Perinephric Hematoma ICD-10-CM Codes
Read this short guide and learn about perinephric hematoma ICD codes you can use.

What perinephric hematoma ICD codes can I use?
If you’re having trouble looking for ICD codes for perinephric hematoma, no ICD codes mention perinephric hematoma in their names. That doesn’t mean there aren’t any, though! Perinephric hematoma is a problem tied to the abdomen and kidneys, so here are four ICD codes that are most suited to it:
- K66.1 - Hemoperitoneum
This ICD code is meant to be used on a patient confirmed to have hemoperitoneum, a type of internal bleeding in the peritoneum that can result from perinephric hematoma.
- S37.009A - Unspecified injury of unspecified kidney, initial encounter
This ICD-10 code is meant to be used on a patient confirmed to have an unspecified type of injury to an unspecified kidney. Perinephric hematoma is a kind of kidney injury, so that you may use this ICD code. This code also has an initial encounter label on it, which means the patient is being given active treatment for it.
- S37.009D - Unspecified injury of unspecified kidney, subsequent encounter
This is the same as Item 2, but this time, there’s a subsequent encounter label, which means that the patient is recovering from the problem and still being active/routine care.
- S37.009S - Unspecified injury of unspecified kidney, sequela
This is the same as Item 2, but this time, there’s a sequela label on it, which means that the patient is dealing with the aftereffects of the problem. Given this, this ICD-10 code should be accompanied by two other ICD-10 codes, one of which should designate the sequela’s nature, while the other should describe the sequela (meaning its effects).
Do note that items 2-4 have variations. These variations are more specific, meaning they mention which kidney has the problem, so if you can determine which kidney is affected, it’s best to use the particular ICD codes for it. Given the lack of perinephric hematoma ICD codes, using the unspecified injury of [unspecified/left/right] kidney is best.
Are these perinephric hematoma ICD codes billable?
Yes. All of those mentioned above perinephric hematoma-related ICD codes are valid and billable.
Clinical information about perinephric hematoma:
Before we discuss perinephric hematoma, let’s briefly discuss what a hematoma is. Hematoma is the term healthcare professionals use to refer to a terrible bruise. The affected part with hematoma will have blood pooling under the skin's surface. But that’s for the primary type of hematoma.
Perinephric hematoma is a type of hematoma that’s internal. It can be dangerous and life-threatening if not addressed as soon as possible. It’s also rare and usually emerges due to renal tumors, vascular problems, and inflammations, though there have been idiopathic cases of perinephric hematoma. If left unchecked, it can result in renal injuries and damage kidneys horribly to the point that the patient who has it may need to undergo nephrectomy.
Commonly asked questions
As of now, there aren’t any. Perhaps one or several will emerge, but for now, it’s best to rely on the codes listed above and those related to them.
The kidneys. That’s why it’s considered to be life-threatening.
This problem is rare, so, for now, treatment can include transfusions, nephrectomy, or radiologically guided intervention.