigue, changes in appetite or weight, sleep disturbances, and feelings of worthlessness or guilt.
- Treatment options typically involve a combination of psychotherapy, medication, and lifestyle changes.
- Regular follow-ups and monitoring are necessary to assess the effectiveness of treatment and adjust strategies as needed.
Synonyms Include
- Unspecified Single Episode Depression
- Single Episode Major Depression, Unspecified
- Major Depressive Episode, Unspecified
- Unspecified Depressive Disorder, Single Episode
- Single Episode MDD, Severity Unspecified
Other ICD-10 Codes Commonly Used for Major Depressive Disorder
- F32.0: Major Depressive Disorder, Single Episode, Mild
- F32.1: Major Depressive Disorder, Single Episode, Moderate
- F32.2: Major Depressive Disorder, Single Episode, Severe Without Psychotic Features
- F32.3: Major Depressive Disorder, Single Episode, Severe With Psychotic Features
- F32.4: Major Depressive Disorder, Single Episode, In Partial Remission
- F32.5: Major Depressive Disorder, Single Episode, In Full Remission
- F33: Major Depressive Disorder, Recurrent
ICD-10 Coding App – How Can Carepatron Help?
Carepatron is a comprehensive platform designed to streamline the ICD-10 coding process for healthcare professionals. With Carepatron, you can quickly search for and find the correct ICD-10 codes for various conditions, including Major Depressive Disorder, Single Episode, Unspecified (F32.9).
The platform simplifies the coding process and provides valuable insights and resources to help healthcare professionals stay informed about the latest diagnostic criteria and treatment options. This ensures practitioners have the tools to offer their patients the best care possible.
Don't miss out on the benefits that Carepatron can offer your practice! Sign up today and experience this innovative platform's ease and efficiency in managing ICD-10 codes.