Patients ignoring your healthcare appointment reminders? Here are some reasons why

By Jamie Frew on Jun 16, 2024.

Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

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What are healthcare appointment reminders?

Every healthcare clinic organizes its day around a schedule that has been designed to elevate efficiency. For the schedule to work effectively, practitioners need to be organized and prepared, and patients need to arrive at their appointments on time. When a last-minute cancelation or no-show occurs, the entire schedule of the day is interrupted and it can result in a significant waste of both money and time. This is where appointment reminders come in. As the negative effects of no-shows have begun to take their toll on the healthcare industry, new strategies have been devised in attempts to reduce them. Automated appointment reminders send out text messages or emails to patients before their upcoming appointments, reminding them of the time, date, and location. These reminders can be integrated into the software your practice uses, allowing you to save your business time and money whilst focusing on delivering high-quality healthcare services.

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Consequence on non-attendance in healthcare

No-shows can have negative consequences for both patients and practices. Primarily, the most significant consequence of a patient not showing up to their appointment is the impact that this can have on their health. Symptoms may worsen, misdiagnoses could occur and the patient can be severely impacted by delayed treatment. Non-attendance in healthcare also negatively affects the practice. There will be empty time slots that could have been used to see another patient in need, overstaffing, and the general loss of revenue from the missed appointment. The cost of no-shows is so great that it is predicted that the healthcare industry loses around USD 1.5 billion per year solely to these situations. As you can see, no-shows waste time and money, whilst also contributing to poorer health outcomes for patients. It truly is in the best interest of everyone, patients and practitioners alike, to reduce non-attendance and ensure people are receiving the healthcare they need. 

5 reasons why patients ignore your healthcare reminders

You might be struggling with a fairly large number of no-shows and are wondering why they are happening, and what you can do to fix them. There are varying circumstances that will affect patient decisions and whilst these may not be the case for everyone, the following are five of the main reasons why patients are ignoring your reminders and missing scheduled appointments:

Forgetting about the appointment: This is undoubtedly the most common reason why patients miss their scheduled appointments. Generally, the more time there is between making the booking and the day of the appointment, the more likely it is that the patient will forget. Whilst this is frustrating for healthcare practices as it can interrupt their entire day, it is important to remember that memory lapses occur to everyone. 

Other priorities: Patients lead busy lives, and healthcare appointments are likely less of a priority, particularly when compared with work or family commitments. Various urgent situations can arise, including babysitters pulling out and work emergencies, that require the immediate attention of the patient. Even if you are using appointment reminders, these situations are uncontrollable, and you must be as understanding as possible. 

Lack of notification: Another reason why patients fail to turn up to their appointments is a lack of receiving notifications alerting them to their bookings. If you are using appointment reminders, you need to make sure that patients are seeing them and that they are being sent out at an appropriate time.

Limited appointment options: The greater flexibility that a patient has in making their appointments, the more likely they will show up. To give patients a more involved role in making their bookings, you should introduce appointment scheduling software into your practice. This allows patients to select an available appointment time that suits their schedule, guaranteeing their ability to attend the appointment. Although appointment scheduling software doesn’t prevent work or family emergencies, they are a good way to increase both efficiency and patient satisfaction.

Reluctance: Reluctance to seek health treatment is a more difficult issue to tackle, as there may be many contributing factors. A patient may be scared, feel distrustful of healthcare practitioners, or have limited finances. The best way to deal with a patient’s reluctance to seek treatment is by establishing a meaningful relationship with them and ensuring they feel safe and comfortable.

Ways to successfully get patients to attend to their appointment reminders

There are various reasons behind why patients don’t show up to their appointments, and many practices have implemented automated reminders in an attempt to combat these. However, for reminders to be effective, you need to consider the following factors:

Timing: The whole point of a reminder is to make sure that patients are informed and prepared for their upcoming appointment. As such, it is important that you find the right time to send your reminders. We recommend sending them around 24 hours before the appointment, during non-work hours. 

Details: You should include the date, time, and location of the upcoming appointment within your reminder. It is also always a good idea to address the patient by name. The type of language used in your reminders should be based on your clientele. Don’t be afraid to be more personable, but always maintain professionalism.

Text and email options: Your patients must be receiving and reading your reminders. Although most people are contactable through their mobile devices, certain individuals will prefer to be notified by email. After you have consent from patients to use their contact details, you should decide which method will most successfully engage their target audience.

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Take home message

Implementing automated appointment reminders into your healthcare practice is a highly effective way to reduce no-shows. They ensure that patients are informed and prepared for their upcoming appointments, minimizing the possibility of forgetting about a booking. However, there are a few factors to consider when implementing appointment reminder software into your healthcare practice. You want the reminders to be brief, informative, and sent out at the right time to facilitate the greatest possible patient engagement. By following these guidelines, you are guaranteed to reduce the number of no-shows at your clinic, improving health outcomes and increasing patient satisfaction.

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