What does patient coding mean, and how can our platform help?

By Jamie Frew on Jun 16, 2024.

Fact Checked by RJ Gumban.

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What does patient coding mean?

Patient coding refers to transforming healthcare procedures, diagnoses, services, and equipment into universal codes. Medical coders review and apply these codes depending on the services offered during a session or appointment. Patient data is used in medical coding, sourced from lab results, electronic records, pathology assessments, and transcriptions. 

Generally, a practitioner will record the services completed during a session and how the patient responded to these, and a professional coder will consequently transform them into the relevant codes. Smart and efficient medical coding improves the experience of patients and assists in the process of billing and working through insurance claims. 

There are three main code sets: CPT (Current Procedure Terminology), ICD (International Classification of Diseases), and HCPCS (Health Care Procedural Coding System). The scope of these sets is massive, with over 70,000 codes in the ICD alone. With the recent surge of health services being moved to online platforms, the demand for medical coders has increased significantly. According to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, medical coding is expected to rise by 15% by 2024. 

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What is the purpose of coding in healthcare?

Healthcare coding aims to transform patient data into alphanumeric codes to ensure a seamless and efficient billing process. Several codes will be generated after a session with a client, depending on the treatments or services provided. For example, the code for a diagnosis of a urinary tract infection is N39.0, whereas the code for a flu shot is 90658. The patient data used to create codes comes from electronic records, assessments, lab results, and medical notes that the practitioner has taken during the appointment or session. 

Outpatient coding is an integral aspect of seeing, diagnosing, and treating patients. These codes contain information regarding the patient's diagnosis, the medical necessity of services and treatments received, and any unusual conditions or circumstances that were impacted by or impacted the session. Using codes allows healthcare providers and insurance practices to communicate effectively without requiring specific knowledge of every healthcare field. Ultimately, the codes have two primary purposes; they are necessary for healthcare providers to receive payment and ensure patients' future quality of care. 

HIPAA guidelines mandate coding in healthcare to ensure standardization and consistency of communication. The healthcare field covers a tremendous amount of patient data, and in the United States, there are six HIPAA-mandated medical codes that each cover different areas. 

Adopting Carepatron's medical coding software

Accompanying the recent move of healthcare services to online platforms has been the development of software with various features targeted at improving the online experience of both patients and practitioners. Carepatron is an online platform designed to assist healthcare practices in delivering their services as effectively as possible. They offer medical coding features that help streamline the process of creating accurate patient codes. Some of the specific elements of Carepatron's medical coding software includes:

  1. An automatic payment feed and online payment methods
  2. A billing dashboard that streamlines online payments 
  3. Payment and invoice reminders that allow finances to be managed proactively
  4. An easy-to-use client portal that allows clients, family members, and third-party billing contacts to manage their finances directly

Features and benefits of Carepatron's medical coding software

Carepatron offers affordable and effective software for healthcare businesses. Utilizing online medical coding software guarantees significant benefits for both your practice and your clients. 

  1. Time-Efficiency: Online payments reduce the amount of time your business likely spends organizing payments and chasing down unpaid invoices. Introducing online payments will also eliminate the administration time that is spent guiding clients through the payment process.
  2. Increase Client Control: Using a client portal allows clients to view the payments they owe or have previously paid. The portal is easy to navigate and provides clients with more flexibility around when and how they choose to make their payments. Carepatron also offers payment reminders, reducing the number of overdue invoices and improving financial management without administrative staff.
  3. Accessibility: Carepatron's medical coding software is accessible anywhere, anytime. Clients and providers can use the platform from work, at home, or on their phones, allowing increased accessibility in managing their finances.
  4. Customizable: Carepatron allows you to customize the features and services you offer so that the medical coding process suits your professional needs. 
  5. Transferring Data: Moving your medical coding to an online platform requires sharing patient data and health records. All of Carepatron's features are HIPAA-compliant, guaranteeing the privacy of stored data and client confidentiality.
  6. Automated Invoices: Carepatron allows you to automate your invoices, meaning you can schedule specific invoices to be delivered to a particular date and time. Automated invoices are easy to set up and customize, increase time efficiency, and guarantee the accuracy of payments.

Moving your services to an online platform can seem daunting. Still, the features of Carepatron will assist this process and ensure you are delivering the highest quality of care to patients. The software allows your practice to streamline the payment process by removing administration, increasing accessibility, and generating payment reminders. 

medical coding software

Final thoughts

Online medical coding works to benefit both practitioners and patients. Whether you are a solo practitioner or work within a practice, utilizing healthcare software will improve the quality of care delivered to clients, including patients, parents, and third-party billing clients. 

Carepatron's medical billing software is fully integrated, offering automated invoices that will regulate and guarantee the accuracy of payments. You are also provided the option of automatic payment reminders, encouraging payments, and eliminating the possibility of any awkward phone calls! Online medical billing also gives clients more control and flexibility in overviewing and generating their payments. By maintaining HIPAA standards, Carepatron will ensure that your move to an online medical coding platform remains safe, secure and maintains client privacy. Patient coding is necessary for maintaining patient records and making insurance claims. Carepatron provides a platform for your practice to streamline medical coding and ensure that the payment process is as accurate and efficient as possible.  

One patient coding platform to replace them all: Try Carepatron for free today

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