Ways to improve revenue in your private practice

By Jamie Frew on Jun 16, 2024.

Fact Checked by Nate Lacson.

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Reasons to have your own private practice business

Opening your own private practice is one of the best things you can do when it comes to healthcare. You can be your own boss, and achieve healthcare goals in the way you want to. Simply put, there are multiple reasons to start a healthcare practice, including the following:

Greater choice - You can have more autonomy over all business processes, and how you monitor, regulate and conduct work. You can decide the payment plans you choose, insurance companies you partner with, and the technology that is used; the sky’s the limit!

Schedule freedom - Because you’re running your own practice, you can set the hours that you want to work. This means taking days off with no guilt, and being able to fully enjoy your weekends. 

Job security - Rather than working underneath higher management, and being employed according to the terms of an arbitrary contract, you can now choose your responsibilities and rest easy knowing you always have an income. 

Meaningful relationships - Running a private practice means connecting with patients over the span of many years. In some ways, private practices are far more rewarding, as you can truly get to know your patients and establish more meaningful professional relationships. 

Increased knowledge - Working as an owner of a private practice means becoming familiar with all aspects of business including marketing, finances, and management. Healthcare businesses present a variety of opportunities to grow and expand your knowledge outside of clinical work, which is always a win.

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Finance required to start a healthcare business

One of the most common questions that arises when evaluating whether to start your own private practice, is how much it will cost you. Naturally, there seems to be a big misconception that starting your own healthcare business is a slippery slope, and that you need a lot of money to start a healthcare practice. While there are costs involved, we’re here to dismiss those anxieties, and let you know that you can absolutely operate a private practice with smaller budgets. Depending on the size of your practice and your health specialty, operating privately could cost you anywhere from a small $1000 per year to over $100,000, meaning that the costs can be controlled, and don’t have to break the bank. Your overhead costs won’t be large, to begin with, and depending on the number of staff you hire, if any, you don’t have to worry about these costs just yet. You will, however, need to set aside cash for health, liability, and disability insurance, to ensure that you can be protected from malpractice claims, and if you fall ill, you can still keep your business afloat. In addition to this, you must also pay annual income taxes, which is around 20% of your net income quarterly, and any renting insurance for location and equipment. Remember that these costs are dependent on the resources you choose to invest in, and when starting, there’s no pressure to go big or go home. However, one thing that you should heavily consider is marketing and a practice management system, to ensure you attract customers and efficiently handle business processes. 

Importance of revenue in running and sustaining a private practice

At the end of the day, it’s important to remember that you’re running a business, and so you must ensure that you’re maximizing all resources to increase productivity, and thus, revenue. You need to be making a profit to guarantee that you can keep caring for and treating your patients, and so it’s important to create a financial plan for your healthcare business. A good financial plan should work to improve private practice revenue by clearly outlining all your expenses, and where income should be allocated to improve business processes and provide value. Naturally, you need to also ensure you’re getting paid well! Financial plans should help guide you in the early stages, so that you don’t wander off track with unnecessary expenses, and should be able to also clarify any billing errors made. Working with financial advisors and consultants can prove highly useful in helping you curate effective plans that incorporate any necessary strategies or improvements to guide you towards success. There’s no shame in asking for help from experts when needed, and it’s always good to have a second opinion, especially when it comes to something as important as finances. 

Ways to improve revenue in your private practice

To help guide you with your finances, we’ve collated some of the easy ways for you to improve revenue in your private practice. 

Reduce your operating costs

A simple way to improve revenue is to eliminate costs elsewhere, which includes your operating costs. For instance, with sufficient research, you could outsource some areas of your practice to cheaper alternatives, as well as partner with cheap credit card transaction providers. Any way you can reduce costs without sacrificing the quality of your services is a welcome idea.

Review your fees

Costs and fees can change all the time, so it’s important to conduct regular audits and reviews on what you’re paying for. There may always be cheaper alternatives that offer better value, and you may also be warranted to increase the fees of your own services. Depending on the level of expertise you have, as well as the success rate of your clinical outcomes, you may be eligible to increase fees. 

Create a robust business plan

Creating a business plan for a private healthcare practice is a must, as it holds you accountable for all business investments and decisions, and it can help you establish direction as to where to invest and expand. It is an easy way to outline all your expenses and can help you identify areas of improvement to continue developing and growing your practice. 

Check on your marketing spend

Increasing awareness is a vital component of businesses, as it helps you attract patients, and depending on the effectiveness of your marketing, it can also help retain them. However, you must make sure your marketing expenses are appropriate, by reviewing how much you spend regularly on online advertisements, flyers, and any local articles. Marketing your therapy business is important, but you need to spend your money wisely. 

Train your staff to be customer-friendly

Sometimes, the difference between a good and bad business is its people. Your staff are often what leaves first impressions with customers, so it’s important to maintain a friendly demeanor and to be polite and accommodating to all patients. You should encourage your employees, and help them feel empowered, as this will motivate them to inspire others!

Reduce wait times

No one likes long waits, so it’s important to reduce wait times so patients are seen quickly and efficiently. If word gets out that it took one hour to be seen, this is not likely to bode well with prospective customers. Reducing wait times is a surefire way to increase revenue for your business, as it prioritizes efficiency. 

Compete using quality services

Because you are a business, you have to be aware of what fellow competitors are doing, and you must be able to provide clear value over their services. Having good quality can justify higher prices, and also allow for improved clinical outcomes, so make sure you invest in the right resources. 

Pay attention to missed appointments

No-shows are the worst, and there’s no getting around them. However, you can improve your services by decreasing the number of missed appointments, clarifying cancellation policies, and chasing up after patients. Doing so will save you an immense amount of time and money!

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Take home message

Starting your own private practice can be daunting, especially when it comes to your finances. No one wants to risk large losses, and all healthcare practitioners need to feel secure in their income and job stability. We hope that this guide has helped alleviate some anxieties when it comes to medical practice revenue, and has highlighted some of the ways you can improve the quality of your services, and overall revenue. Having increased cash flows can allow you to invest in greater technology and resources, and allow you to do what you do best; care and treat for your patients. Running your own private practice doesn’t have to be complicated, and with the right processes in place, you can minimize loss and increase your profit. 

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