Why Carepatron's solution to dictation puts security first

By Jamie Frew on Jun 20, 2024.

Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

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What is medical dictation?

Medical dictation is one of the leading options when it comes to transcription in healthcare, as it allows for businesses to quickly capture, word for word, the patient experience without compromising the accuracy of data. With integrated spelling and grammar checks, as well as an extensive linked medical terminology library, you can ensure that your HIPAA compliant clinical notes and documents contain the right diagnosis and treatment information, with less than 5% of errors! Medical dictation in healthcare is the way of the future, and knowing how to utilize its services will guarantee greater success within your practice. 

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Security responsibilities for medical dictation: HIPAA and confidentiality

When it comes to medical dictation, like most healthcare practices, you need to consider HIPAA regulations and standards to avoid costly repercussions. Not only does it mean you remain legally compliant, but your patients and staff will have more confidence in the services you provide knowing that you go the extra mile to keep their information safe. Once data has been compromised, it can be incredibly difficult to regain control, and you’ll also have to work towards rebuilding trust with your clients. To avoid hits to your reputation, it’s best that you start off incorporating HIPAA regulations before commencing any business processes. 

HIPAA refers to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, and outlines the protections that need to be in place to secure patient information. It is used to protect medical records and personal health information, and ensures that only authorized personnel have access to the data. When utilizing medical dictation software, medical files must be stored securely, ideally within encrypted servers, and must also be transferred through secure channels. You also need to store multiple copies within offsite storage, such as the ‘cloud’, in the unfortunate case that medical information is jeopardized. In addition to this, like with any business processes that involve a computer or electronic system, you must incorporate strong virus scanners, password management, and various authentication steps to ensure that only those with authorized access have access. 

Carepatron: Medical dictation powered artificial intelligence

Carepatron is one of the leading options when it comes to medical dictation software, as it allows seamless integration within your business processes, as well as greater convenience and patient satisfaction. Powered by artificial intelligence, modern robotics can enhance your voice-to-text service with reduced spelling and grammar mistakes, as well as general high-quality records. With medical dictation, all you have to do is speak, and the software will automatically type anything you say, meaning you don’t need to put it in any hard yards. Naturally, machines are prone to make mistakes from time to time, however, with voice recognition software, you don’t need to spend anywhere near as many hours editing and reviewing notes. With a linked medical terminology library, Carepatron’s software also allows for a highly integrated system that easily recognizes the medical terms that you use. There’s no limit to what the intelligent software can do, and utilizing its services will inevitably boost the quality of your service.

Reasons why Carepatron's solution to dictation puts security first

As mentioned, when using medical dictation services, you want to ensure that you’re using software that prioritizes security and patient needs. File corruptions, data leaks, and hacking are all too familiar within the healthcare workspace, and putting security first can help minimize the chances of these occurrences. That’s why at Carepatron, we incorporate bank-level encryption within all our servers to safely store patient information, with the HIPAA recommended AES-256 encryption securing all data during transmission and while it is being stored. These channels are regularly monitored and contain strict controls to ensure that patient data is kept private, with financial institutional level securements in place. All AWS servers are controlled at every entry point, with various video surveillance, detection systems, and other electronic means designed to easily detect any potential intrusions. This makes for a strong defense against any unwanted access, with minimal risk of hacking and jeopardized data, so both you and your patients can be at ease. In addition to this, Carepatron also passed and exceeded payment card security standards, as well as information security management system expectations, meaning that you can be assured your data is in safe hands. 

Features and benefits of Carepatron's medical dictation software

There are various advantages to Carepatron medical dictation software, and making use of its services will prove highly beneficial to your healthcare business. You can elevate the quality of your service and prioritize client needs by incorporating its features, which include some of the following:

  • Cost efficiency - When it comes to your business expenses, Carepatron is a super-efficient option, as we offer two plans, either a paid at $15 USD pp/month, or free! You can provide high-quality care to your patients without incurring high costs, and save on administrative and overhead expenses. 
  • High-level integration - Because the medical dictation system is integrated within the EHR system, you don’t have to put in a whole lot of extra effort. It is seamlessly implemented within the workspace, so you can store and produce clinical documents and notes all within a significantly shorter amount of time. 
  • Stronger connections - The tools have a stronger likelihood of capturing all essential medication information between the practitioner and patient, meaning that the patient experience can be better represented. As a result, you can forge stronger patient connections and relationships within your clinic, which is great for collaborative treatment establishments. 
  • Time efficiency - Medical dictation can save you countless hours spent in the review and editing process, as the artificial intelligence software can reduce the error rate to 5%! No longer do you have to stress over spelling and grammar mistakes with your medical terminology, as the system identifies and corrects these automatically.
medical dictation software

Final thoughts 

Speech recognition is an essential tool in healthcare that can undoubtedly boost the quality of your healthcare service, and work towards prioritizing patient information in developing effective treatments. It can reduce the amount of time spent in the editing and reviewing steps, as well as use advanced artificial intelligence to correct medical terminology to ensure that your clinical documents and notes reflect what was said during sessions. As well as being HIPAA compliant, all of these benefits don’t have to incur large expenses, and when harnessed well, they can drive your business towards immeasurable success. So, what are you waiting for?

Further reading:

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