Peritoneal Carcinomatosis ICD-10-CM Codes

Read this short guide and learn about peritoneal carcinomatosis ICD codes you can use!

By Priya Singh on Jun 16, 2024.

Fact Checked by Nate Lacson.

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Peritoneal Carcinomatosis ICD-10-CM Codes

What peritoneal carcinomatosis ICD codes can I use?

If you’re looking for peritoneal carcinomatosis ICD codes, we’d like you to know that there is only one that you can use, which is C78.6 - Secondary malignant neoplasm of retroperitoneum and peritoneum.

This ICD-10 code is used on a person confirmed to have secondary cancerous tumors in their retroperitoneum and/or peritoneum. Secondary malignant neoplasm is a type of neoplasm that results from treatments like chemotherapy or radiation therapy. It can also be used to refer to cancer that came from somewhere else. Peritoneal Carcinomatosis is one such example. We’ll dive into this in the section after the next.

Is this peritoneal carcinomatosis ICD code billable?

Yes. This ICD-10 code is valid and billable.

Clinical information above peritoneal carcinomatosis

Some say that Peritoneal Carcinomatosis is a type of cancer, while some will refer to it as the result of cancer. Either way, this is a condition in which existing cancerous tumors have spread to the peritoneum, a membrane surrounding the abdominal organs. This fits the characteristics of a secondary malignant neoplasm and, by extension, the ICD-10 code we mentioned earlier.

The peritoneum has several functions. It is a barrier for abdominal organs against pathogens and other invasive particles. It also facilitates blood, lymph, and nerve supply, provides insulation for abdominal organs, lubricates organs inside the peritoneal cavity, and connects several organs.

If a person has peritoneal carcinomatosis, they will likely experience the following symptoms:

  • They will suddenly lose weight, or they will start to bloat
  • They will feel nauseated and may start vomiting
  • They will start feeling fatigued
  • They might have a hard time breathing
  • They will feel pain in their abdomen
  • They will have diarrhea or become constipated
  • They will start urinating frequently
  • They will lose their appetite or feel full even when they’ve only had a few bites to eat

Synonyms include

  • Carcinoma of peritoneum
  • Carcinomatosis of peritoneal cavity
  • Carcinomatosis of peritoneum
  • Secondary malignant neoplasm of peritoneum
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Commonly asked questions

Are there any other peritoneal carcinomatosis ICD codes?

Given the carcinomatosis, no. There isn’t. There are no ICD-10 codes with peritoneal carcinomatosis in their name, so the ICD-10 code we indicated is the best choice. There is an ICD-10 code for peritoneum cancer (C48.2), but that’s specific to cancer that starts there. In contrast, carcinomatosis results from a pre-existing cancer that has spread to certain areas, so it doesn’t fit that ICD-10 code.

How is peritoneal carcinomatosis diagnosed?

To diagnose this, healthcare professionals will conduct blood tests, imaging tests, and/or biopsies. They might even detect this while performing surgery for another cancer.

How is peritoneal carcinomatosis treated?

It depends on how severe it is, but if a person has this, the person has a severe enough cancer that gave birth to this problem. Treatment for this can be surgical (cytoreductive surgery or peritonectomy). It can also come in the form of hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy.

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