Adrenal Nodule ICD-10-CM Codes

Explore the commonly used ICD-10 codes for adrenal nodules, understand their meanings, and learn when they are billable.

By Liliana Braun on Jun 16, 2024.

Fact Checked by RJ Gumban.

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Adrenal Nodule ICD-10-CM Codes

What ICD-10 Codes are Used for Adrenal Nodule? 

Adrenal nodules, or growths on the adrenal glands, often present unique challenges for healthcare professionals. Accurate diagnosis and billing require specific ICD-10 codes. The International Classification of Diseases, 10th Edition (ICD-10), is a system healthcare providers use to classify and code all diagnoses, symptoms, and procedures.

Here are some commonly used ICD-10 codes for adrenal nodules:

  1. E27.9 - Disorder of adrenal gland, unspecified: This code represents a disorder in the adrenal gland that is not specified, which could include adrenal nodules causing a disorder or dysfunction in the adrenal gland.
  2. E27.8 - Other specified disorders of the adrenal gland: This code is used for specific disorders in the adrenal gland that do not fall under other categories. An adrenal nodule could be coded with E27.8 if it's causing a specified disorder that's not otherwise categorized.
  3. D44.10 - Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of unspecified adrenal gland: This code denotes an abnormal growth in the adrenal gland, but it's uncertain whether it's benign or malignant. An adrenal nodule could be such a growth.
  4. D35.02 - Benign neoplasm of the left adrenal gland: This code is used specifically for benign growths in the left adrenal gland. This would be the appropriate code if an adrenal nodule is identified as a benign growth on the left adrenal gland.
  5. D35.01 - Benign neoplasm of the right adrenal gland: This code is used for benign growths in the right adrenal gland. This would be the appropriate code if an adrenal nodule is identified as a benign growth on the right adrenal gland.
  6. D35.00 - Benign neoplasm of the unspecified adrenal gland: This code is used when there's a benign tumor (which could include a nodule) in the adrenal gland, but the specific gland (left or right) isn't specified. If an adrenal nodule is identified as a benign growth and it's unclear whether it's on the left or right adrenal gland, this would be the appropriate code.

Before we delve deeper into these codes, watch this brief explainer video overviewing ICD-10 coding for adrenal nodules.

Coding for adrenal nodules can be complex due to the various conditions that may present. Understanding these codes is crucial for accurate documentation and billing. For more information on medical billing and coding, especially for conditions like adrenal nodules, check out this helpful article on Adrenal Nodule ICD Codes.

Which Adrenal Nodule ICD codes are Billable?

ICD-10 codes are used in medical billing to specify the patient's diagnosis. The following ICD-10 codes for adrenal nodules are typically billable, meaning they can be used for health insurance claims:

  1. E27.9 - Disorder of adrenal gland, unspecified: This code is billable and represents a disorder in the adrenal gland that isn't specified.
  2. E27.8 - Other specified disorders of the adrenal gland: This is also a billable code used when a specific disorder in the adrenal gland doesn't fall under other categories.
  3. D44.10 - Neoplasm of uncertain behavior of unspecified adrenal gland: This billable code is used when there's a neoplasm (an abnormal growth, which could be a nodule) in the adrenal gland, but it's unclear whether it's benign or malignant.
  4. D35.02 - Benign neoplasm of the left adrenal gland: This is a billable code explicitly used for benign growths in the left adrenal gland.
  5. D35.01 - Benign neoplasm of the right adrenal gland: This is a billable code used for benign growths in the right gland.
  6. D35.00 - Benign neoplasm of the unspecified adrenal gland: This billable code is used when there's a benign tumor (which could include a nodule) in the adrenal gland, but the specific gland (left or right) isn't specified.

Please note that these codes are usually billable, but coverage can depend on each health insurance provider's specific rules and policies. Always verify with the particular insurance provider before submitting claims.

Clinical Information

Adrenal nodules are growths that appear on the adrenal glands. These glands are small structures located above each of your kidneys. They produce hormones you can't live without, including sex hormones and cortisol, which help you respond to stress. Here's some clinical information about adrenal nodules:

  • Adrenal nodules can be benign (noncancerous) or malignant (cancerous). Most adrenal nodules are benign.
  • They can vary in size. Some are small enough to go unnoticed and don't cause any symptoms. Others grow larger and can press against other organs, causing discomfort or pain.
  • Some adrenal nodules can produce excess hormones. For example, an adrenal nodule might produce too much cortisol, leading to conditions like Cushing's syndrome.
  • Not all adrenal nodules produce excess hormones. Non-functioning adrenal nodules do not produce hormones. They are often detected incidentally during imaging tests for other conditions.
  • The cause of adrenal nodules is often unknown but can be linked to specific genetic disorders or endocrine diseases.
  • Symptoms of adrenal nodules can vary depending on whether they are functioning or non-functioning. Functioning nodules can cause symptoms related to hormone overproduction, such as high blood pressure, rapid heartbeat, or excessive sweating.
  • Diagnosis usually involves imaging tests like CT scans or MRI to visualize the nodule. Blood and urine tests may also be done to check hormone levels.
  • Treatment depends on the size of the nodule, whether it's producing excess hormones, and whether it's benign or malignant. Options can include watchful waiting, medication to manage symptoms, or surgery to remove the nodule.
  • Follow-up care is essential, as adrenal nodules can grow or produce excess hormones over time.

Synonyms Include

  • Adrenal tumors
  • Adrenal masses
  • Adrenal lesions
  • Adrenal gland nodules
  • Nodules of the adrenal glands
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Commonly asked questions

When to use an Adrenal Nodule ICD code?

Adrenal Nodule ICD codes are used when a healthcare provider diagnoses a patient with an adrenal nodule or a related condition. These codes are used for documentation, billing, and statistical purposes.

Are Adrenal Nodule diagnosis billable?

Yes, the ICD-10 codes for adrenal nodules are typically billable. This means they can be used in health insurance claims. However, coverage can depend on each health insurance provider's specific rules and policies. Verifying with the particular insurance provider before submitting claims is always best.

What are the common treatments for Adrenal Nodule Diagnosis Codes?

The treatment for adrenal nodules depends on several factors the size of the nodule, whether it's producing excess hormones, and whether it's benign or malignant. Common treatments include watchful waiting, medication to manage symptoms, or surgery to remove the nodule.

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