Bipolar ICD-10-CM Codes

Dive into the ICD-10-CM codes about bipolar disorder, fundamental for exact medical documentation, insurance billing, and therapeutic strategies for 2023.

By Olivia Sayson on Jun 16, 2024.

Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

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Bipolar ICD-10-CM Codes

What ICD-10 Codes are Used for Bipolar Disorder?

Bipolar disorder, formerly known as manic-depressive illness, is a mental health condition marked by extreme mood swings. These can range from manic highs to depressive lows. Correct coding of bipolar disorder is crucial for patient care, tracking epidemiology, and insurance reimbursement. The ICD-10-CM provides distinct codes based on the specifics of the bipolar diagnosis.

Commonly Used ICD-10-CM Codes for Bipolar Disorder:

F31.0 - Bipolar disorder, current episode hypomanic

  • Clinical Description: The current episode is characterized by a persistent elevated, expansive, or irritable mood but not to the extent of full-blown mania.

F31.1 - Bipolar disorder, current episode manic without psychotic features

  • Clinical Description: The patient is experiencing a manic episode without associated delusions or hallucinations.

F31.2 - Bipolar disorder, current episode manic with psychotic features

  • Clinical Description: The patient is in a manic episode with delusions or hallucinations.

F31.30 - Bipolar disorder, current episode depressed, mild or moderate severity, unspecified

  • Clinical Description: The patient is in a depressive phase of bipolar disorder without specifying the severity as mild or moderate.

F31.4 - Bipolar disorder, current episode severe depression without psychotic features

  • Clinical Description: Severe depressive episode without any accompanying psychotic symptoms.

F31.5 - Bipolar disorder, current episode severe depression with psychotic features

  • Clinical Description: Severe depressive phase accompanied by delusions or hallucinations.

(Note: This list is not exhaustive. The ICD-10-CM contains more specific codes based on the severity, frequency, and presence of psychotic features or other specifications.)

Which Bipolar ICD codes are Billable?

  • F31.0 - Yes
  • F31.1 - Yes
  • F31.2 - Yes
  • F31.30 - Yes
  • F31.4 - Yes
  • F31.5 - Yes

Clinical Information

  • Bipolar disorder is a chronic and recurrent mental health condition.
  • Its exact cause is unknown, but genetics, brain structure, and environmental factors likely play roles.
  • It can lead to risky behaviors, strained relationships, poor job or school performance, and suicidal tendencies.
  • Treatment usually involves a combination of medications (like mood stabilizers, antipsychotics, and antidepressants) and psychotherapy.
  • With appropriate treatment and management, individuals with bipolar disorder can lead entire and productive lives.

Synonyms Include:

  • Manic-depressive disorder
  • Manic depression
  • Bipolar affective disorder
  • Bipolar mood disorder
  • Mania and depression disorder
Medical Billing and Coding Software

Commonly asked questions

When should a Bipolar ICD code be used?

A Bipolar ICD code should be used when a patient is diagnosed with bipolar disorder, characterized by periods of mania and depression.

What are the common treatments for conditions coded with Bipolar Diagnosis Codes?

Common treatments for bipolar disorder include mood stabilizers (like lithium), antipsychotic medications, antidepressants, psychotherapy, and sometimes hospitalization during severe episodes.

What does a diagnosis code for Bipolar Disorder indicate?

A diagnosis code for Bipolar Disorder denotes a mental health condition where an individual experiences extreme mood swings, from manic highs to depressive lows.

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