


By 亚历克斯·金 on Oct 15, 2024.

Fact Checked by 埃里卡·平戈尔.

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ACT Therapy Techniques



ACT 的核心原则








什么是 ACT 治疗技术?


















ACT 与其他行为疗法有何不同



ACT 技术的应用






9 ACT 治疗技巧和练习



  • 指导客户将注意力集中在当下。
  • 不加判断地教导对思想、情感和感觉的观察。
  • 介绍各种冥想技巧,例如呼吸意识或身体扫描。


  • 指导客户标记和承认复杂的想法和情绪,不要试图改变或压制它们。
  • 利用隐喻或外化练习,帮助客户与无用的想法保持距离。
  • 进行认知灌输练习,例如思维重复或发声改变。


  • 促进对个人价值观的反思,例如同情心、成长或人际关系。
  • 协助客户撰写基于价值观的陈述,描述他们理想的生活方式。
  • 帮助确定符合其价值观的具体行为或行为。


  • 指导客户设定与其价值观相一致的可实现的小目标。
  • 协助将目标分解为可操作的步骤。
  • 教授进度监控和动作调整技巧。


  • 帮助客户识别自我中可以观察思想、情感和感觉的方面。
  • 促进与这些经历分开的自我意识的发展。
  • 鼓励对内部体验采取自我同情和非判断的态度。


  • 协助识别导致痛苦的无益或消极想法。
  • 通过证据审查、替代视角考虑或后果探索,指导客户质疑这些想法。
  • 促进用更具适应性和平衡性的想法取代无益的想法。


  • 帮助识别引发不适或焦虑的价值观一致的情况或活动。
  • 制定循序渐进的曝光计划,强调对思想和情绪的仔细观察。
  • 尽管感到不适,但仍鼓励他们参与基于价值观的行动。


  • 指导客户充分关注饮食体验,调动所有感官。
  • 指导练习放慢脚步,品尝每一口,注意味道、质地和感觉。
  • 促进培养对饥饿和饱腹感线索的非判断意识。


  • 使用隐喻或可视化来表示复杂的想法或情感。
  • 促进探索与这些体验相关的其他视角或方式。
  • 指导创建代表激励和指导价值观的心理意象。


5 ACT 疗法工作表



这个 价值观澄清工作表 是专业人士帮助客户识别不同生活领域价值并确定其价值观的优先级的工具。它为设定基于价值观的目标和行动提供了结构化框架。

  • 指导客户列出各种生活领域(例如人际关系、职业、健康、个人成长)。
  • 促进对每个领域的反思,以确定最重要的个人价值观。
  • 协助客户写下与每个价值观相一致的具体行动或行为。
  • 使用该工作表帮助客户根据其确定的价值确定优先顺序和设定目标。


一个 认知消融工作表 旨在帮助从业者指导客户完成化解无益想法和探索不同视角的过程。它为研究思想对情感和行为的影响提供了一种结构化的格式。

  • 帮助客户识别特定的无益或令人痛苦的想法或信念。
  • Instruct them to write it down on the worksheet.
  • Guide clients in exploring alternative ways of relating to the thought by considering or rephrasing different perspectives.
  • Facilitate reflection on how these alternative perspectives might influence their emotions or actions.

3. Mindfulness Exercises Worksheet

The Mindfulness Exercises Worksheet provides professionals with a tool to help clients record their mindfulness sessions, encouraging consistent practice and progress tracking.

  • Assist clients in setting aside specific times for mindfulness practice.
  • Instruct them to use the worksheet to note the date, duration, and any observations or experiences during the practice.
  • Guide clients in reflecting on the challenges and benefits of practicing mindfulness.
  • Use the worksheet to help clients track progress and encourage regular mindfulness practice.

4. Values-based exposure worksheet

A Value-based exposure worksheet is a resource for professionals to assist clients in identifying challenging situations and planning values-based actions. It provides a structured format for tracking and reflecting on the experiences and outcomes of engaging in these actions.

  • Help clients identify a situation or activity that aligns with their values but triggers discomfort or anxiety.
  • Guide them in writing down the specific details of the situation.
  • Facilitate reflection on the thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations when considering engaging in the activity.
  • Use the worksheet to assist clients in planning and executing a values-based action, noting the observed experiences and outcomes.

5. Personal Commitment ACT Worksheet

A Personal Commitment ACT Worksheet offers professionals a comprehensive framework to help clients set and track progress toward values-aligned goals. They assist in breaking down goals into manageable steps and staying organized.

  • Guide clients in setting a specific goal that aligns with their values.
  • Assist them in breaking down the goal into smaller actionable steps.
  • Help assign deadlines or timelines for each step.
  • Instruct clients on using the planner to track progress, make adjustments as needed, and celebrate achievements.

These ACT therapy worksheets, including the Carepatron versions, can be used as valuable tools for individuals seeking to apply ACT principles and techniques in a structured and practical manner. They offer a clear framework for self-reflection, goal-setting, and tracking progress, enhancing the effectiveness of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.

When to use ACT therapy techniques

ACT therapy techniques can promote psychological flexibility and well-being in various situations and contexts. Here are some instances when ACT techniques can be particularly beneficial:

Managing emotional distress

ACT techniques can be helpful for individuals experiencing high levels of emotional distress, such as anxiety, depression, or stress. Acceptance and mindfulness components allow individuals to observe and accept their emotions without judgment, reducing the struggle against them and promoting emotional regulation.

