Anti-MǬllerian Hormone

Learn about the Anti-MǬllerian Hormone Test, its significance in fertility assessment, and how it's used in reproductive health.


By Joshua Napilay on May 15, 2024.

Fact Checked by Nate Lacson.

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What is an Anti-MǬllerian Hormone Test (AMH)?

The (AMH) is vital for assessing a woman's reproductive potential. This blood test analyzes a woman's ovarian reserve, which refers to the quantity and quality of eggs in her ovaries. The test is crucial in reproductive medicine and gynecology, providing essential insights into a woman's fertility status.

AMH is predominantly produced by the ovaries in females, and the test measures the hormone levels in a woman's bloodstream. Higher AMH levels generally indicate a more enormous ovarian reserve, which suggests a more significant number of viable eggs available for future conception. On the other hand, lower AMH levels may signify a reduced ovarian reserve, which could indicate conditions like premature ovarian aging or infertility.

The AMH test benefits individuals contemplating fertility treatments such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) or those interested in preserving their fertility. Healthcare providers collect a blood sample from the patient, and the results are typically reported in units like nanograms per milliliter (ng/mL) or picograms per milliliter (pg/mL). The test results guide healthcare professionals in tailoring fertility treatment strategies and offering personalized guidance on family planning.

The AMH test is non-invasive and is usually performed in a clinical setting. The results are reliable and accurately assess a woman's ovarian reserve. The test benefits women who want to conceive or face fertility issues later in life. It helps them make informed decisions about their reproductive health and take appropriate measures to preserve their fertility.

Printable Anti-MǬllerian Hormone

Download this Anti-MǬllerian Hormone to help clients in assessing reproductive potential.

How does it work?

Access the Form

Locate a printable Anti-MǬllerian Hormone Test form, often available on healthcare provider websites or fertility clinic resources.

Download or Print

Download the form to your computer or print a hard copy to fill out.

Personal Information

Complete your details, including your full name, date of birth, and contact information on the form.

Medical History

Provide information about your medical history, including any preexisting health conditions or medications you are currently taking.


Carefully read and sign the consent section of the form, indicating your agreement to undergo the AMH test. This step is legally and ethically necessary.

Sample Collection Date

Specify the date when you plan to have your blood sample collected for the AMH test on the form.

Laboratory Information

If required, include details about the laboratory where your blood sample will be sent for analysis on the form.

Patient Signature

Sign the form authorizing the AMH test and ensuring compliance with healthcare regulations.

Blood Sample Collection

Visit a healthcare facility or laboratory on the specified date to have a healthcare professional draw a blood sample from your arm using a needle and collection tube.

Laboratory Analysis

The collected blood sample is sent to a clinical laboratory for specialized analysis.

Skilled technicians measure the levels of Anti-MǬllerian Hormone in the blood.

Measurement Units

AMH levels are typically reported in nanograms per milliliter (ng/mL) or picograms per milliliter (pg/mL).


Healthcare providers interpret the AMH test results, with higher levels suggesting an enormous ovarian reserve and lower levels potentially indicating a reduced ovarian reserve.

Anti-MǬllerian Hormone Test Example (sample)

This PDF form typically includes sections for personal information, medical history, consent, sample collection date, laboratory information, and patient signature, as mentioned in previous responses. Patients can download, print, and fill out this form to initiate the AMH testing process with their healthcare provider. Accurate completion of the form is essential to ensure the AMH test is conducted correctly, and it also serves as a legal and ethical authorization for the procedure.

This sample form is a visual representation, and actual AMH test forms may vary by healthcare provider or laboratory. Patients are advised to obtain the specific form from their healthcare provider or clinic to ensure compliance with their unique requirements and procedures.

Download this Anti-MǬllerian Hormone Example:

Anti-MǬllerian Hormone Test Example (sample)

When would you use this test?

The Anti-MǬllerian Hormone Test (AMH) is a valuable diagnostic tool with several critical applications across various medical specialties. Practitioners from gynecology, reproductive medicine, endocrinology, and fertility specialists often utilize this test for the following purposes:

  • Assessment of Ovarian Reserve: Gynecologists and fertility specialists use the AMH test to evaluate a woman's ovarian reserve, which provides essential information about her fertility potential. This assessment is particularly relevant for pregnant women seeking fertility treatments.
  • Fertility Treatment Planning: Fertility specialists rely on AMH results to tailor fertility treatment plans, such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) or ovulation induction. AMH levels help determine the appropriate dosage of medications and predict the likelihood of treatment success.
  • Identification of Reproductive Disorders: Endocrinologists and gynecologists may use the AMH test to identify reproductive disorders like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) or premature ovarian insufficiency. Early detection through AMH testing allows for timely intervention and management.
  • Monitoring Ovarian Aging: Gynecologists and reproductive specialists monitor AMH levels to assess the rate of ovarian aging in patients. This information aids in counseling women about their reproductive timeline and options.
  • Egg Freezing Decisions: Women considering elective egg freezing to preserve fertility can benefit from AMH testing. It helps them make informed decisions about the optimal timing for this procedure.
  • Evaluation of Ovarian Tumors: Oncologists may use the AMH test in assessing ovarian tumors. Elevated AMH levels can indicate the presence of certain types of ovarian tumors, prompting further evaluation and treatment.�?�
  • Research and Academic Purposes: Researchers studying reproductive biology and endocrinology often use AMH tests to gather data and explore new fertility and reproductive health avenues.

