Head Contusion ICD-10-CM Codes

Explore this short guide to ICD-10 codes for head contusions. Learn more about the codes’ billability, synonyms, and clinical descriptions.

By Harriet Murray on Jun 16, 2024.

Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

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Head Contusion ICD-10-CM Codes

What ICD-10 Codes are Used for Head Contusion 

Here’s a list of the ICD Codes for head contusions that practitioners can use for diagnosis documentation, billing, medical coding, and more:

Contusion of Other Parts of the Head

  • S00.83XA: Contusion of other part of head, initial encounter
  • S00.83XD: Contusion of other part of head, subsequent encounter
  • S00.83XS: Contusion of other part of head, sequela

Contusion of unspecified part of head, sequela

  • S00.93XA: Contusion of unspecified part of head, initial encounter
  • S00.93XD: Contusion of unspecified part of head, subsequent encounter
  • S00.93XS: Contusion of unspecified part of head, sequela

If the contusion of the patient is located on more specific parts of the head, such as the nose or ear, it’s recommended that you look for the appropriate code instead of using the head contusion ICD-10 code. 

Which Head Contusion ICD codes are Billable: 

All of the head contusion ICD codes mentioned above are billable.

Clinical Information

  • A head contusion, also known as an intracerebral hematoma, is a type of head injury wherein blunt trauma causes a bruise on the brain. Aside from bruising, a patient may have bleeding, swelling, skull fractures, and blood clots due to blunt trauma.
  • Some causes of a head contusion are vehicular accidents, abuse/violence, or falls. 
  • Symptoms vary depending on the severity of the injury. It can be as mild as headaches and lightheadedness and as severe as loss of consciousness and seizures. 
  • To diagnose a head contusion or any head injury, a practitioner may have a patient undergo blood tests, EEG, and imaging tests like X-rays, MRIs, and CT scans. 
  • There are a lot of factors to consider when formulating a treatment plan. However, some common ones for milder cases are ice, rest, antibiotic ointment, and stitches. If severe, surgery may be required. 

Synonyms Include:

  • Contusion of head and/or neck
  • Superficial contusion of neck
  • Superficial injury of the head and/or neck
  • Calcified hematoma of head
  • Hemoatoma of the temporal region
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Commonly asked questions

When to use a Head Contusion ICD code?

You can use a head contusion ICD code when you’ve determined with examination and tests that the head injury of the patient is indeed a contusion.

Are Head Contusion diagnosis codes billable?

Yes, the specific head contusion ICD-10 codes are billable. 

What are the common treatments for Head Contusion?

Common treatments for milder cases are rest, ice packs, antibiotic ointments, and stitches. For more extreme cases, surgery may be a recommended treatment. 

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