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Mindful Photography

Encourage clients to incorporate Mindful Photography practice into everyday life. Learn how their photography skills can help with this mindfulness approach.

By Karina Jimenea on Sep 18, 2024.

Fact Checked by Gale Alagos.

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Mindful Photography

What is Mindful Photography?

Taking photos can bring a unique joy that anchors one in the present moment. Thanks to technology, anyone, even without technical skills, can capture a shot of something that offers a unique perspective, especially with the convenience of camera phones. Photography invites people to honestly notice what's in front of them, allowing them to be fully present, even if just for a moment, to capture the scene. This is just what Mindful Photography is.

Starting with Mindful Photography

We know that mindfulness helps people feel more grounded and connected to the present moment, and photography can be a powerful way to enhance this. To start, suggest to your clients that they take nature walks with their cameras or phones, paying attention to small details like light, textures, and patterns.

Encourage them to see it as more than just a way to take pictures — it's a way to practice mindfulness and gather meaningful experiences that can deepen their spiritual connection to the world around them. Quoted in a National Geographic article, Jonathan Foust (a founder of the Meditation Teacher Training Institute in Washington) believes that practicing photography has the goal of "ecstatic appreciation"—finding joy in everything from the beautiful and profound to the silly and absurd (Gottlieb, 2014).

Mindful Photography tips and techniques

Here are the basics of Mindful Photography. These simple yet powerful tips will not overwhelm your clients. We'll keep it straightforward with just five essential techniques to get started.

1. Encourage the role of a silent witness

Advise your clients to adopt the mindset of a "silent witness" when they engage in photography. This involves observing their surroundings without judgment, simply taking in the details, emotions, and patterns. Whether photographing their daily life or spending time in nature, this practice helps them stay grounded in the present moment.

2. Embrace the learning process

Your clients can explore their camera settings at their own pace, reminding them that photography is not about perfection but the experience. Whether they're just starting or more experienced, focusing on settings like aperture, shutter speed, or even just the basics can be a mindful practice. The key is approaching it with curiosity and patience, allowing the process to draw them into the present moment.

3. Practice mindfulness without a camera

Tell your clients to practice mindfulness without a camera as preparation and a continuous exercise. By observing their surroundings as if they were going to take a picture, they sharpen their awareness and deepen their ability to see beauty. This ongoing practice will make their photography more meaningful when they pick up the camera, enhancing their mindfulness and the images they create.

4. Capture the endless stream of daily life

Life is full of fleeting, beautiful moments. Encourage clients to photograph these everyday instances, like the soft morning light or the calm of a quiet evening. This reinforces mindfulness in their daily routine.

5. Align photography with inner experience

Suggest that your clients let their photography reflect their inner state of mind. Whether they're feeling peaceful, joyful, or reflective, capturing images that resonate with their emotions can deepen their mindfulness practice.

Benefits of Mindful Photography

Mindful Photography offers several valuable benefits that enhance well-being and personal growth.

It enhances emotional well-being.

Mindful photography encourages individuals to focus on positive and meaningful aspects of their lives. Research in positive psychology has shown that engaging in such activities can sustainably increase happiness by helping people capture and appreciate moments of beauty and meaning, stimulating a deeper sense of joy (Kurtz & Lyubomirsky, 2013).

It improves mindfulness and presence.

Taking pictures mindfully helps people stay in the present moment, reducing distractions and mental clutter. Focusing on the details of their surroundings can help individuals experience a greater sense of calm and focus that extends beyond photography into everyday life.

It strengthens connections and conversations.

Mindful photography can be a powerful tool for sparking meaningful discussions and building connections with others. For example, even in classroom settings, students can use their photos to discuss themes of appreciation and happiness, deepening their understanding and facilitating a supportive community.

Key takeaways

Mindfulness encourages individuals to be more attuned to the beauty and details in their surroundings. Taking photographs is like a spiritual practice that not only helps them slow down, take a deep breath, and appreciate the world but also allows them to capture the soul of nature in a way that resonates with their inner self. Encourage your clients to use their photography skills and prepare their toolkits to explore the world with fresh eyes as they look for their next subject. With Mindful Photography, they can unleash their creativity as they find inspiration in their surroundings.


Gottlieb, J. (2014, June 6). The art of mindful photography. National Geographic.

Kurtz, J. L., & Lyubomirsky, S. (2013). Happiness promotion: Using mindful photography to increase positive emotion and appreciation. In J. J. Froh & A. C. Parks (Eds.), Activities for teaching positive psychology: A guide for instructors(pp. 133–136). American Psychological Association.

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