Controlling Your Urges PTSD Worksheets

Use our Controlling Your Urges PTSD Worksheet to help clients understand their triggers and learn coping strategies. Download the free PDF now.

By Ericka Pingol on Jul 15, 2024.


Fact Checked by RJ Gumban.

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What is a Controlling Your Urges PTSD Worksheet?

Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition triggered by a terrifying event—experiencing or witnessing it. People with PTSD may share intense, disturbing thoughts and feelings related to their experience that last long after the traumatic event has ended.

One common symptom is the presence of strong urges or impulses. These urges can manifest as a sudden desire to relive the traumatic event, engage in self-harming behaviors, or an overwhelming feeling of needing to escape or hide. Understanding and controlling these urges is a vital part of managing PTSD.

Mental health professionals may use a to help their clients understand their triggers and learn strategies to cope with them. This worksheet is designed to help clients identify what causes these urges and recognize their unique warning signs that an urge may be coming on.

This worksheet empowers individuals to take control of their urges, ultimately contributing to their overall well-being and recovery. Moreover, by learning about their triggers, individuals, with the help of mental health professionals, can create an action plan to avoid them or be prepared to handle them safely.

Controlling Your Urges PTSD Worksheets Template

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Controlling Your Urges PTSD Worksheets Example

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How to use the Controlling Your Urges PTSD Worksheet

Our free Controlling Your Urges PTSD Worksheet can help clients unpack their triggers and develop a management plan. Follow these steps to use the template:

Step One: Download the worksheet

Access the printable Controlling Your Urges PTSD Worksheet using this page's link or the Carepatron app. You may also get a copy from our extensive library.

Step Two: Explain how it works with your client

Discuss the worksheet's purpose and how it can be used to stay in control. Explain that their answers will help them identify their triggers, create a plan for managing them, and practice the skills they need to cope with urges.

Step Three: Work through the exercise together

Walk your client through each section of the worksheet step by step. As they complete the worksheet, ask questions to help them uncover their triggers and develop a management plan.

Step Four: Review with your client

Review the answers on the worksheet together and discuss any needs or concerns arising from it. Encourage your client to continue using this tool as they progress in their recovery journey.

When would you use this Controlling Your Urges PTSD Worksheet?

You may use this free Controlling Your Urges PTSD Worksheet in individual or group therapy sessions. It allows clients to process their experiences, recognize triggers, and develop coping strategies for managing urges. Moreover, you can utilize this template to:

Provide structure and guidance for managing urges and triggers

Carepatron's free worksheet is a fantastic tool for guiding urges and triggers. The questions on the worksheet help your client identify their triggers, create a plan for responding to them, and practice the skills needed to cope with urges.

Empower clients to take responsibility for their recovery

The worksheet also encourages your client to take an active role in their recovery by exploring their triggers and developing strategies to manage those triggers. This helps your client build confidence and resilience in their recovery while giving them a sense of ownership over their journey.

Promote open communication and self-awareness

You can also use the worksheet to promote open communication between you and your client. The questions encourage them to reflect on their triggers and behaviors while providing a safe space to express themselves. Additionally, it can help your client develop self-awareness by assisting them to recognize patterns in their behavior and identify potential improvement areas.

Support clients in crises

In times of crisis, this worksheet can serve as a lifeline for your client. It allows them to quickly review their triggers, remind themselves of their coping strategies, and take appropriate action. This readily available information will help them effectively manage their urges in high-stress situations.

What are the benefits of using this Controlling Your Urges PTSD Worksheet?

Here are some of the benefits of using our free Controlling Your Urges PTSD Worksheet:

It's pre-made and easy to customize

This Controlling Your Urges PTSD Worksheet is pre-made, so you won't have time to craft your worksheet. Plus, you can customize it for each client to make it more meaningful and relevant to their situation.

It's 100% digital

Our worksheet is entirely digital, so you can easily share it with your clients and access it from your electronic devices. This makes the worksheet more accessible and easier for the therapist and client.

It's simple and straightforward

The worksheet is designed to be simple and straightforward, so it's easier for your client to understand. The questions are phrased to encourage self-reflection and help them clarify their triggers and urges.

It promotes client autonomy

This worksheet provides a tangible way for clients to take control of their healing process. It empowers them to actively recognize and manage their triggers, fostering a sense of autonomy and reinforcing the therapeutic work done in sessions.

It's a constant reminder of growth

This worksheet serves as a testament to your client's growth and resilience. Looking back at their entries over time, they can see how far they've come in managing their triggers, reinforcing their confidence and determination to continue their healing journey.

How long does it usually take to accomplish the Controlling Your Urges PTSD Worksheet?
How long does it usually take to accomplish the Controlling Your Urges PTSD Worksheet?

Commonly asked questions

How long does it usually take to accomplish the Controlling Your Urges PTSD Worksheet?

The Controlling Your Urges PTSD Worksheet will take 30 minutes to two hours, depending on your client's needs. It is essential to provide ample time for the client to process and work through each step in the worksheet, as this will ensure that they have a thorough understanding of how to control their urges moving forward.

When is this Controlling Your Urges PTSD Worksheet best used?

You can use the Controlling Your Urges PTSD Worksheet during an individual session or as a take-home assignment. It is best used with clients who are dealing with symptoms of trauma or PTSD from a significant life event, such as military service, sexual assault, or natural disaster.

Who can use the Controlling Your Urges PTSD Worksheet?

Mental health professionals such as counselors, therapists, psychologists, and psychiatrists can use the Controlling Your Urges PTSD Worksheet in their practice. It can be used to help clients who are struggling with symptoms of trauma or PTSD learn how to identify and manage their urges.

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