Best iMedDocs Alternatives 2024 (Features and Pricing)

By Katherine Ellison on Jun 16, 2024.

Fact Checked by RJ Gumban.

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Thinking of moving away from iMedDocs and wanting to find suitable alternatives? You’ve come to the right place. Finding the perfect practice management software for your healthcare business can be a daunting (not to mention time-consuming) task. Nevertheless, it’s an important one.

As technology becomes increasingly involved in the healthcare industry, utilizing solutions that improve care has never been more important. These systems, in addition to optimizing business processes, have been shown to improve clinical outcomes for patients. Equipping yourself with the right information will allow you to locate fantastic practice management software and boost your clinical and administrative workflow.

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What is iMedDocs?

Firstly, let’s have a look at iMedDocs. iMedDocs is a unified practice management system that has developed intuitive and comprehensive software designed to optimize care delivery for health practitioners. With a robust set of features, iMedDocs allows providers to streamline various tasks, saving time that can instead be spent focusing on patients. With 25 years of experience, iMedDocs has continuously developed and improved its platform, ensuring that as the healthcare industry changes, user needs remain met. 

Some of the features integrated into the iMedDocs system include:

  • Billing and payment tools
  • Analytics
  • Medical records
  • Video consultation (telehealth)
  • Diary system
  • Automated reminders 

iMedDocs also offers a mobile application, which is an increasingly important component of practice management systems. Mobile apps allow providers to access their work on the go, ensuring consistency and reliability. iMedDocs has a partnership with AWS (Amazon Web Services), allowing them to store information in secure data centers. iMedDocs is also GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) compliant and has various electronic safeguards in place. 

However, although iMedDocs undoubtedly has useful features for healthcare practices, it isn’t without its drawbacks. iMedDocs is based in Ireland and is mainly tailored toward healthcare businesses in Europe. While this in itself isn’t a bad thing, it can make it difficult for practices in the US or elsewhere in the world to experience a fully optimized practice management system. 

iMedDoc’s pricing is also not listed on their site. If you are interested in their services, we recommend getting in touch with the platform directly. While this process shouldn’t be too taxing, it can sometimes be frustrating for businesses looking to compare practice management systems. Being transparent and upfront about costs goes a long way in the healthcare industry and it helps to establish a trusting relationship between your business and its vendors. 

For these reasons, you may understand why it could be a good idea to check out some other practice management solutions. Luckily, we’ve done some research and have identified five alternative systems to iMedDocs. Let’s get into it!

5 Best iMedDocs Alternatives


Coming in at number one is Carepatron, and for good reason. Like iMedDocs, Carepatron is a cloud-based practice management system that helps healthcare businesses streamline their clinical and administrative work. The tools that are integrated into the platform guarantee optimization, allowing you to save countless hours that can instead be spent doing what you do best: treating patients. 

Having been designed in collaboration with healthcare practitioners, Carepatron understands exactly what providers are looking for, and has worked diligently to ensure these needs are being met. Some of the advantages associated with using Carepatron’s platform include:

Improving patient relationships

Although optimizing administrative and clinical processes is always helpful, it’s very important that you don’t overlook your patient relationships. With a secure patient portal that facilitates transparency and patient input, Carepatron allows you to focus on improving your patient/provider relationships. 


Carepatron is integrated with robust telehealth features that allow you to deliver your healthcare services remotely. In the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, finding ways to incorporate telehealth into your healthcare practice has never been more important. Carepatron’s telehealth features are part of the package, meaning you can access secure video calling and remote work at no additional cost. 


Compliance is an absolute necessity for any practice management software and it’s an area that Carepatron takes very seriously. Complying with HIPAA regulations, in addition to various physical and electronic safeguards, you can relax knowing that your patient information is protected at all times. 

Carepatron’s other features include:


Carepatron also understands the importance of finding quality practice management solutions at an affordable price. Their pricing plans are as follows:

  • Starter: Free Plan
  • Professional: $12 per user/month
  • Organization: $19 per user/month 

As you can see, Carepatron has a lot to offer. Get started now…for free!