What do the results mean?

The results of an Anti-MǬllerian Hormone (AMH) test provide valuable insights into a woman's ovarian reserve, essential for understanding her fertility potential. The interpretation of AMH levels can guide medical decisions and family planning. Here's what common AMH test results generally mean:

High AMH Levels

  • High AMH levels (above the expected range for a woman's age) typically indicate an enormous ovarian reserve.
  • This suggests that the individual likely has more eggs available for future conception.
  • Women with high AMH levels may have a higher chance of success with fertility treatments like in vitro fertilization (IVF).

Normal AMH Levels

  • Normal AMH levels, falling within the expected range for a woman's age, are considered optimal.
  • It suggests a healthy ovarian reserve, and the individual will likely have a good chance of conceiving naturally.

Low AMH Levels

  • Low AMH levels (below the expected range for a woman's age) can be concerning.
  • It may indicate a reduced ovarian reserve, potentially posing challenges for conception.
  • Women with low AMH levels might have a higher risk of infertility or require more aggressive fertility treatments.

Very Low or Undetectable AMH Levels

  • Very low or undetectable AMH levels may signal extremely diminished ovarian reserve.
  • This could indicate conditions like premature ovarian insufficiency, where the ovaries cease functioning earlier than expected.
  • Conceiving naturally becomes highly unlikely in such cases, and individuals may explore alternative options like donor eggs or adoption.

AMH levels are just one factor in fertility. Other factors like age, medical history, and underlying conditions should be considered. Specialists use AMH results and other assessments to create personalized treatment plans. A free AMH test is covered by a healthcare provider, making fertility evaluation accessible.

Why use Carepatron as your Anti-MǬllerian Hormone app?

Carepatron stands out as the ideal platform for managing and tracking your Anti-MǬllerian Hormone (AMH) Test due to its unique blend of features, reliability, and user-friendly interface tailored for healthcare professionals and patients.

  • Comprehensive AMH Test Management: Carepatron offers a holistic approach to managing your test journey. It provides tools to schedule appointments, set reminders for test dates, and securely store test results.
  • User-Friendly Interface: The Carepatron AMH Test app is designed for ease of use. Both healthcare professionals and patients can navigate the platform effortlessly, making it accessible to a wide range of users.
  • Data Security and Privacy: Privacy and security of medical data are paramount. Carepatron ensures that your sensitive AMH test information is protected with robust encryption and adherence to healthcare data privacy regulations.
  • Patient-Centric Approach: Carepatron places patients at the center of their healthcare journey. Patients can access their AMH test results, track changes over time, and receive personalized fertility and reproductive health recommendations.
  • Seamless Collaboration: For healthcare professionals, Carepatron fosters seamless collaboration with patients. Physicians and fertility specialists can monitor patient progress, provide timely advice, and adjust treatment plans.
  • Compatibility and Integration: Carepatron is adaptable to various devices and operating systems, ensuring patients and healthcare providers can access the app from their preferred devices. It can also integrate with other healthcare software and systems, streamlining the management of AMH tests within existing workflows.
Clinical Documentation Software


American Society for Reproductive Medicine. (2023, September 22). Anti-MǬllerian hormone (AMH) test. Retrieved September 26, 2023, from

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. (2022, March 10). Anti-MǬllerian hormone (AMH) test. Retrieved September 26, 2023, from

ASRM Fertility Fact. (2022, March 9). Anti-MǬllerian hormone (AMH) test. Retrieved September 26, 2023, from

Cleveland Clinic. (n.d.). Anti-MǬllerian hormone (AMH) test. Retrieved September 26, 2023, from

March of Dimes. (2022, August 4). Anti-MǬllerian hormone (AMH) test. Retrieved September 26, 2023, from

Mayo Clinic. (n.d.). Anti-MǬllerian hormone (AMH) test. Retrieved September 26, 2023, from

MedlinePlus. (n.d.). Anti-MǬllerian hormone test. Retrieved September 26, 2023, from (2022, July 5). Anti-MǬllerian hormone (AMH) test. Retrieved September 26, 2023, from

Resolve The National Infertility Association. (2023, September 13). Anti-MǬllerian hormone (AMH) test. Retrieved September 26, 2023, from

Society for Reproductive Medicine. (2022, April 12). Anti-MǬllerian hormone (AMH) test. Retrieved September 26, 2023, from

Who typically requests an Anti-MǬllerian Hormone Test?
Who typically requests an Anti-MǬllerian Hormone Test?

Commonly asked questions

Who typically requests an Anti-MǬllerian Hormone Test?

Gynecologists, fertility specialists, and reproductive endocrinologists typically request AMH tests. Patients concerned about their fertility may also request one.

How are Anti-MǬllerian Hormone Tests used?

A blood sample is collected and sent to a lab for analysis. Results help determine fertility potential, guide treatment, and assess ovarian health.

How long does an Anti-MǬllerian Hormone Test take?

The test itself takes only a few minutes to draw a blood sample. Results are usually available within a few days to a week, depending on the lab and healthcare provider.

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