Tips to use reminders to keep massage clients on track

By Ashleigh Knowles on Jun 16, 2024.

Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

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Reduce no-shows through appointment reminders

No-shows can be one of the most frustrating things to deal with in massage therapy practices. They cost time and money, and quite frankly, they’re a huge nuisance. When clients fail to show up for their appointment without canceling or rescheduling prior (these instances can occur for a multitude of reasons), it is immensely tricky to deal with. This is why many health practitioners, in the massage industry or otherwise, implement preventative measures to ensure they reduce no-shows numbers as much as possible. Such measures often include appointment scheduling and reminder services, because sometimes, it really is as simple as a bad memory! Regardless of the reason, incorporating reminder software into your practice can work to significantly reduce no-shows in your massage therapy business, and ensure that you’re able to meet as many clients as possible. You can cut your losses, and make time for what truly matters; providing the highest quality massage care for your clients. 

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Importance of appointment reminders in healthcare

Appointment reminders are the best way to reduce massage therapy business expenses that result from no-shows, as they are both easy to use and highly effective. With appointment reminders, you can reduce no-shows by up to 99%, and reap a multitude of benefits that contribute to a relaxing environment, including the following:

Immediate contact: Reminders are a great way to stay in contact with clients outside of the office, and remind them of your services throughout their week. You can stay in the conversation and at the forefront of their minds, which makes for great business. 

Easy rescheduling: Appointment reminders are a great way to encourage clients to reschedule if needed. Many software versions actually include the option to follow-up rebookings in the case of no-shows, meaning that you can capture those missed client opportunities before the window disappears entirely. You can still treat those by providing options, which increases the chances of them returning. 

Strengthen professional relationships: With customization features, you can work to personalize your messages with details such as the client’s name, and the purpose of the meeting. This minimizes their chances of patients ignoring your message, and it works well to build upon professional networks and relationships. 

Tips to successfully get patients to attend to their appointment reminders

While every healthcare practitioner can utilize appointment reminder software, not every person can do so effectively. To ensure you reduce no-shows, as well as increase your chances of referrals and reviews to get new clients, it’s important that you consider implementing the following tips within your massage therapy clinic. 

Send automated appointment reminders

Automated reminders are the easiest way to stay on top of your clients. You don’t have to set aside a specific time to draft and send a reminder message, as the software will do this for you! It’s seamless, simple to use, and a great way to optimize your workflow without managing too many tasks at once. You can schedule the ideal times for the system to send out texts, as well as the type of reminders that will be sent out. These don’t only have to be for upcoming appointments, but also reminders to confirm bookings, rescheduling if needed, as well as cancellations. It’s a highly organized way of managing you and your clients’ details without worrying about mix-ups. 

Do not send too many text messages

No one likes being spammed; not only is it irritating, but it also feels very impersonal. Too many messages can feel very overwhelming, and actually has the reverse effect on clients. They are far less likely to go with your services, and it only ever comes across as annoying. Make sure that your reminders are not too frequent in number, and are evenly spaced so your clients aren’t itching to block you and unsubscribe.

Keep your reminders brief and factual

Reminders are exactly that; they remind clients of their essential details so they won’t forget. This means all information must be straight and to the point, and it’s a good idea to avoid flowery, lengthy, or unnecessary details. Typically, this includes the time, date, location, and potentially a confirmation section.

Personalize your message

Don’t be afraid to personalize your messages according to the client and the type of services you offer. Personalization is a great way to connect with your clients and establish a closer reach that’s also likely to increase the chances of them remembering. Keep in mind that this doesn’t mean your messages should use text language or read as ones you would send your friend. Maintain professionality, and match the tone of your business. 

Use your client’s preferred method to contact them

One of the most important tips we can give you is to contact clients through their preferred method. During the client intake process, you should provide clients with the option to specify whether they prefer email, calls, or text, and using the correlating service is likely going to encourage a higher response rate. Whichever preferred method is used, clients have an immediate 60% increased chance of responding within an hour! 

Ask your patients to respond to your reminders

It’s always a good option to request that clients respond to your messages. It’s a simple way to increase engagement, which only works to reinforce greater connections and a higher likelihood of clients remembering their commitments with you. This can be as simple as a link or button they click to confirm their appointment, or a text reply (such as text YES to confirm this appointment). 

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Massage appointment reminder examples

There are a variety of different appointment reminders that you can implement within your massage clinic; each serving a variety of different purposes. For example, consider the following to increase customer retention within your massage therapy practice.

Confirmation Texts

Hi there [NAME]. Please reply YES to confirm your massage appointment booked at [DATE] [TIME], located at [BUSINESS LOCATION]. If you have any questions, please call [PHONE NUMBER] to assist. 

Hi [NAME]. You’ve booked a massage appointment with [BUSINESS NAME] on [DATE] [TIME]. Please reply YES to confirm. 

Reminder Texts

Hi [NAME]. Your appointment with [BUSINESS NAME] is tomorrow at [TIME] [LOCATION]. We will see you there - please call [PHONE NUMBER] if you have any questions. 

Dear [NAME]. Your massage session is tomorrow at [DATE] [TIME] [LOCATION]. Please arrive 15 minutes early, and call [PHONE NUMBER] for further assistance if you have any queries. 

Follow-up Texts

Hi [NAME]. Thank you for using [BUSINESS NAME] services. Please rate our service by replying with a 1 to 5 to help improve our offerings, with 5 being the highest. We hope to see you again soon! 


Appointment reminders are one of the easiest ways to increase engagement with clients and ensure they turn up for their appointments on time and without fuss. With the right software for massage therapy practice, you can ensure that your clients can make your session, and with minimal effort on your behalf. No-shows are irritating to deal with and can cause a real strain on your services, operations, and budget. Reminders can alleviate these stresses, and cut costs and tax deductions for your massage therapy practice, which is always welcome in elevating the quality of your service.

Further reading:

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