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Speech Therapy Techniques

Learn Speech Therapy Techniques for language development in pediatric speech therapy. Help kids overcome communication problems.

By Karina Jimenea on Jun 16, 2024.

Fact Checked by RJ Gumban.

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Speech Therapy Techniques

What is speech therapy?

As individuals age, the acquisition and refinement of speech and language skills become integral for effective communication, academic success, and social interaction. However, for many children, these milestones are hindered by difficulty in articulation, language impairment, or speech disorders.

Approximately 5% of children aged 3-17 in the U.S. experience speech disorders lasting a week or more annually, while 8-9% of young children are affected by speech sound disorders like phonological or articulation disorders. Meanwhile, 7% of children are diagnosed with developmental language disorder (National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, 2024). These significantly impact children's overall development and future opportunities.

Speech therapy is a vital process that aims to enhance communication skills and address a range of speech and language disorders, from minor issues like hoarseness to more severe conditions such as partial speech loss caused by brain injury, often complemented by additional medical or psychological interventions (Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care, 2020). It is also known as speech and language therapy, which requires it to be conducted or supervised by a licensed therapist or speech-language pathologist. 

Addressing these issues early through speech therapy enhances communication skills. It establishes confidence and independence in individuals, enabling them to navigate daily tasks, educational pursuits, and social interactions with greater ease and success.

What problems can speech therapy address?

Speech therapy significantly addresses communication barriers, especially considering the prevalence of speech and language disorders. It's instrumental in managing various issues impacting children and adults, including speech impediments, language difficulties, and voice disorders. 

Speech disorders

People with these disorders struggle to produce speech sounds or speak clearly. Children may have pronunciation difficulties like lisps, while adults, including those with neurological conditions, may also face comprehension challenges due to speech disorders. Moreover, fluency disorders, such as stuttering or cluttering, affect the smoothness of speech, causing interruptions like silent pauses or repetitions in speech patterns.

Language disorders

Language disorders can be categorized based on their impact on pragmatics, semantics, or grammar. Pragmatic language disorders affect social reciprocity and appropriate communication in children, while semantic disorders involve difficulties understanding vocabulary or conveying intended meanings. Grammatical deficits enclose challenges in understanding word endings or complex sentence structures, affecting comprehension and expression in children with these disorders.

Voice disorders

A voice disorder (dysphonia) involves persistent changes in voice quality, such as hoarseness, strain, or weakness, often caused by factors like overuse, improper breathing, vocal cord issues, or psychological factors like depression.

What is a speech therapist?

A speech therapist or a speech-language pathologist (SLP) helps individuals overcome communication and swallowing challenges. They are crucial in diagnosing and treating various speech disorders.

How do they assess patients for speech disorders?

Speech therapists employ a personalized approach to assess patients, typically understanding their medical history, observing their speech and language abilities, administering standardized tests, and collaborating with other healthcare professionals. They tailor assessments to patients' needs by gathering comprehensive information, ensuring accurate diagnosis and effective treatment planning.

How do they usually conduct their therapy sessions?

In therapy sessions, speech therapists create a supportive environment for patients to feel comfortable and inspired to improve. They target specific communication goals through structured activities and personalized exercises, such as articulation, language comprehension, voice quality, fluency, and swallowing function.

Therapy sessions are interactive and engaging, often incorporating technology and collaboration with family members to maximize progress and enhance communication skills in real-life situations.

10 Speech Therapy Techniques

We've curated a selection of ten speech therapy interventions to jumpstart your progress. These techniques offer diverse approaches, providing a comprehensive starting point for therapy sessions. 

1. Articulation therapy

Articulation therapy targets speech clarity by working on speech sounds an individual struggles with. Speech therapists help individuals produce sounds accurately through targeted exercises and drills.

2. Language intervention

Language intervention addresses difficulties in understanding and using language. Therapists employ visual aids, picture cards, storytelling, and interactive activities to improve vocabulary, grammar, comprehension, and expressive language skills.

3. Fluency shaping techniques

Fluency shaping techniques aim to reduce disfluencies such as stuttering by modifying speech patterns. Techniques may include slow and deliberate speech, easy onset of sounds, and smooth transitions between words.

