Fall from Ladder ICD-10-CM Codes

Read this short guide and learn about fall-from-ladder ICD codes you can use.

By Wynona Jugueta on Jun 16, 2024.

Fact Checked by RJ Gumban.

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Fall from Ladder ICD-10-CM Codes

What fall-from-ladder ICD codes can I use?

If you’re looking for fall-from-ladder ICD codes, there are only three to pick from:

  1. W11.XXXA - Fall on and from ladder, initial encounter

This ICD-10 code is meant to be used on a patient confirmed to have suffered a fall from a ladder. This code has the initial encounter label, which means that the patient is being given active treatment for it.

  1. W11.XXXD - Fall on and from ladder, subsequent encounter

This ICD-10 code is meant to be used on a patient confirmed to have suffered a fall from a ladder. This code has the subsequent encounter label, meaning that the patient is in recovery and still being given active care.

  1. W11.XXXS - Fall on and from ladder, sequela

This ICD-10 code is meant to be used on a patient confirmed to have suffered a fall from a ladder. This code has the sequela label, which means the patient is dealing with the aftereffects of the fall from the ladder. Since it has the sequela label, this ICD code must be accompanied by two other codes: one should specify the sequela’s nature, and the other should describe its effects.

Are these fall-from-ladder ICD codes billable?

Yes. All three of these fall from ladder-related ICD codes are valid and billable.

Clinical information about falls from ladders:

Falling from a ladder is a terrible accident that can lead to terrible outcomes, so it’s always best for people who climb a ladder to ensure that it is positioned correctly and securely. It’s also good to have someone at the bottom of the ladder to stabilize it and catch someone just in case the person climbing the ladder falls.

A person falling from a ladder may suffer various injuries, depending on how high they were while climbing and how they’re positioned as they fall and land. They might suffer fractures, cuts, and bruises. They might sprain/strain their muscles, break their bones, and suffer neck/traumatic brain injuries. At worst, they might become paralyzed or even die on the spot.

Synonyms include:

  • Fall from ladder
  • Fall on ladder
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Commonly asked questions

Are there any other falls from ladder ICD codes?

Yes. There is one more invalid and unbillable, so we didn’t include it in the list. We also don’t recommend using it.

What makes a person at risk of falling down a ladder?

A person has a higher risk of falling if the ladder they’re using has been worn down over time or is damaged. They risk falling if the ladder isn’t appropriately positioned, is unstable, or if the terrain it’s on is not suitable for it in the first place.

What if I suffered a fall from a ladder while working? What do I do?

Try to get worker’s compensation. You might want to get a lawyer for it in case of disputes.

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