Pneumobilia ICD-10-CM Codes | 2023

Read this short guide to learn about Pneumobilia ICD codes you can use!

By Harriet Murray on Jun 16, 2024.

Fact Checked by Nate Lacson.

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Pneumobilia ICD-10-CM Codes | 2023

What Pneumobilia ICD-10 codes can I use?

If you’re looking for Pneumobilia ICD codes, you’ll likely have no results if your search terms are pneumobilia and its other name, aerobilia, because there are no ICD-10 codes that mention those in their names. That doesn’t mean there aren’t any!

You can use one code: K83.8 - Other specified diseases of the biliary tract. Since there are no ICD-10 codes with pneumobilia in their names, this is the best choice because it’s meant to be used on patients with diseases of the biliary tract that don’t have specific ICD-10 codes.

Is this lone Pneumobilia ICD-10 code billable?

Yes. This ICD-10 code for Pneumobilia is valid and billable.

Clinical information about Pneumobilia:

Pneumobilia is the term used by healthcare professionals to describe the condition of having air within the biliary system. This body system includes the gallbladder, liver, pancreas, and bile ducts.

Having air in the biliary system isn’t necessarily bad, but it can be a sign of a biliary system problem like the following:

  • Dysfunction of the Sphincter of Oddi, which controls the flow of bile and pancreatic juice in the duodenum part of the small intestine;
  • Biliary-enteric Fistula, the formation of abnormal passageways between the bile ducts and intestine;
  • The erosion of the gallbladder wall.

It can even be caused by a surgical procedure called Biliary-enteric Anastomosis, which addresses biliary obstructions and leakage.

Synonyms include:

  • Aerobilia
  • Air in the biliary tree
  • Air inside biliary tree
  • Air in the biliary tree of the liver
  • Air inside biliary tree of liver
  • Air within the biliary tree
  • Air within biliary tree of liver
  • Pneumobilia ICD 10
  • ICD 10 code for pneumobili
  • ICD 10 pneumobilia
  • Pneumobilia ICD 10 code
  • 2019 ICD 10 code for pneumobilia with mild biliary dilatation
Medical Billing and Coding Software

Commonly asked questions

What are the symptoms of Pneumobilia?

It depends on the underlying cause, but the most common symptom is abdominal pain. Some people who have Pneumobilia will have jaundice.

How do healthcare professionals detect/diagnose Pneumobilia?

They will conduct imaging tests, which should detect the presence of air in the biliary system.

How do healthcare professionals treat Pneumobilia?

Healthcare professionals must identify the underlying cause and treat it accordingly to address the Pneumobilia. Since this is in the biliary system, surgery might be the best choice to correct any abnormal communications within the system or remove whatever is causing obstructions or blockages in the system.

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