Addressing unhelpful thought patterns

ACT techniques effectively challenge and defuse unhelpful thought patterns, such as negative self-talk, rumination, or catastrophic thinking. By learning to observe thoughts as passing events rather than facts, individuals can reduce their impact and develop a more balanced and adaptive perspective.

Coping with life transitions

ACT techniques can provide support during significant life transitions, such as career changes, relationship changes, or loss. By clarifying personal values and committing to values-based actions, individuals can navigate these transitions with greater resilience and purpose.

Enhancing self-compassion

ACT techniques foster self-compassion by encouraging individuals to approach their thoughts and emotions with kindness and acceptance. This can be particularly helpful for individuals struggling with self-criticism, low self-esteem, or perfectionism.

Supporting behavioral change

ACT techniques can assist individuals in making sustainable behavioral changes, such as adopting healthier habits, overcoming addictive behaviors, or managing chronic health conditions. Connecting actions to personal values and committing to meaningful change makes individuals more likely to stay motivated and persevere through challenges.

Cultivating mindfulness and well-being

ACT techniques incorporate mindfulness practices, which can benefit anyone seeking to cultivate present-moment awareness, reduce stress, and enhance overall well-being. Mindfulness exercises can be utilized as standalone practices or integrated into daily routines to promote clarity, calmness, and self-awareness.

When to use ACT Therapy techniques

ACT therapy techniques can be used in various situations and contexts to promote psychological flexibility and well-being. Here are some instances when ACT techniques can be particularly beneficial:

Managing Emotional Distress

ACT techniques can be helpful for individuals experiencing high levels of emotional distress, such as anxiety, depression, or stress. ACT's acceptance and mindfulness components allow individuals to observe and accept their emotions without judgment, reducing the struggle against them and promoting emotional regulation.

Addressing Unhelpful Thought Patterns

ACT techniques effectively challenge and defuse unhelpful thought patterns, such as negative self-talk, rumination, or catastrophic thinking. By learning to observe thoughts as passing events rather than facts, individuals can reduce the impact of these thoughts and develop a more balanced and adaptive perspective.

Coping with Life Transitions

ACT techniques can provide support during significant life transitions, such as career changes, relationship changes, or loss. By clarifying personal values and committing to values-based actions, individuals can navigate these transitions with greater resilience and purpose.

Enhancing Self-Compassion

ACT techniques foster self-compassion by encouraging individuals to approach their thoughts and emotions with kindness and acceptance. This can be particularly helpful for individuals struggling with self-criticism, low self-esteem, or perfectionism.

Supporting Behavioral Change

ACT techniques can assist individuals in making sustainable behavioral changes, such as adopting healthier habits, overcoming addictive behaviors, or managing chronic health conditions. Connecting actions to personal values and committing to meaningful change makes individuals more likely to stay motivated and persevere through challenges.

Cultivating Mindfulness and Well-being

ACT techniques incorporate mindfulness practices, which can be beneficial for anyone seeking to cultivate present-moment awareness, reduce stress, and enhance overall well-being. Mindfulness exercises can be utilized as standalone practices or integrated into daily routines to promote clarity, calmness, and self-awareness.

Key takeaways

Acceptance and commitment therapy is a powerful approach used by mental health professionals to address various mental health concerns. Through commitment therapy techniques such as acceptance, mindfulness, and values-driven actions, individuals learn to embrace painful thoughts and emotions rather than avoid them. This promotes psychological flexibility and helps individuals make choices aligned with their values, improving well-being.

ACT coping skills and interventions are versatile and can be tailored to meet the unique needs of individuals facing different mental health concerns. By integrating commitment therapy into treatment plans, mental health professionals empower clients to develop effective coping strategies and lead more meaningful, value-driven lives


Are ACT therapy techniques evidence-based?

Yes, ACT therapy interventions and techniques are well-supported by extensive research, demonstrating their effectiveness across various mental health concerns. Numerous studies have shown that ACT is beneficial for individuals dealing with conditions such as anxiety disorders, depression, chronic pain, and other psychological challenges.

Can I practice ACT therapy techniques independently, or do I need a therapist?

While you can practice some ACT therapy techniques independently, it is recommended that you work with a qualified mental health professional. A therapist with ACT therapy skills can offer personalized guidance, support, and feedback, helping you adapt the techniques to your unique needs and circumstances, thereby enhancing the effectiveness of your practice.

How long does it take to see results with ACT therapy techniques?

The time to see results from ACT therapy techniques varies depending on the individual and their specific goals. Some people may notice improvements quickly, while others may need more time and consistent practice. Commitment to the techniques is crucial for achieving positive outcomes.

Can ACT therapy techniques be used in conjunction with other therapies or treatments?

ACT therapy techniques can be effectively combined with other therapies or treatments. ACT is a flexible, transdiagnostic approach that can be applied to various mental health concerns. It complements and can enhance the effectiveness of other therapeutic interventions.

Are there any potential limitations or risks associated with ACT therapy techniques?

While ACT therapy techniques are generally safe and well-tolerated, it's important to note that they may not be suitable for everyone. It is recommended to consult with a qualified mental health professional to determine if ACT is appropriate for your specific situation. Additionally, engaging in ACT techniques may temporarily bring up uncomfortable thoughts or emotions, a normal part of the process. However, if you feel overwhelmed or distressed at any point, it's important to seek support from a professional.

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