Domestic Violence Wheel

Discover the essential guide to the Domestic Violence Wheel, a vital tool for understanding and combating abusive relationships. Download the free PDF now.

By Audrey Liz Perez on Jul 02, 2024.


Fact Checked by RJ Gumban.

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What is a Domestic Violence Wheel?

The Domestic Violence Wheel, also called the domestic violence power and control wheel, is a complex tool designed to represent the multifaceted nature of abuse within a relationship. This wheel illustrates the various tactics an abuser may employ to maintain power and control over their partner. Understanding the dynamics of power and control is essential in recognizing the underlying patterns in abusive relationships.

At the core of the wheel are power and control, the ultimate goals of the abuser. Surrounding this core are segments or spokes, each representing a different aspect of abusive behavior. These include intimidation, emotional abuse, using children, isolation, minimizing, denying and blaming, economic abuse, and using male privilege. These are not isolated behaviors; they often interconnect, creating a continuous cycle of dominance and manipulation.

The provides a visual and conceptual framework for both professionals working in the field and individuals affected by domestic violence. By translating abstract concepts into concrete behaviors, the wheel offers insights into how abuse manifests and persists, contributing to broader education and intervention strategies.

Printable Domestic Violence Wheel

Download this Domestic Violence Wheel to help clients combat abusive relationships.

How does it work?

The domestic violence wheel of power and control is a versatile tool, serving as both a descriptive model and a functional resource. It offers a comprehensive view of the different forms of abuse, clarifying what can be an incredibly complex and deeply personal issue.

Step 1: Understanding the Wheel

Understanding each section of the wheel is crucial. The detailed sections represent different abusive behaviors that may manifest in a relationship.

Step 2: Identifying Behaviors

The next step is to recognize specific behaviors in a relationship that align with the segments of the wheel. This process involves introspection and may require professional guidance.

Step 3: Assessment and Planning

Utilizing the wheel as a means to evaluate the relationship helps in creating a personalized plan or strategy. It can be a cornerstone for therapeutic interventions or legal actions.

Step 4: Educational Tool

The domestic violence wheel is also used to educate others about the dynamics of domestic violence. It's a valuable resource in workshops, therapy sessions, and community education, enabling a broader understanding of what domestic violence entails.

Domestic Violence Wheels Example (sample)

The wheel of domestic violence is more than just a theoretical model; it has practical applications in various settings. Different wheel segments, such as intimidation, emotional abuse, isolation, and economic abuse, reflect real-world scenarios.

For instance, therapists and counselors might use the wheel to help survivors recognize the patterns of abuse in their relationships. By visualizing these patterns, individuals can better understand their experiences, leading to empowerment and recovery.

Additionally, the wheel can be a resource in legal settings. Law enforcement and legal professionals might employ it to illustrate the complexity of an abusive relationship in court. By breaking down the multifaceted nature of abuse into distinct segments, the wheel offers a clear and concise way to convey the intricacies of a survivor's experience.

Download this Domestic Violence Wheel Example:

Domestic Violence Wheels Example (sample)

When would you use this Form?

The Domestic Violence Wheel is a profound tool with diverse applications across various situations and professions.

Therapists and Counselors

Professionals working with victims of domestic violence can utilize the wheel to identify and understand abusive behaviors, facilitating effective intervention and support.

Educators and Awareness Campaigns

The wheel can be integrated into educational curricula or public awareness campaigns to illustrate the complexities of domestic abuse.

Legal Professionals

In legal contexts, the wheel may be used to demonstrate patterns of abuse during court proceedings, strengthening legal arguments.

Support Groups

Support groups for victims of domestic violence might utilize the wheel to help members articulate and understand their experiences.

Healthcare Providers

Medical professionals can use the wheel to recognize signs of patient abuse and provide appropriate care and referrals.

Community Organizations

Various community organizations working on domestic violence can use the wheel in their outreach and educational efforts.

Friends and Family Members

Those concerned about a loved one's relationship can use the wheel to identify warning signs and find ways to offer support.

Workplace Managers and HR Professionals

In workplace settings, understanding the domestic violence wheel can assist in recognizing signs of abuse among employees and guide in offering support.

Law Enforcement Officers

Police and other law enforcement personnel can use the wheel to understand the dynamics of domestic abuse, which might assist in investigations and support for victims.

Self-assessment for Victims

Individuals in or who have left an abusive relationship can use the wheel for self-assessment and understanding, which can be a step toward healing and recovery.

The wide-ranging application of the Domestic Violence Wheel underlines its significance as a versatile tool in recognizing and combating domestic violence across different scenarios and contexts.


The domestic violence power and control wheel offers an invaluable perspective into the intricate nature of abuse.

1. Awareness

It helps recognize the multifaceted nature of abuse, aiding both victims and professionals to understand the underlying dynamics that might not be apparent at first glance.

2. Education

An effective educational tool imparts knowledge about the different types and layers of abuse, fostering empathy and deeper understanding.

3. Assessment

The wheel allows for a comprehensive assessment of abusive relationships, pinpointing particular behaviors and patterns that might go unnoticed.

4. Intervention Planning

It plays a vital role in devising personalized intervention strategies, offering a tailored approach to tackle abuse.

5. Legal Support

Its systematic representation of abuse can be used to articulate experiences in legal contexts, strengthening legal arguments.

6. Universal Application

The wheel's adaptable and relevant nature across various cultural and social contexts makes it a universally applicable tool, transcending barriers of language and culture.

Research & Evidence

The development of the domestic violence wheel marked a significant advancement in the understanding and handling of abusive relationships. Created by the Domestic Abuse Intervention Programs in Duluth, Minnesota, it has undergone extensive research and adaptation.

Various studies have endorsed its efficacy, reflecting its effectiveness in multifaceted situations. Research has also been conducted to adapt the wheel for different cultural contexts, ensuring its applicability across diverse populations.

The evidence supporting its use is well-documented and robust, with numerous scholarly articles and empirical studies underscoring its relevance and applicability.

Why use Carepatron as your Domestic Violence Wheels app?

Carepatron offers an interactive and user-friendly platform for utilizing the domestic violence wheel of power and control. With expert support, customizable features, and adherence to privacy, it is a preferred choice for professionals.

Carepatron is a modern and comprehensive platform that simplifies using the domestic violence wheel of power and control. With its intuitive design and user-friendly interface, professionals and individuals can seamlessly navigate the complexities of domestic violence, transforming the wheel into an interactive and engaging tool. The platform's adaptability allows customization to suit various needs, making it a versatile resource for different users.

Carepatron is committed to maintaining the highest standards of privacy and confidentiality. This ensures that sensitive information remains secure, fostering a trusted user environment. The platform also offers expert support, with access to trained professionals who can effectively guide and assist in utilizing the domestic violence wheel. Carepatron represents a dynamic and robust platform with continuous updates and enhancements, ensuring that users have the most advanced tools and resources.

Electronic Health Records Software


Domestic Abuse Intervention Programs. (2020). Power and Control Wheel. Retrieved from Duluth Model website.

Who uses the Domestic Violence Wheels?
Who uses the Domestic Violence Wheels?

Commonly asked questions

Who uses the Domestic Violence Wheels?

Professionals like counselors, therapists, victims, and their friends or family may use the Domestic Violence Wheels.

When do you use the Domestic Violence Wheels?

The power and control wheel of domestic violence is used when there is a need to understand, assess, or intervene in an abusive relationship.

How are the Domestic Violence Wheels used?

The domestic violence wheel identifies, educates, plans, and supports intervention strategies in abusive relationships.

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