Narrative Therapy Treatment Plans

Transform your practice with PDF Narrative Therapy Treatment Plans. Our personalized approach empowers your clients to rewrite stories and overcome challenges. 

By Wynona Jugueta on May 15, 2024.

Fact Checked by Nate Lacson.

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What Is A Narrative Therapy Treatment Plan?

A Template is a tool commonly used in mental health to assist therapists in developing a structured and effective treatment plan for their clients. This template is designed to help clients reframe their personal stories and view themselves and their experiences more positively and empoweringly.

The main focus of narrative therapy is to help clients identify and understand the dominant narratives shaping their lives and explore alternative, more empowering narratives that can help them achieve their goals. Narrative therapy is typically used to treat various mental health issues, including depression, anxiety, trauma, and addiction.

A Narrative Therapy Treatment Plan Template usually includes the following components:

  • Client information: This section contains basic information about the client, such as their name, age, gender, and contact information.
  • Narrative assessment: This section assesses the client's current narrative and identifies the dominant themes shaping their lives.
  • Goals: This section establishes clear and measurable goals the client wants to achieve through therapy.
  • Interventions: This section outlines the specific interventions the therapist will use to help clients achieve their goals. These interventions may include techniques such as reframing, externalizing, and deconstructing dominant narratives.
  • Tasks: This section outlines the homework assignments that the client will be given to complete between therapy sessions. These assignments are designed to help clients integrate the concepts and techniques learned in therapy into their daily lives.
  • Progress evaluation: This section evaluates the client's progress over time and makes any necessary adjustments to the treatment plan.

Therapists use the Narrative Therapy Treatment Plan Template to direct therapy sessions and assist clients in reaching their objectives. The therapist and the client create a treatment strategy suited to their particular requirements and objectives. The therapist helps the client develop new insights and coping mechanisms that may be applied to overcome obstacles and realize goals by reshaping the client's personal story in a more uplifting and empowering way.

Printable Narrative Therapy Treatment Plan

Download this Narrative Therapy Treatment Plan and empower your clients to achieved desired outcomes.

How To Use This Narrative Therapy Treatment Plan

Step One: Download the PDF and Explain the content of the Template.

After getting the Narrative Therapy Treatment Plan template, explain the purpose and benefits. Let the client know this template will help them organize their thoughts and goals as they work towards their desired outcomes.

Step Two: Gather client information.

Collect relevant information about the client, such as their history, experiences, and challenges. This information will help you create a comprehensive treatment plan.

Step Three: Go through the template. 

With the client's input, identify the specific problem they want to address in therapy.  Ask the client to describe the issue in detail, including how it makes them feel and impacts their lives. Use this information to create a narrative that captures the essence of the problem. Ask the client to identify their strengths and resources. 

Step Four: Develop goals and strategies.

Work with the client to define their goals for therapy. These goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). Develop strategies to help them achieve their goals. These strategies should be based on the client's strengths and resources and address the identified problem.

Step Five: Implement and evaluate the plan:

Review it with the client and implement it in therapy. Monitor progress regularly and make adjustments as needed. At regular intervals, evaluate the plan's effectiveness with the client. Celebrate successes and identify areas that need further work.

Narrative Therapy Treatment Plan Example (Sample)

Below is an example narrative therapy treatment plan for your convenience. This template is based on a fictional patient to help explain how the treatment plan should be carried out.

Download this Narrative Therapy Treatment Plan Example (Sample) here:

Narrative Therapy Treatment Plan Example (Sample)

When Would You Typically Use A Treatment Plan For Narrative Therapy?

Narrative Therapy Treatment Plan Template can be used in a variety of instances in the field of mental health. 

Here are some instances when a therapist might use this template:

  • To help clients overcome negative self-talk and self-limiting beliefs.
  • To assist clients in reframing traumatic experiences in a more positive and empowering way.
  • To help clients develop new coping skills and strategies for managing mental health issues such as depression and anxiety.
  • To assist clients in improving their relationships by exploring and redefining their narratives.
  • To help clients better understand their values, strengths, and goals and use this knowledge to achieve greater personal fulfillment.
  • To assist clients in recovering from addiction by exploring and changing the dominant narratives driving their addictive behaviors.
  • To help clients develop a stronger sense of identity and purpose by exploring their personal narratives and reframing them more positively and empoweringly.