Practice management software

Spruce Health 

Spruce Health is another cloud-based practice management system that is tailored towards improving patient engagement for healthcare businesses. Spruce Health is designed to streamline communication, ensuring that both practitioner and patient needs are being met and that transparency throughout the care process is achieved. Some of the features included in Spruce Health’s platform are:

  • Secure messaging channel
  • Virtual care features, including video conferencing/appointments
  • Clinical questionnaires
  • Clinic profile
  • E-fax
  • Scheduled automatic replies 

Spruce Health pros

HIPAA compliant

Spruce Health’s platform is entirely HIPAA compliant, which is a must for any vendor that manages ePHI. In addition to having safeguards in place protecting data, Spruce Health offers a BAA, ensuring that both parties are adhering to HIPAA regulations. 

Automated communication

Finding innovative ways to efficiently and appropriately communicate with patients should be a top priority for healthcare businesses, and this is an area that Spruce Health excels. The system has robust features that allow practitioners to automate responses and messages to patients, ensuring everyone is kept informed at all times. 

Spruce Health cons

System limitations

Although patient communication and engagement is a very important aspect of healthcare, Spruce Health is somewhat limited in its features. Without additional solutions, a healthcare business may struggle to optimize its processes and truly achieve effective streamlining. Finding a practice management solution that is integrated with robust tools covering many different facets of healthcare is likely a better option than one that simply focuses on patient engagement. 


Spruce Health has two pricing plans:

  • Basic: $24 per user per month 
  • Communicator: $49 per user per month

Practice Perfect

Practice Perfect offers an all-in-one EMR and practice management system that can help your healthcare business save both money and time. The platform has been designed with a range of different health specialties in mind, including physical therapy, occupational therapy, chiropractic, mental health services, and speech therapy. Features integrated in the system include:

  • Billing assistance
  • Appointment scheduling
  • Analytics
  • Clinical documentation and EMR
  • Patient profile 

Practice Perfect pros 

Software updates 

Practice Perfect is constantly on the lookout for ways they can improve and update its software. As technology is continuously changing and developing, finding a platform that is flexible and willing to adapt is very important. 


Practice Perfect includes a number of different tutorials on its website to help new users adapt to the platform. Navigating new systems can take a bit of time, particularly for users who aren’t overly familiar with practice management software. Offering training features will help make the implementation process much smoother. 

Practice Perfect cons 


Practice Perfect offers a vast amount of plug-ins that complement its base features. Although plug-ins can be useful, offering essential features as an additional feature will rack up costs for your practice. For example, in order to store your data on the cloud, you need to purchase the Cloud Hosting plug-in - otherwise, all of your data needs to be stored on one of your computers. Telehealth, a client portal, and appointment reminders are also additional plug-ins. 

Only accessible on a web browser

Practice Perfect doesn’t have a mobile app, meaning it is only accessible via a web browser. This can be fairly inconvenient for practitioners, particularly if they are wanting to access their work remotely or when they are on the go.


Practice Perfect is $180 per month. This accounts for 4 users, and any additional user is $15 per month each. These costs don’t factor in any additional plug-ins you purchase, so the actual cost is likely to be much higher.

Simple Practice 

Simple Practice is one of the leading HIPAA-compliant practice management systems currently available. Used by a large number of healthcare practitioners across many different specialties, Simple Practice has been shown to elevate the administrative and clinical processes within a healthcare business. Some of their robust features include:

  • Telehealth 
  • Client portal
  • Clinical documentation
  • Billing
  • Appointment scheduling

Simple Practice Pros

Telehealth at no additional cost

Simple Practice integrates telehealth solutions into its platform at no additional cost. This allows healthcare businesses to introduce virtual care options with ease, reaching a wider clientele and ensuring patients in need are receiving the care they deserve.

Mobile app

Simple Practice also offers a mobile app. As more and more patients are looking for remote care solutions, finding innovative ways to address these needs has never been more important. With a mobile app, practitioners and patients can access important information remotely - from anywhere, at any time. 