4. Voice therapy

Voice therapy focuses on improving the voice's quality, pitch, volume, and resonance. Therapists use exercises to strengthen vocal muscles, correct vocal misuse habits, and promote vocal hygiene. The technique enhances vocal clarity and reduces strain or hoarseness in speech.

5. Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC)

AAC techniques supplement or replace traditional speech for individuals with severe communication impairments. Methods include picture communication boards, devices, and sign language, providing alternative means of expressing thoughts and ideas.

6. Oral motor exercises

Oral motor exercises target the muscles used in speech production to improve coordination and strength. Blowing bubbles and tongue and lip strengthening exercises help individuals develop better control over articulatory movements, leading to more explicit speech.

7. Social skills training

Social skills training focuses on improving pragmatic language skills necessary for successful social interaction. Therapists teach turn-taking, active listening, interpreting nonverbal cues, and initiating and maintaining conversations, enabling individuals to navigate social situations more effectively.

8. Phonological awareness activities

Phonological awareness activities help individuals understand the sound structure of language. Individuals improve their phonological processing skills through rhyming games, syllable segmentation tasks, and sound blending exercises.

9. Cognitive-communication therapy

Cognitive communication therapy addresses communication difficulties resulting from cognitive impairments. Therapists work on memory, attention, problem-solving, and organization skills. Despite cognitive challenges, these methods enable individuals to communicate and participate effectively in daily activities.

10. Swallowing therapy

Swallowing therapy, also known as dysphagia therapy, focuses on improving swallowing function. Therapists use exercises to strengthen swallowing muscles, modify food textures and consistencies, and teach swallowing strategies to lessen the risk of aspiration or choking. This improves the safety of eating and drinking.

What are the benefits of speech therapy?

We have established that speech therapy aims to improve language and speech problems. More specifically, here are the benefits of said therapy: 

  • Improved communication skills: Speech therapy enhances speaking abilities, helping individuals overcome expressive and receptive disorders to effectively convey their thoughts and understand others.
  • Enhanced confidence: Speech therapy boosts confidence levels by addressing speech impediments and improving sentence structure. In return, this empowers individuals to communicate more fluently and assertively in social and professional settings.
  • Academic success: For children with developmental delays, speech therapy fosters language development, facilitating better comprehension and expression.
  • Social integration: Speech therapy aids in developing age-appropriate communication skills, enabling individuals to build meaningful relationships and participate actively in social interactions.
  • Independence and quality of life: Through speech therapy interventions, individuals gain the necessary skills to navigate life tasks independently. It also promotes autonomy and improves quality of life by reducing communication barriers and enhancing social participation.

Why use Carepatron as your speech therapy software?

Carepatron understands that speech-language pathologists profoundly impact the lives of individuals grappling with language problems or communication disorders, especially children. Each therapy session is a treatment and an opportunity to encourage comprehension and expressiveness in young patients.

Carepatron stands out as a speech therapy software. Here's why:

  • Appointment scheduling: Streamline your workflow by effortlessly managing your appointments and ensuring your therapy sessions run smoothly.
  • Telehealth: Reach your patients wherever they are, breaking down barriers to access and providing therapy remotely.
  • Therapy worksheets and guides: Access a rich library of resources to support your sessions, tailored to various age groups and speech therapy needs.
  • Clinical documentation: Keep detailed records of your patient's progress and treatment plans, ensuring continuity of care and informed decision-making.
  • Patient portal: Foster engagement and collaboration by providing patients and their families access to resources and progress updates.

Carepatron offers a comprehensive platform to enhance your practice, solve problems, and empower your patients toward improved communication skills. Join the thousands of speech-language pathologists who have chosen Carepatron and revolutionize your speech-language therapy approach today.

Speech Language Software


Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG). (2020, August 12). What is speech therapy?

National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders. (2024, March 24). Quick statistics about voice, speech, language | NIDCD.

Commonly asked questions

What causes speech delay?

Genetic conditions, neurological disorders, hearing impairment, environmental factors, and developmental disorders include various factors. 

Who benefits from speech therapy?

It benefits individuals of all ages who experience difficulties with speech, language, communication, and voice due to various causes. 

How can parents or caregivers play in speech therapy for children?

They can help by reinforcing the techniques learned in therapy sessions, practicing speech exercises at home, and creating a supportive environment. 

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