In conclusion, the Narrative Therapy Treatment Plan Template is a valuable resource for therapists who want to assist their patients in developing a deeper awareness of themselves and their personal narratives. With the aid of this template, therapists can assist clients in rewriting their narratives powerfully and more positively, and they can also learn new coping mechanisms and goal-achieving techniques.

Who Can Use this Printable Narrative Therapy Treatment Plan?

The narrative Therapy Treatment Plan Template is a versatile tool that can be used by a wide range of mental health professionals to develop effective treatment plans for their clients. By helping clients reframe their narratives and develop new coping skills, these professionals can assist clients in achieving their mental health goals and improving their overall quality of life.

The following mental health professionals typically use this resource:

Licensed therapists and counselors

These professionals use Narrative Therapy Treatment Plan Template to develop structured and effective treatment plans for their clients, intending to help them achieve their goals and improve their mental health.


Psychologists may use Narrative Therapy Treatment Plan Template to develop interventions and strategies for clients struggling with mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, trauma, and addiction.

Social workers

Social workers may use Narrative Therapy Treatment Plan Template to work with clients facing various social and emotional challenges, such as poverty, homelessness, and domestic violence.


While psychiatrists typically focus more on medication management, they may also use Narrative Therapy Treatment Plan Template as part of a more comprehensive treatment approach for their clients.

Benefits Of Free Narrative Therapy Treatment Plan Template

Provides structure: The template provides a structured framework for developing a comprehensive treatment plan that can help guide the therapist and client throughout the therapy process.

Encourages collaboration: Narrative therapy is a collaborative approach that emphasizes the client's active participation in the therapy process, and the template helps facilitate this collaboration by involving the client in the development of their own treatment plan.

Helps clients reframe their narratives: By helping clients to reframe their personal narratives in a more positive and empowering way, the template can help clients develop new coping skills and strategies for managing mental health issues.

Supports individualized treatment: The template can be adapted to fit the specific needs and goals of each client, making it a versatile tool that can be used across a wide range of mental health issues and populations.

Improves outcomes: By providing a clear and structured framework for developing a comprehensive treatment plan, the Narrative Therapy Treatment Plan Template can help improve therapy outcomes and promote greater client satisfaction.

Why Use Carepatron For Narrative Therapy Software?

Healthcare providers should use Carepatron software to use narrative therapy treatment plans template because it streamlines the therapy process, making it easier to create and manage treatment plans. The software allows for easy collaboration between therapists and clients, with the ability to track progress and modify treatment plans as needed.

Using Carepatron software also helps providers adhere to best practices in therapy, ensuring that clients receive evidence-based treatment that is tailored to their individual needs. With its user-friendly interface, the software is easy to use for both providers and clients, making it an effective tool for improving engagement and adherence to therapy.

Carepatron software also allows for secure communication between therapists and clients, ensuring that sensitive information is protected. This can help build trust between the therapist and client, which is essential for successful therapy outcomes.

In addition, Carepatron software allows for data-driven decision-making, providing therapists with insights into the effectiveness of their treatment plans and strategies. This can help providers continuously improve their therapy practices, improving client outcomes.

Overall, using Carepatron software to use narrative therapy treatment plans template can improve the quality of care provided to clients, streamline the therapy process, and enhance communication and collaboration between providers and clients.

Psychology Software
What are the components of a narrative therapy treatment plan template?
What are the components of a narrative therapy treatment plan template?

Commonly asked questions

What are the components of a narrative therapy treatment plan template?

A narrative therapy treatment plan template typically includes the following components: a description of the client's presenting problem, an exploration of the client's narrative or story, a definition of the client's desired outcome or goals, a discussion of the steps needed to achieve those goals, and an outline of the strategies and techniques that will be used.

How is a narrative therapy treatment plan developed?

The therapist will work with the client to develop the treatment plan, which may involve exploring the client's story and identifying the themes and patterns that are impacting their behavior and emotions. The therapist will also work with the client to define their desired outcome and identify the steps needed to achieve it. Together, the therapist and client will develop a plan that outlines the strategies and techniques that will be used to achieve the client's goals.

How often is the narrative therapy treatment plan reviewed?

The treatment plan is reviewed regularly during therapy to ensure the goals and objectives remain relevant and achievable. It may be revised to reflect changes in the client's needs and progress.

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