Social Phobia Inventory

Get access to a free Social Phobia Inventory template and example. Use it to evaluate your client's social phobia.

By Ericka Pingol on Jul 02, 2024.


Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

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What is the Social Phobia Inventory?

The is a self-report questionnaire used to assess the severity of social anxiety or social phobia in individuals. It was developed to help clinicians and researchers understand how social anxiety affects a person's daily life and functioning.

The SPIN contains 17 items that address various situations and experiences commonly associated with social anxiety. Participants rate each item on a 5-point Likert scale, typically ranging from 0 (not at all) to 4 (extremely). The items cover aspects such as fear of embarrassment or humiliation, avoidance of social situations, and anxiety-related physical symptoms.

The questionnaire is designed to be simple and easy to administer, making it a valuable tool for quickly assessing social anxiety symptoms in clinical and research settings. Scores on the SPIN can be used to identify the severity of social anxiety symptoms and to track changes over time as a result of treatment or intervention.

Please note that the SPIN is just one of several assessment tools available for measuring social anxiety or social phobia. Using the SPIN in conjunction with other clinical assessments and evaluations is recommended to comprehensively evaluate an individual's social anxiety disorder.

If you're looking for a useful treatment plan, feel free to watch this video:

Printable Social Phobia Inventory

Download this Social Phobia Inventory to assess clients effectively.

How does it work?

Our free Social Phobia Inventory template allows you to easily and quickly assess your client's level of social phobia using 17 items. Here's how to use the template:

Step one: Access the inventory

Download the printable Social Phobia Inventory using the link on this page. You can also access it from the Carepatron app or our resources library.

Step Two: Explain how it works

Discuss the inventory with your client and explain what it is and how to use it. Make sure to answer any questions they may have before administering the tool.

Step Three: Client completes the inventory

Give your client ample time to complete the inventory. They should answer all the questions honestly and thoughtfully.

Step Four: Score the inventory

Once your client has answered all the questions, it's time to score the inventory. Assess their responses for each item and give a numerical score based on their answers.

Step Five: Interpret the results

When interpreting the score for social phobia, a higher score generally suggests a higher level of social anxiety. However, it's important to consider individual contexts and circumstances since scores can vary.

Step Six: Discuss the results

Have a chat with your client. Encourage them to open up about their feelings and experiences with social phobia and how the score reflects their struggles. This is a great chance to delve deeper into social anxiety issues.

Social Phobia Inventory Scoring and Interpretation

The SPIN contains 17 items that address various situations and experiences commonly associated with social anxiety. Participants rate each item on a 5-point Likert scale, typically ranging from 0 (not at all) to 4 (extremely). The items cover aspects such as fear of embarrassment or humiliation, avoidance of social situations, and anxiety-related physical symptoms.

To calculate the total score, add up the responses for all 17 items. The total score will range from 0 to 68. The interpretation of the SPIN total score is as follows:

  • 0 to 19: Mild social anxiety - Individuals with scores in this range may experience some social anxiety, but it is not significantly impairing their daily life or functioning.
  • 20 to 39: Moderate social anxiety - Scores in this range indicate a moderate level of social anxiety, which might interfere with certain social situations and daily activities.
  • 40 to 68: Severe social anxiety - Scores in this range suggest a high level of social anxiety, which can significantly impact an individual's ability to engage in social interactions and daily functioning.

Please note that the Social Phobia Inventory (SPIN) is intended for assessment purposes only and should not be used as a diagnostic tool for social anxiety disorder. It is crucial to understand that a single assessment cannot provide a definitive diagnosis. Instead, the SPIN serves as an indicator of the severity of social anxiety symptoms.

Social Phobia Inventory Example (sample)

We have prepared a completed Social Phobia Inventory PDF sample to help you understand how to use this template. Feel free to use this sample as a reference or for educational purposes. Download it here or view the PDF version.

Download the free Social Phobia Inventory Example (sample):

Social Phobia Inventory Example (sample)

When would you use this Template?

You can use our free printable Social Phobia Inventory template to assess your client's level of social phobia. Additionally, you can use this inventory to:

Track progress over time

You can use our free SPIN template to monitor your client's social anxiety levels over multiple assessments. This allows you to track the development of their symptoms and create a personalized treatment plan tailored to their needs.

Gather reliable data

You can use this template to collect accurate, reliable data points about your client's level of social phobia. This will enable you to provide more precise diagnostic information and develop a comprehensive treatment plan.

Identify areas for intervention

The Social Phobia Inventory can help pinpoint specific areas where your clients may need intervention, such as managing fear in social situations or addressing the fear of being judged.

Detect co-existing issues

Social phobia, or social anxiety disorder, frequently coexists with other mental health conditions. Thoroughly evaluating the extent of social anxiety using SPIN allows you to identify possible comorbidities.

Foster self-reflection

You can use this inventory to encourage your client to recognize and reflect on their own limitations and feelings. This can help them better understand themselves, ultimately leading to more successful treatment outcomes.

Benefits of the free Social Phobia Inventory

Our free Social Phobia Inventory is user-friendly and digital. Here are the benefits of using it:

It's comprehensive and evidence-based

The Social Phobia Inventory covers all the symptoms of social anxiety disorder and is based on up-to-date research. You can be confident that the results are accurate and reliable.

It's versatile

You can utilize our user-friendly template in various settings. Whether in a professional office environment, during online counseling sessions, or even from the comfort of your client’s home, this free template is a seamless and efficient solution for a wide range of purposes.

It encourages open communication

Using the Social Phobia Inventory allows your client to self-report and engage in a dialogue about their feelings. It's an easy way for them to communicate their experiences, which can help you create a tailored treatment plan.

Empowers clients in their progress

Regular assessments with the Social Phobia Inventory enable clients to track their progress and gain confidence in coping with social anxiety challenges and improving their well-being.

Why use Carepatron as your Social Phobia Inventory app?

Are you a mental health professional seeking an efficient way to manage your practice? Look no further. Carepatron's Social Phobia Inventory app is here to revolutionize how you run your practice, providing you with an array of tools designed for maximum productivity and convenience.

With its intuitive interface, you can manage appointments, handle billing, keep track of patient records, and even provide telehealth services - all from one place. We understand that your focus should be on delivering effective care to your patients, and we’re here to handle the rest.

Dive into the future of healthcare management with Carepatron's Social Phobia Inventory software. We've made transitioning smoother with a dedicated team ready to assist you every step of the way. Join the expanding network of professionals who have placed their trust in us. We can't wait to welcome you aboard and help you transform your practice.

Sign up for Carepatron today and see the difference it brings to your professional life. Empowerment, efficiency, and effectiveness are just one click away!

Electronic Health Records Software


Connor, K. M., Davidson, J. R. T., Churchill, L. E., Sherwood, A., Foa, E., & Weisler, R. H. (2006). Social Phobia Inventory (SPIN) [Database record]. APA PsycTests.

Who uses the Social Phobia Inventory?
Who uses the Social Phobia Inventory?

Commonly asked questions

Who uses the Social Phobia Inventory?

The Social Phobia Inventory is suitable for clinical and non-clinical settings, catering to children, adolescents, adults, and older patients experiencing social phobia.

How long does it take to complete the Social Phobia Inventory?

The inventory can be completed within 5 to 10 minutes.

When do you use the Social Phobia Inventory?

You can use the Social Phobia Inventory at any stage of treatment or when a person is not receiving mental health services to assess their social anxiety levels.

How is the Social Phobia Inventory used?

A trained clinician administers the Social Phobia Inventory, which consists of 17 items assessing social phobia. Responses are compared to established norms for interpretation.

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