Simple Practice cons

Customer Support

Unfortunately, Simple Practice hasn’t quite managed to perfect its customer support services. This is quite a significant drawback, as it’s very important that practitioners can resolve any issues that may arise as soon as possible. 

Outdated software

Simple Practice has been in the game for quite some time now, and its software reflects this. The technology is a little clunky, which becomes pretty noticeable considering the newer platforms that are excelling in this area. 

NextGen Healthcare

Finally, NextGen Healthcare. NextGen Healthcare is a cloud-based practice management system. The platform is entirely HIPAA-compliant and helps healthcare businesses achieve growth and improve the quality of care. Integrated into NextGen’s system are the following features:

  • Patient engagement tools
  • EHR (Electronic Health Records)
  • Analytics
  • Mobile solutions
  • Revenue cycle management
  • Care coordination tools 

NextGen Healthcare pros

Telehealth features 

NextGen is integrated with robust telehealth features, including group visits and guest visits. These ensure that remote care is delivered effectively, communication is achieved and every member of a patient’s care team is kept informed. 

Innovative solutions

NextGen has developed innovative solutions to improve the quality of care and is integrated with some unique tools. One of these includes the NextPen, which patients can use to fill out forms or other important information during check-in. This data flows directly into the EHR, ensuring that the practitioner has access to the relevant information prior to the appointment. 

NextGen Healthcare cons

Hard to navigate

Although the system is sophisticated, it is also complex, making it hard for new users to navigate. We appreciate NextGen’s attempts to explore new practice management solutions but honestly, sometimes simple is best. 

Pricing transparency

NextGen’s pricing isn’t listed on their site. We’ve done some research and users indicate that there are different pricing plans that vary between $299 - $549 per provider, per month. The cost of the platform also varies between physicians and nurses. This is a lot of money to be paying for a system that isn’t perfect!

What should you be looking for in a practice management system?

Now that we’ve had a look at some of the alternatives to iMedDocs, you might be feeling a little overwhelmed. And that’s totally okay. To help you in your search for the perfect practice management system, we’ve made a list of some of the most important features to keep an eye out for:

Compliance: Compliance is an absolute must. Any vendor that manages your ePHI needs to apply HIPAA guidelines, with the appropriate physical and electronic safeguards in place. When you are assessing the suitability of a potential platform, ensure you do some research into the specific security measures they have in place and double-check that they are willing to enter into a BAA with you. 

Implementation: Setting up a new practice management system shouldn’t be too hard. The best systems are cloud-based, which means you don’t have to purchase any new software or hardware. It can also be a good idea to look for a practice management system that offers training, so new users can adapt quickly. 

Affordability: This might seem obvious, but it’s important to find practice management software that fits within your budget. Although you may think that the best systems are the most expensive, this often isn’t the case. Some platforms have found ways to reduce their costs and ensure the technology is just as advanced, helping you to achieve your goals without breaking the bank. 

Integration: Depending on the features that you are looking for, and the systems you already have in place at your practice, you want to find software that has good integration capabilities. This will allow for a seamless implementation and ensure your processes aren’t slowed down or significantly altered. 

Scalability: Most, if not all, healthcare businesses are looking for ways to grow. The best practice management systems cater to scalability, with patient engagement resources and analytical tools.

Medical practitioner feedback

Final thoughts

Obviously, finding the perfect practice management software may take you a bit of time - and that’s totally fine. You want to ensure the platform you invest in has your best interests at heart and is catering to all of your business needs. Although iMedDocs has created some fairly good features, there are other alternative platforms that are likely more suited to your business. 

Having a look at what these alternative solutions have to offer may have highlighted some other components of practice management systems that iMedDocs doesn’t successfully incorporate. Regardless of what your final decision is, we hope this guide has given you some direction in relation to the types of features you should be on the lookout for. Implementing a robust practice management platform into your healthcare business is a very exciting move that offers countless opportunities. As technology is becoming more and more involved within the healthcare industry, it’s time to jump on board and see what it has to offer!

Further Reading: 

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