Major Depressive Disorder Recurrent Moderate ICD-10-CM Codes

Read this short guide to learn about Major Depressive Disorder Recurrent Moderate ICD codes you can use!

By Ericka Pingol on Jun 16, 2024.

Fact Checked by RJ Gumban.

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Major Depressive Disorder Recurrent Moderate ICD-10-CM Codes

What Major Depressive Disorder Recurrent Moderate ICD Codes Can I Use?

If you’re looking for Major Depressive Disorder Recurrent Moderate ICD codes, there’s only one that’s meant for it, and that would be F33.1 - Major depressive disorder, recurrent, moderate. This is intended for patients confirmed to have Major Depressive Disorder. Their disorder is also:

  • Recurrent, meaning that their depression comes and goes now and then.
  • Moderate, meaning that their depression has more severe symptoms than if their depression was mild, and they will also have more than one symptom.

Is This Lone Major Depressive Disorder Recurrent Moderate ICD Code Billable?

Yes. This lone Major Depressive Disorder Recurrent Moderate ICD-10 code is valid and billable.

Clinical Information About Major Depressive Disorder

Major Depressive Disorder is a mental health disorder characterized by sadness and despair that gradually worsens over time and may negatively impact several aspects of a person’s life, from their worldview to their capability to maintain relationships. It can also prevent them from feeling happy and motivated to attend school, go to work, perform activities of daily living, or enjoy their hobbies.

In the context of this guide, a patient has a recurrent and moderate Major Depressive Disorder, which means, as mentioned earlier, their depression comes and goes, and their depression is moderate.

Symptoms of moderate Major Depressive Disorder include:

  • Having low self-esteem
  • They will feel despair and hopelessness
  • They will feel shame and guilt, even if they don’t have anything to be ashamed or guilty of
  • They might also be plagued with excessive worry
  • They might avoid social activities and start isolating themselves
  • They will feel fatigued even if they haven’t exerted any physical activity or effort
  • They will lack the motivation to do anything, even their hobbies
  • Even if they were motivated, they might have trouble concentrating
  • Their productivity will decline over time
  • They might become easily irritated
  • They will have difficulty sleeping

Synonyms Include

  • Moderate depression
  • Moderate major depression
  • Moderate recurrent major depression
  • Recurrent major depressive episodes
  • Recurrent major depressive episodes, moderate
  • Recurrent moderate major depressive disorder co-occurrent with anxiety
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Commonly asked questions

Are there any risks that come with Major Depressive Disorder?

Besides its impact on work, school, and home life, it might lead to unwanted problems, such as depression becoming severe, which can lead to self-harm/suicide. It can also lead to cardiovascular diseases. It’s best to get this managed as soon as possible.

How can a person tell between moderate and severe depression?

Earlier, we mentioned that symptoms include the loss of interest in activities. If they no longer become pleasured by activities, then that’s a sign that the depression is severe. Feeling worthless and having thoughts of self-harm/suicide are also crucial indicators of severe depression.

How is moderate Major Depressive Disorder treated?

Major Depressive Disorder can be treated with medicines like Prozac and Zoloft. Taking psychotherapy such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, and Acceptance and Commitment will also be recommended.

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