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What Is EFT Tapping Therapy and Why Is It Helpful?

Explore EFT tapping therapy through this handy guide and learn about the techniques, numerous benefits, and how it harnesses meridian points to release negative emotions. 

By RJ Gumban on Jun 16, 2024.

Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

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EFT Tapping Therapy

What is EFT Tapping Therapy?

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), often referred to as tapping therapy or psychological acupuncture, is an alternative healing approach that combines elements of Eastern medicine and Western psychology. The technique developer, Gary Craig, believed that disruption in one’s energy is the root cause of negative emotion and pain. People who utilize this technique tap the body to treat pain by creating a balance in the energy system. 

Like acupuncture, EFT concentrates on the meridian points, regarded as energy focal points, aiming to realign the body's energy equilibrium. The objective is to alleviate symptoms triggered by negative emotions or experiences.

In line with principles from Chinese medicine, meridian points are considered channels through which the body's energy flows, crucial for maintaining overall well-being. The uninterrupted flow of energy along these pathways is essential for health maintenance, as it is believed any disruption might contribute to illness, disease, or sickness.

While acupuncture involves using needles to exert pressure on these energy points, EFT employs fingertip tapping to achieve a similar effect. Advocates believe tapping aids in accessing the body's energy and communicates with the brain region governing stress responses. Advocates for EFT say that stimulating meridian points through EFT tapping may diminish stress and negative emotions associated with particular issues, thereby reinstating harmony in disrupted energy flow. 

EFT has shown efficacy in treating post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among war veterans and active military personnel. In a 2013 study, researchers compared the impact of EFT tapping on veterans with PTSD compared to those receiving conventional care (Church et al., 2013). The study revealed that within a month, participants who underwent EFT coaching sessions experienced a notable reduction in psychological stress, with more than half of the individuals in the EFT group no longer meeting the criteria for PTSD.

In 2022, a study revealed that EFT effectively boosted self-esteem among nurses, while another study in 2023 showcased its ability to lower anxiety and stress levels among healthcare professionals dealing with COVID-19 (Wati et al., 2022; Blacher, 2023). These studies indicated a significant decline in anxiety scores among those receiving EFT compared to individuals undergoing different forms of care. However, more extensive research is necessary to compare the effectiveness of EFT with various cognitive therapy approaches.

How does EFT Tapping Therapy work?

Meridian points

EFT is based on the belief that tapping on certain meridian points (used in traditional Chinese medicine for energy flow) can help release or balance disruptions in the body's energy system. These points include the top of the head, eyebrow, side of the eye, under the eye, under the nose, chin, collarbone, and under the arm. 

Psychological components

During EFT, individuals focus on a specific problem, emotion, or issue they want to address, whether it's anxiety, stress, trauma, phobias, pain, or negative emotions. While tapping on these points, they simultaneously verbalize or mentally acknowledge the issue they're addressing.

Tapping sequence

The individual taps on these meridian points while repeating specific phrases related to the problem they're addressing. The tapping sequence is generally done a few times on each point while expressing feelings, acknowledging the issue, or affirming self-acceptance and positive change.

Calming response

Advocates of EFT suggest that the combination of physical touch (tapping) with psychological acknowledgment of the issue can help alleviate stress, anxiety, and negative emotions. The process aims to calm the body's stress response, reframe thought patterns, and promote emotional release or relief.

Some evidence supports that tapping on established acupoints triggers deactivating signals to be sent to the amygdala. When EFT is practiced consistently, these deactivating signals may outweigh the activating signals of the stressor when exposed to the distressing thought. Work has shown that calming effects can occur almost instantaneously, making EFT a fantastic self-management tool to invoke calming responses (Feinstein, 2019). 

Self-help technique

EFT tapping is often taught as a self-help technique that individuals can use independently to manage their emotional states. However, some people also seek guidance from trained practitioners for more complex issues or to learn the technique thoroughly.

While some studies suggest potential benefits in reducing stress and anxiety, improving mood, and addressing certain psychological issues, the scientific evidence supporting EFT tapping therapy's effectiveness is still evolving. It's considered a complementary or alternative therapy and is not a replacement for professional mental health treatment. As with any alternative therapy, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before starting EFT or any new treatment approach.

What are the steps of EFT Tapping Therapy?

Recognize the problem

To ensure the effectiveness of this method, the initial step is recognizing and pinpointing the specific issue or fear you're dealing with. This becomes your focal point during the tapping process. The strategy emphasizes addressing one problem at a time to optimize your results.

Gauge the initial impact

Once you've identified the problem area, it's crucial to establish a baseline intensity level. This scale measures from 0 to 10, with 10 representing the highest level of emotional or physical distress related to your focal issue. Creating this benchmark enables you to track progress after a complete EFT sequence. 

Setting up

Before commencing tapping, devise a phrase that encapsulates the issue you're addressing. This phrase should achieve two primary objectives: 

Acknowledging the problem and accepting yourself despite it.

A common setup phrase is: “Even though I have this [fear or problem], I deeply and completely accept myself.”

Customize this phrase to suit your issue, ensuring it revolves around your feelings about the problem rather than someone else's. For instance, instead of addressing someone else's illness, focus on how it affects you emotionally. For example, it states that “even though my partner is unwell and we are uncertain of financial stability, I deeply and completely accept myself”. 

