Knee Contusion ICD-10-CM Codes

Familiarize yourself with the ICD-10 code used for knee contusions. Learn more about the code’s clinical description, billability, synonyms, etc.

By Emma Hainsworth on Jun 16, 2024.

Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

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Knee Contusion ICD-10-CM Codes

What ICD-10 Codes are Used for Knee Contusion 

Here’s a list of the ICD-10 codes used for knee contusions organized according to the general location of the contusion:

Unspecified Knee

  • S80.00XA: Contusion of unspecified knee, initial encounter
  • S80.00XD: Contusion of unspecified knee, subsequent encounter
  • S80.00XS: Contusion of unspecified knee, sequela

Right Knee

  • S80.01XA: Contusion of right knee, initial encounter
  • S80.01XD: Contusion of right knee, subsequent encounter
  • S80.01XS: Contusion of right knee, sequela

Left Knee

  • S80.02XA: Contusion of left knee, initial encounter
  • S80.02XD: Contusion of left knee, subsequent encounter
  • S80.02XS: Contusion of left knee, sequela

Which Knee Contusion ICD codes are Billable: 

All of the knee contusion ICD codes mentioned above are billable. 

Clinical Information

  • A knee contusion happens because of blunt trauma like a fall or blow to the knee, resulting in damaged soft tissue or bone. Aside from the damage, a patient may also obtain scrapes and skin tears from the impact. 
  • Symptoms may vary depending on the most affected: soft tissue or bone. However, some common symptoms to be expected are a color change in the skin to red/blue/black, pain when touched, and swelling. 
  • To treat a knee contusion, a practitioner may recommend ice packs, rest, anti-inflammatory medication, and elevation or compression of the affected leg. The practitioner may recommend a brace if the patient has a more severe case. 

Synonyms Include:

  • Contusion of knee
  • Contusion of the lower leg
  • Contusion of knee and/or lower leg
  • Injury of knee
  • Superficial injury of knee and/or lower leg
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Commonly asked questions

When to use a Knee Contusion ICD code?

You may use a knee contusion ICD code when you’ve determined through examination and imaging tests that the patient has a knee contusion and not something more severe like fracture or break, which would require a different ICD code altogether.

Are Knee Contusion diagnosis codes billable?

Yes, the specific knee contusion codes are billable. 

What are the common treatments for Knee Contusion?

Common treatments for knee contusions are rest, ice packs, anti-inflammatory medication, and compression or elevation of the affected leg. Braces are also one of the common treatments for more severe cases.

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