Retained Products Of Conception ICD-10-CM Codes

Explore the detailed guide on Retained Products Of Conception ICD codes for 2023. Delve into the codes, their billability, and clinical significance.

By Nate Lacson on Jun 16, 2024.

Fact Checked by Nate Lacson.

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Retained Products Of Conception ICD-10-CM Codes

What ICD-10 Codes Are Used for Retained Products Of Conception?

Retained Products Of Conception (RPOC) refers to the condition where tissue from the pregnancy remains in the uterus after a miscarriage, abortion, or childbirth. Accurate coding is crucial for both clinical diagnosis and billing. Here are some commonly used RPOC ICD codes:

  • O03.4 - Incomplete spontaneous abortion without complication: This code is used when there's an incomplete miscarriage without any associated complications and there are retained products of conception.
  • O03.9 - Spontaneous abortion, unspecified: This general code is used when a miscarriage occurs, and the specifics are not detailed, but there may be retained products.
  • O07.4 - Failed attempted abortion without complication: This code is used when an abortion attempt fails, leading to retained products without any other complications.
  • O08.7 - Retained products of conception following ectopic and molar pregnancy: This code is specific to cases where products are retained after an ectopic or molar pregnancy.

Which Retained Products Of Conception ICD Codes Are Billable?

All the ICD codes mentioned for Retained Products Of Conception are typically billable, representing specific medical conditions necessitating intervention. Ensuring thorough documentation, especially when using general codes, is vital to guarantee accurate billing and prevent discrepancies.

Clinical Information

Retained Products Of Conception can lead to complications if not addressed promptly. Here's what clinicians and patients should be aware of:

  • RPOC can cause prolonged bleeding and increase the risk of infection.
  • Symptoms may include heavy bleeding, cramping, and a foul-smelling discharge.
  • Ultrasound is the primary diagnostic tool to confirm the presence of retained products.
  • Treatment may involve medication, dilation, curettage, or hysteroscopy.
  • Regular follow-up is crucial to ensure complete removal and monitor for potential complications.

Synonyms Include:

  • Retained placental fragments
  • Incomplete miscarriage
  • Retained fetal membranes
  • Post-abortion retained products
  • Incomplete abortion
Medical Billing and Coding Software

Commonly asked questions

What are the risks associated with Retained Products Of Conception?

RPOC can lead to infections, heavy bleeding, and, in rare cases, the formation of a mass called a granuloma. Immediate medical attention is essential to prevent complications.

How are Retained Products Of Conception diagnosed?

An ultrasound is the primary tool used to diagnose RPOC. It helps visualize any remaining tissue in the uterus after a pregnancy event.

What is the treatment for Retained Products Of Conception?

Treatment options include medications to expel the retained products, dilation and curettage (D&C), or hysteroscopy to remove the tissue.

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