Places in America With the Worst (And Best) Hospitals | Carepatron

By Ashleigh Knowles on Jun 16, 2024.

Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

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The vast US healthcare system, encompassing over 6,000 hospitals, offers a complex landscape of strengths and weaknesses (American Hospital Association, 2019). While some regions boast exceptional care, others struggle to deliver essential services. This disparity raises critical concerns about ensuring equitable access to high-quality healthcare for all citizens.

This guide explores hospital rankings across the US, leveraging Medicare data (a critical factor in quality assessment) to empower patients and healthcare professionals. By understanding these variations, you can better support patients in navigating their healthcare options and finding the best possible treatment facilities.

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Why hospital quality matters

Access to quality healthcare is a fundamental human right, yet the US healthcare system shows concerning disparities. The Commonwealth Fund consistently ranks the worst hospitals in the US poorly compared to other developed nations across various healthcare metrics, including access, efficiency, and outcomes.

This lack of uniformity becomes particularly evident during crises like the COVID-19 pandemic. The US experienced higher death rates and disease burdens than comparable countries. Standardized mortality rates (HAQ Index) further highlight this disparity, with the US significantly lower than the average.

While high hospital admission rates for treatable conditions (diabetes, asthma, heart failure) suggest a proactive approach, it also underscores the need for efficient and effective treatment. Hospitals and clinics across the country in the US must be equipped to deliver high-quality care, staffed by knowledgeable professionals, and equipped with the necessary resources.

Understanding hospital rankings

Before exploring the data, let's delve into the ranking system. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) (2023) utilizes publicly available Overall Hospital Quality Star Ratings to assess hospital quality in the US. This system employs a standardized methodology that considers five key categories:

  • Mortality (22%)
  • Safety of care (22%)
  • Readmission rate (22%)
  • Patient experience (22%)
  • Timely and effective care (12%)

Cost is not a factor in this specific ranking, unlike some others. This ensures a focus on the medical center's objective quality and patient outcomes, not financial considerations, including cost, which might alter the "best" and "worst" medical center designations.

Top-ranked states for hospital quality

While the landscape of healthcare options can shift year-to-year, understanding the 2023 rankings for Medicare Advantage plans can provide valuable insights for seniors navigating their healthcare choices. This ranking highlights the top 10 states with the highest percentage of Medicare Advantage enrollees whose plans boasted a 4-star rating or better from the CMS in 2023 (US News & World Report, 2024):

  1. Tennessee
  2. Louisiana
  3. Wisconsin
  4. Pennsylvania
  5. Alabama
  6. Michigan
  7. Utah
  8. Rhode Island
  9. Ohio
  10. South Dakota

These states often boast robust hospital networks, including well-regarded private facilities. Access to care tends to be more accessible, with some centers in some states offering comparatively lower healthcare costs.

States with lower-ranked hospitals

While the previous section highlighted states with top-ranked hospitals, it's important to acknowledge areas where quality scores are lower. Analyzing recent Medicare data, several states consistently rank lower regarding average hospital quality scores. Here's a look at the bottom ten:

  1. Indiana
  2. Hawaii
  3. New Jersey
  4. New Hampshire
  5. South Carolina
  6. Wyoming
  7. West Virginia
  8. Connecticut
  9. Washington
  10. Oregon

Understanding the factors

It's crucial to consider factors beyond this basic ranking. Notably, Oregon, despite ranking 10th, still scores above average nationally. Here are some potential contributors to lower average scores in these states:

  • Hospital safety grades: States like Indiana may have fewer hospitals receiving top safety grades (e.g., 'A' grade).
  • Government and non-profit hospital performance: The performance of government-run and non-profit hospitals can also influence a state's average score.
  • Uninsured rates: High percentages of uninsured residents can strain healthcare systems, potentially impacting quality.

Important note: This list reflects each hospital's average scores and individual hospitals within these states may deliver high-quality care. It emphasizes the importance of researching specific hospitals before making decisions about your healthcare.

The road to equitable healthcare

The US healthcare landscape reveals significant disparities in hospital quality across the nation. This impacts patient safety, treatment timeliness, and overall patient experience here. It's concerning, especially given the high rates of illness and hospital admissions in the US.

Ideally, all residents deserve access to the same level of care, regardless of location. While the US spends heavily on healthcare (nearly 20% of the country's GDP), significant inequalities remain (CMS, 2023).

This data serves as a valuable tool. The US can identify areas for targeted investment, development, and reinforcement of core healthcare services by analyzing these rankings. The goal is to ensure all individuals have access to the resources for quality care, regardless of zip code.


American Hospital Association. (2024). Fast Facts on US Hospitals, 2019 | AHA. American Hospital Association.

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. (2023). PQDC.

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. (2023a). NHE Fact Sheet | CMS.

US News & World Report. (2024). States with top-quality Medicare coverage | US news best states.

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