EFT Tapping Therapy sequence

The method involves systematic tapping on nine meridian points. While there are 12 major meridians, EFT concentrates on the following:

  • Side of hand (karate chop, KC), relating to the small intestine meridian
  • Top of head (TH), the governing vessel
  • Eyebrow (EB), relating to the bladder meridian
  • Side of the eye (SE), relating to the gallbladder meridian 
  • Under the eye (UE), relating to the stomach meridian
  • Under the nose (UN), the governing vessel
  • Chin (Ch), relating to the central vessel 
  • Beginning of the collarbone (CB), relating to the kidney meridian
  • Under the arm (UA), relating to the spleen meridian

Initiate by tapping the side of the hand point while repeating your setup phrase three times. Proceed to tap each subsequent point seven times, moving sequentially down the body. As you tap, maintain focus by reciting a reminder phrase related to your issue.

Assess final impact

Upon completing the sequence, reevaluate your intensity level on the 0 to 10 scale. Compare this with your initial intensity. If the level has yet to reach 0, repeat the process until you achieve the desired decrease in intensity.

When is it best to practice EFT Tapping Therapy?

EFT tapping therapy can be beneficial in various situations and utilized by an alternative practitioner or on yourself. Below are some scenarios in which EFT can be best practiced and carried out through:

Emotional distress

EFT is effective for managing stress, anxiety, fears, and emotional trauma. Whether it’s a specific event causing distress or ongoing emotional issues, tapping can help alleviate these feelings and restore balance.

Physical pain

Some people find relief from physical discomfort or pain by using EFT tapping. While it may not directly address the physical cause, it can help manage the associated emotional distress and sometimes provide a sense of relief.

Limiting beliefs

Tapping can be used to address limiting beliefs or negative thought patterns. It helps in reprogramming these beliefs into more positive and empowering ones. 

Performance enhancement

Athletes, performers, or individuals seeking to improve their performance often use tapping to manage pre-performance anxiety or stress.

Phobias or trauma

EFT has been used to treat specific phobias or traumatic experiences. However, for severe trauma, it’s advisable to work with a trained therapist.

Daily stress relief

Tapping as part of a daily routine can help manage stress, promote relaxation, and maintain emotional balance.

It is important to note that while tapping can be a helpful self-help tool for deep-seated issues or severe trauma, it's essential to seek guidance from a trained therapist or healthcare professional.

How can Carepatron help with EFT Tapping Therapy-related work?

Carepatron is your ideal choice for practice management software designed specifically for therapists, counselors, and other mental health practitioners specializing in EFT techniques.

Through Carepatron's centralized workspace, you can streamline your entire practice in one comprehensive software solution, eliminating the need for costly and confusing multiple platforms just to carry out a few simple steps. Our EFT tapping therapy software is tailored to meet the unique needs of alternative therapists, offering features such as medical document creation and storage, a medical billing system, secure patient online payments software, patient scheduling software, and even a telehealth platform, all in one place!

Carepatron simplifies your practice and lets you provide care services like never before. Our commitment to radicalized accessibility means that our EFT Tapping app is safe, secure, and easy to use whether you're a long-standing medical professional or just starting out!

Deliver EFT tapping therapy through Carepatron and enhance your practice with a dedicated therapy EHR and scheduling software. Get started with Carepatron today and experience the benefits of efficient EFT tapping therapy practice management software. Sign up for a free account now to unlock your full potential!

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Blacher, S. (2023). Emotional freedom technique (EFT): Tap to relieve stress and burnout. Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice, 100599.

Church, D., Hawk, C., Brooks, A. J., Toukolehto, O., Wren, M., Dinter, I., & Stein, P. (2013). Psychological Trauma Symptom Improvement in Veterans Using Emotional Freedom Techniques. Journal of Nervous & Mental Disease, 201(2), 153–160.

Feinstein, D. (2019). Energy psychology: Efficacy, speed, mechanisms. EXPLORE: The Journal of Science and Healing, 15(5), 340–351.

Wati, N. L., Sansuwito, T. B., Rai, R. P., Darmawati, I., Anggareni, R., Amir, M. D., & Nasiatin, T. (2022). The Effect of EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) to Self Esteem among Nurses. Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences, 18(Supp2), 239–242.

Commonly asked questions

What are the risks of EFT Tapping Therapy?

There are no known side effects or risks of acupressure or EFT tapping. It is a safe tool to utilize in clinical settings and by yourself. Individuals with obsessive-compulsive disorder are at risk of the tapping sequence becoming a compulsive behavior.

Is EFT Tapping Therapy suitable for kids?

This tool can be used on and by children safely as a way of regulating stress and anxiety. Tapping therapy can be taught as a self-management tool for emotional regulation and positive self-talk. Encouraging children to seek advice and help should the emotions become too distressing or unmanageable is important. 

What are the limitations of EFT Tapping Therapy?

EFT has limitations in terms of processing emotions and trauma. It is a great option for complementary therapy but should not be used as a primary treatment for mental disorders or stress. Evidence surrounding EFT tapping as a viable therapy is little but promising.

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