R79.89 – Other specified abnormal findings of blood chemistry

Learn about the R79.89 code, its clinical info, billability, synonyms, related ICD-10 codes, and more—a comprehensive guide for blood chemistry diagnostics.

By Karina Jimenea on Jun 16, 2024.

Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

Use Code
R79.89  – Other specified abnormal findings of blood chemistry

R79.89 Diagnosis Code: Other Specified Abnormal Findings of Blood Chemistry

  • The R79.89 diagnosis code signifies other specified abnormal findings in blood chemistry that are not classified elsewhere.
  • This code is typically used when laboratory blood tests reveal abnormal results that need to be coded but do not fit under other specific codes.
  • It is not meant to be used for typical variant results.
  • These abnormal findings may indicate a broad range of health conditions or diseases that require further investigation.

Is R79.89 Billable?

Yes, R79.89 is a billable code. It means that it can be used in medical billing to claim reimbursement for health care services related to investigating and managing abnormal blood chemistry findings.

Clinical Information

  • The R79.89 diagnosis code applies to patients with abnormal blood chemistry test findings.
  • These findings could be related to several health conditions, including metabolic disorders, kidney diseases, liver diseases, or hormonal imbalances.
  • This code does not specify the exact nature of the abnormal findings.
  • The physician may use additional diagnostic codes to provide a more detailed description of the patient's health status.

Synonyms Include:

  • Abnormal blood chemistry findings, unspecified
  • Unspecified irregular findings in blood chemistry
  • Other specified anomalies in blood test results
  • Abnormal findings in blood chemistry, NOS (not otherwise specified)
  • Non-specific abnormal blood test results

Other ICD-10 Codes Commonly Used for Blood Chemistry

  • R79.0: Abnormal level of blood mineral
  • R79.1: Abnormal coagulation profile
  • R79.9: Abnormal findings of blood chemistry, unspecified
  • R73.01: Impaired fasting glucose
  • R73.02: Impaired glucose tolerance (oral)
  • R73.09: Other abnormal glucose
  • R73.9: Hyperglycemia, unspecified
Electronic Health Records Software

Commonly asked questions

What does the R79.89 code indicate about a patient's health?

R79.89 indicates abnormal findings in a patient's blood chemistry that require further investigation.

Can R79.89 be used for routine blood test results?

No, R79.89 is used for specific abnormal findings in blood chemistry, not for routine blood tests.

Does R79.89 specify what the abnormal finding is?

No, R79.89 indicates an abnormal finding, but additional diagnostic codes are used to specify the nature of the abnormality.

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