Seasonal Allergies ICD-10-CM Codes

Learn about the ICD-10 codes used for seasonal allergies. Discover the significance of each code, the billability, and the common treatments involved.

By Chloe Smith on Jun 16, 2024.

Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

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Seasonal Allergies ICD-10-CM Codes

What ICD-10 Codes are Used for Seasonal Allergies

The International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision (ICD-10) is a system healthcare professionals use to code various diseases and health conditions. Here we will focus on the ICD-10 codes used specifically for seasonal allergies.

  1. J30.2 - Other Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis: This code is designated for seasonal allergies arising from various allergens present in the environment during certain times of the year. These allergens could include mold, dust, or specific plants that bloom or shed during those seasons. Typical symptoms include sneezing, a runny or stuffy nose, itchy or watery eyes, and itchy skin.
  2. J30.1 - Allergic Rhinitis due to Pollen: This code is specifically used when the allergic reaction is caused by pollen from trees, grasses, or weeds. This type of allergy is common in the spring and summer months when many plants are flowering. Symptomatically, it is similar to other seasonal allergies, but here, the cause is explicitly identified as pollen.
  3. J30.81 - Allergic Rhinitis due to Animal (Cat) (Dog) Hair and Dander: Used when the allergic reaction occurs due to exposure to animal hair or dander, this code covers reactions to various animals, including but not limited to cats and dogs. Symptoms can be similar to other allergies, including sneezing, a runny or stuffy nose, and itchy or watery eyes.
  4. J30.89 - Other Allergic Rhinitis: This catch-all code is used for cases of allergic rhinitis that cannot be attributed to pollen or animals. This could include allergies to other environmental factors, such as dust mites or certain types of fungus.
  5. J30.0 - Vasomotor Rhinitis: Although not caused by an allergy, this rhinitis triggers similar symptoms. Common triggers include irritants like smoke, extreme changes in weather, spicy foods, or certain medications. The condition is characterized by inflammation and irritation of the nasal cavity.
  6. J45.909 - Unspecified Asthma, Uncomplicated: Sometimes, seasonal allergies may trigger or exacerbate asthma symptoms. This code is used when a patient has unspecified asthma without mention of status asthmaticus or acute exacerbation.

Remember, these codes provide a standardized way to document and communicate health conditions across healthcare providers and facilities. They are crucial in medical billing and coding, including Seasonal Allergies ICD Codes.

For a more in-depth understanding, this explainer video is helpful. 

Which Seasonal Allergies ICD codes are Billable 

  1. J30.2 - Other Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis: Yes, this code is billable.
  2. J30.1 - Allergic Rhinitis due to Pollen: Yes, this code is billable.
  3. J30.81 - Allergic Rhinitis due to Animal (Cat) (Dog) Hair and Dander: Yes, this code is billable.
  4. J30.89 - Other Allergic Rhinitis: Yes, this code is billable.
  5. J30.0 - Vasomotor Rhinitis: Yes, this code is billable.
  6. J45.909 - Unspecified Asthma, Uncomplicated: Yes, this code is billable.

Clinical Information

  • Seasonal allergies, also known as hay fever, are an immune response to certain allergens at specific times of the year, affecting millions worldwide.
  • Common triggers of seasonal allergies include pollen from trees, grasses, weeds, mold spores, dust mites, and animal dander.
  • Seasonal allergies typically cause symptoms like sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes and throat, coughing, fatigue, and sometimes, headaches or wheezing.
  • The severity and duration of seasonal allergy symptoms can vary, causing mild discomfort to severe impairment. Sometimes, they can lead to complications like sinusitis or secondary bacterial infections.
  • The exact cause of seasonal allergies is not fully understood but is believed to be related to genetic predisposition and environmental exposure to allergens.
  • Diagnosing seasonal allergies often involves a detailed medical history, physical examination, and allergy testing. Allergy tests may include skin prick, intradermal, or specific IgE blood tests.
  • Management and treatment options for seasonal allergies are typically multi-faceted and aim to reduce exposure to allergens, alleviate symptoms, and improve quality of life. These may include avoiding known allergens, using over-the-counter or prescription medications such as antihistamines, decongestants, and corticosteroid nasal sprays, and undergoing immunotherapy (allergy shots or tablets).
  • While there is no cure for seasonal allergies, most people can effectively manage their symptoms with appropriate treatment and lifestyle modifications.
  • It's important to note that seasonal allergies sometimes trigger or exacerbate other respiratory conditions, such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Therefore, managing these conditions alongside allergies is crucial.
  • Regular check-ups with a healthcare provider are vital to monitor the condition, assess the effectiveness of treatment, and adjust treatment plans as necessary. Patient education about the nature of the condition, trigger avoidance, and proper medication use is also a key component of managing seasonal allergies.
  • Continuous research is vital to understand better and develop more effective treatments for seasonal allergies.

Synonyms Include

  • Hay fever
  • Allergic rhinitis
  • Pollen allergy
  • Seasonal allergic rhinitis
  • Seasonal allergy syndrome
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Commonly asked questions

When to use a Seasonal Allergies ICD code?

An ICD code for seasonal allergies is used when a healthcare provider diagnoses a patient with this condition. It's utilized for record-keeping, insurance billing, and statistical purposes.

What are the common treatments for Seasonal Allergies Diagnosis Codes?

Treatments for seasonal allergies often include antihistamines, nasal sprays, decongestants, and allergy shots. The exact treatment depends on the severity of the symptoms and the patient's overall health.

What does a diagnosis code for Seasonal Allergies mean?

A diagnosis code for seasonal allergies indicates that a patient has been diagnosed with this condition. These codes are used globally to classify diseases and other health conditions for data collection, research, and billing.

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